Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Rainy Week

The weather isn't cooperating for anything outdoors. First a couple very cold weeks (not okay for my chilblains), now steady rain and storms (temps are fine), and rain moves out to welcome another cold front.

Looks like my first hike of 2024 is a no-go for tomorrow morning. We need both -- freezing temps (helps with summer bugs) and rain (we were in a deficit), but I'm bummed. I miss walking and being outside. Maybe I'll chance the colder temps next week and do something in the afternoon. 72 hours later, I'll regret it when the chilblains sores start though. 

It's rare to have this many weeks be indoor for winter in Atlanta. 

I have an indoor seed planting class tonight. Can't say I'm looking forward to going out in this gloom, at night, to a muddy farm with people inside in a small grow room. Flu and crud is everywhere still. But, it's a future self thing. I want to learn more about gardening and this is a good class. It's a 2 parter -- next class is in February. It comes with supplies so it was pricey compared to the other classes.

I have 3 indoor social things this week and I'm a little nervous. I can wear my mask tonight if someone seems ill. The other two are lunch. Hike gets canceled, one friend is sick, one friend is out of town and I suddenly "worry" doom is the theme for the week. Dang, this anxiety is really annoying. 

I'll leave you with some final pictures of the LFL (that hasn't had one visitor yet - geez). I'm working on typed quotes to add to the jar. There's another LFL in town that has a bowl of quotes and I like it. I'm not rushing, just typing quotes into a document as I find them.

She's so cute!

Thinking of a BOGO sale
for her opening lol :)

I'm trying to remember and rally the vibes from yesterday. Happy, relaxed, ready to start 2024. Coming home was a little kick in the pants. Can you tell? This chat is a bit moody -- sorry.

Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

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