Monday, January 8, 2024

Let THE Week Begin

Yesterday was a mixed bag. 

I had a nice zoom with HS friends and then a continued phone call with my best friend after the zoom. I picked up the GF bread and rolls from the specialty bakery. I was able to make the salmon cakes and they taste good (phew). The rest of the batch (uncooked) hit the freezer.

I fiddled with more decor choices and worked on some lists.

Finished this book -- it was much better than I expected. What an amazing woman. I figured it was good inspiration for the El Camino de Santiago in 2025.

The mixed bag comes right before bed. Family drama -- or potential family drama and it left me sad and worried. I probably have the cart before the horse and everything will work itself out, but I'm sort of in a tender place right now. It's still weighing on me this morning, but I am swirling in feelings so who can say what this is really about. I hate to be a broken record, but I know my hormones are going nuts and that is giving me a bigger-than-necessary reaction. Good news is I'm doing well feeling my feelings (not buffering). Fingers crossed that continues because I need to be at the top of my game this week (physically and emotionally).

Today is another finalize stuff day and make crostinis -- didn't get to that yesterday. The days are building as the week goes. Today is an easier one so I'm looking for ways to get ahead. Not sure there's much I can do though. Most of the food IS make-ahead, but only a day or two -- even the grocery shopping needs to wait. Salad fixings and flowers won't keep all week. 

Hope you are set for a good week. After so much anticipation and lead up to this week, it's finally here. Fingers still crossed. Later gators.

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