Saturday, May 14, 2016

Here are some updates.

Dinner last night at a friend's house.  Good company and a great meal to boot!

I FINALLY ordered pillows (the expensive kind) for my family room and keeping room.  I buy cheap ones, they crap out in a month and I re-buy.  Trying the "quality" option to see if they last longer.

Lash grower still happening :-)  I may have reached maximum length ... don't know.  Some reports say it takes up to 3 months.  I have a 3 month supply, so keeping on.  They are longer and broken ones have grown in, but don't know if anyone else can actually tell the difference.  Guess it's a beauty secret for my eyes only- lol!

I did a goal setting workshop from TR yesterday.  Personal goals, thing goals and economic goals.  Lots of overlap but I have a fun list.

Of course - top 2 are health/eating and job situation.  Big ones.

But some fun things in there too!  Can't wait to get started once I'm back to "normal."

On today's menu ... clean my closet.  It's not horrible, but needs a refresher.  I'll see if the mood strikes me to do this today.  It's one of those things that I need to be in the right frame of mind to do.  And it actually takes some brain power (which I'm limited on) to decide what stays and what goes.

Have you ever gotten purge happy and then found you "need" it all the very next week?!?  Or think every item has enormous value and can never be thrown out - then all I do it re-fold my closet.

Might sound like I'm procrastinating, but I actually like to clean the closet.  I just have to be of sound mind and body to get the most bang for my efforts.

Hmmm ... what else?  Ordered a new TR program yesterday.  When you sign up for a seminar you can get a program on loan for $15 (shipping).  It's a $300 program ... so why not!  I should be finished redoing the ones I own by the time it comes.

Well, off to get my day going.  Listening to a TR CD, having a "workout," heading to Starbucks (with the dog - he loves a car ride), cleaning the closet???, maybe a movie tonight and a dog walk (poor pup stuck with me doing nothing).  Not a bad day ahead.  Maybe even able to find some long lost zen.  Later gators.

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