Thursday, January 18, 2024

Bird Houses

The birdhouse class was fun. The farm grows and dries the gourds and leaves the insides for the birds who use it to build their nests. I picked this one because I love the stains from the outer mold-like substance that forms while it's drying. 

Probably should have used different
colors for the gnome to go with natural look.

We used these pens -- simple to do (since the farm did all the hard work), but hard to draw details.

I hope we get a bird family. Maybe Asheville is best because I have more trees to hang it.

We grabbed a quick lunch at a new-to-me coffee shop -- nice little catchup with my girlfriend after all.

Infant CPR class. This kind of thing seems to always be in the evening -- my foggiest time. I've been a morning person since I can remember. Where are the midday classes? I have 2 garden classes coming up in the evening too. I'm old before my time.

It was a good class and good reminders.

We got a wedding save-the-date for another wedding in October -- luckily different weekends. I'm so excited, but this probably means I'm not going to Belgium as a tag along for hubby's board meeting. We'll need to figure another trip. I don't want to miss this wedding. It's my son's close friend and a family that we have a long history. It's such an honor to get invited. One Boston wedding, one NY wedding. So fun and I can wear the same dress because there's no guest overlap.

I was suppose to have a court hearing for the volunteer assignment but it got postponed. I wonder if this will mess up my trip to Asheville? I had already rescheduled my dentist appointment so today is an unexpected free day. It worked out though because I woke to a mouth full of cold sores on my gum line -- not ideal for a dentist visit. And my recovery is the lowest it's EVER been -- maybe I'm cooking a little cold?? Or my monthly is coming? Or I'm rundown. No matter -- I need to have a restful, healthy day. 

If I didn't have a volunteer meeting tomorrow, I'd go to Asheville today. (Of course, if I end up sick, I won't go to the meeting.) It was extremely frustrating that one of the pregnant women at the class was obviously sick. Sneezing, coughing. People piss me off. There were a lot of pregnant women that she exposed to something. Not cool. Hope that doesn't come for me either. 

Later gators.

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