Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday Updates

I'm heading to Asheville tomorrow. I thought about going today instead, but the weather is tricky. Super cold, windy and some snow. Why push things. I'll leave early tomorrow and that'll be fine. This trip will lean more toward the work side than the leisure side now because of the weather. My toes won't allow mountain walks or such so it's limiting for the visit. I'll have plans for a few fun things though.

My retirement celebration will happen in GA, I guess. STILL thinking about it and coming up short. I want to mark the day in a special way. That doesn't mean expensive or pampering (necessarily) -- just meaningful to me. I think the biggest hurdle is the weather. Most of my ideas are outside and the weather isn't cooperating. I still have another 10 days so fingers crossed. 

Of course, I could decide to hold off and celebrate when I can do outside easily and enjoyably -- maybe that's the best answer. Make a PLAN on retirement day ... for an upcoming date. That might work.

I'm dabbling in rocks again. I missed it. Cow, zebra and giraffe coming up. I also have some rocks prepped for Happy Rocks for the LFL. 


I think I'll get my monthly today. All signs point to it, but these days you never know. It'll be a chill day (on a bitter cold day). Reading, painting -- low key but lots of me time. I need to use it wisely. Wasn't I just complaining I had no time for the things I enjoy? Then I get time and I waste it. It's interesting and confusing being me -- geez.

Here's what I'm reading.

I had a volunteer meeting yesterday. I had to skip the lunch (nothing I could eat), but I got some good networking and that's why I attended. No jeans allowed in court and it was cold for a dress. I found a pair of black slacks in my closet. The dry cleaning tag was from 11 years ago. They fit --  just barely. I think they were loose at one point. Still, I'll take it. I also wore a wool coat that has to be 15 years old now. Vintage shopping in my own closet. 

And something potentially interesting. If I get this volunteer assignment, I'll be working with a new supervisor (the one now is heading on maternity leave). I was disappointed at first, BUT I read her bio and she has a minor in Spanish. Hmmmm. Could she be my Spanish partner or lead me to a Spanish partner? Someone to practice basic conversation? My 24 for 2024 list might be cranking up quickly this year.

Hope you're staying warm. Later gators.

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