Monday, January 29, 2024

I'm Throwing a Pity Party

You know I enjoy Mondays since I retired -- fresh week energy. This Monday isn't doing it for me though. Starting the week on a mood low.

The weather that was suppose to warm up (with some sunshine) isn't cooperating. It's staying below 40 for most mornings -- with wind and clouds. It's too cold for my toes. It activates the chilblains for weeks. Not sure if it's worth trying to get out in these temps. I'm disappointed. I need a mood lifter with some outside sunshine. 

Weather is preventing the garden sealing -- temps aren't warm enough overnight to set the sealer. I planned to have sealing finished this week. It has to wait. 

Thinking "everyone is having fun but me" this week too. My plans heading in the garbage for most of the week while "everyone" else has a fun week on the calendar. 

I feel stuck in February because of dog sitting on-call for the baby coming. It doesn't feel fair. (Usual theme for my pity party.) This is preventing me from shifting plans into February. 

I guess the answer is accepting what is. I can't change the circumstances. Fighting against it is making me miserable for no reason. Maybe March will be better? But I'm not taking that answer well. I don't want to wait. See? Mood.

I also have family drama continuing. I don't want to post about it publicly -- probably no one who knows me reads this, but you never know about somedays. This is flavoring everything and could be a big part of why I feel so down. 

On a better note, brunch was really nice. 2 hours of nice conversation and good food.

Today holds a few quick errands and should be vacation detail planning and garden planning too because I have a lot of time this afternoon. Planning good stuff is usually fun, but I'm not sure if I'm in the right frame of mind. But, maybe that helps put me in the right frame of mind. Focusing on this rather than that. Probably, but the pity party doesn't feel over yet -- it's quite a banger lol.

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Ear worm this morning lol. I usually love rainy day AND Mondays. Who am I this week? Geez. Expect a happier chat tomorrow -- it's my goal for Tuesday.

Later gators and bots.

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