Tuesday, January 9, 2024

New Dress and I'm Retiring

This is the dress I bought for the baby shower. It's comfortable, "pretty and feminine" but with sleeves so it works for the winter months.

BUT ...

Does it look like I'm wearing a tablecloth or a Granny sofa (which would be oddly appropriate) or that it's vaguely like a maternity dress or that I belong on the prairie?

Too late. It's what I'm wearing, but I am wondering ...

I like the back a lot.

Long boots work better


The checklist is going well. Today is an all-day storm so it's a good day for things at home. Thunder and lightening all night and continuing most of the day. Woke me up and then so many little panics about things I forgot. Sorting a lot of that out today.

I got this book from the library. I didn't remember what it was about, but the title seemed like an upbeat read. Nope, it's a suspense mystery and I'm totally here for it. Perfect gloomy day to fit in some reading.

Something I'm pondering ... I already mentioned I want to focus on myself for the rest of January before "life" winds back up in February. My RN license expires January 31 and I'm not renewing it this time. That seals the deal that I'm permanently retired. 

In fact, I'm considering this my retirement date (even though I haven't worked in years). I decided to mark this time for myself. Something special for me as an appreciation of all the years. Going back to school with 2 small children and a husband who traveled every week. Graduating with a 4.0 and top spot in the nursing program. Working most weekends for years to offset babysitter needs. Holidays spent at the hospital. Holidays rushed at home so I could go into work. Being on-call -- once for 4 months straight. I was the only nurse. Wake up call at 3:25am to work 16 hours until I was mandated off. 

And all the things at work. Too much to mention, but nurses WORK. It's physical, intellectual, mental, emotional. It's not a corporate job. No time at water coolers. No team lunches. Usually no time for meals or breaks or bathroom. 

I put in my time. I put in major effort and I was a good nurse. I want to celebrate that because it deserves celebrating. 

I'm actually really excited about this moment. Marking the end of an era. Not sure how or what or with whom (probably just me), but it's fun to think about and brainstorm. 

Later gators.

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