Saturday, January 6, 2024

Flat Tire

Plans went sideways with a flat tire in my garage. Hubby canceled golf plans and took care of the repair (nail) at Costco while I stayed home and worked on shower stuff -- thankful for him. I got the afternoon to run a few errands, but stayed clear of the grocery stores.

I switched things up like a champ and now this morning is the early Costco and first of many grocery store runs. I need to get cooking what I can and purchasing as much as I can so the final shopping is as easy as possible.

I was feeling okay with everything yesterday, but woke in the middle of the night with panics again. Tough night's sleep. There is SO MUCH to do! Even though I've been working diligently. I hope to have some big things off the list by Monday and that should help again. Fingers crossed. 

The panic isn't that it won't get finished, it's that I'll be a hot mess with back, etc for the shower. I want most of the work and the crazy over by Saturday and that feels a little impossible.

I was also a bit upset because I had to decline plans with my extended family who are passing through the area this weekend. They invited us out to eat and that's a no-go for me right now. I'll see them on their way back in March, but I was disappointed. That feeling that I'm the only one NOT having fun is back. No one else is isolating for this shower. I'm on the second week of no socializing or going out -- even hiking with my hiking group felt like a risk. Good thing I'm invited to my daily pity party lol.

That's all from party central today. Prepare your hearts for a lot of the same-same this week. 

Later gators and bots.

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