Sunday, January 7, 2024

Guess What? More Shower Stuff

One more week. 

I'm trying to do every single thing possible ahead of Thursday (when shit hits the fan). I trialed runners for the buffet. I needed to iron whatever one I chose and I had the iron out to press the baby clothes decor. The full blue one was the winner. Showed off the plates (food) better even though it isn't as long or wide. The other one seemed a little washed out against the white. It took a bit of time to try both and iron the runner. I'm very glad to have it off my list for this week -- every bit counts.


I have a bunch of cooking on the schedule today, but now I'm not sure I can get it finished (I need a stretch of time). I forgot I have a HS zoom call (lasts at least an hour), followed by a bakery pickup for GF rolls. This kills my day until 2 o'clock. I might swap some Monday things with today -- I'll have to wait and see.

I took Benadryl before bed so I could sleep a little better. It doesn't give me the best quality sleep, but I needed something since my mind is going bonkers. It worked to keep me asleep all night, but back to natural sleep tonight so I get more REM and deep sleep.

Game (activity) is almost finalized. Should be able to do that today. 

I am absolutely rewarding myself after this shower. Not sure what yet, but it's going to be the ALL ME channel until the end of January. Hikes, walks, mani-pedi, maybe a massage in Asheville, craft projects, reading, catching up with friends, etc. Sounds like a dream from where I sit this morning. February brings the baby (with dog sitting for us) and the trip to Puerto Rico. But first a stay-cation (with a little Asheville trip too) -- taking it as my payment for a big job well done.

Later gators.

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