Seems I'm rallying. As usual, at a certain point I need to ACTION my way out of this mood. I'm noticing a pattern. After isolating for whatever reason (usually germs lol), I get prickly. I forget that I need human interaction and it doesn't need to be something with a friend. Getting out, having a real-person conversation pulls me up. It's been a minute since I isolated for Christmas and the shower so maybe it's not related, but I held isolation for a long time.
The cure?? Get out of the house. Get some things on my schedule.
And, as a side note, sometimes it's best to have interaction with people who are NOT friends when I feel like this. Friends come with agendas, their own issues and expectations (from me). I hate to say they often disappoint, but they do when I'm looking for support. I'm not saying that's their fault -- my expectations play a huge role. That said, I had a really nice phone conversation with a good friend (lives up north) who was very supportive and then we talked about a lot of fun things too. But causal conversations about nothing heavy lift me up a lot.
I took another long walk with Duke. I scheduled one hike for Friday and maybe one for Sunday (looks like storms again though). We aren't going to Asheville because of the court hearing and a rescheduled dentist appointment. It's probably for the best anyway. Feels good to put me and my things on the calendar.
I had coaching yesterday and I wasn't expecting much. The coach was late to the zoom, disheveled and didn't have my name or anything. Geez. But she was really good once we started. She helped me to uncover why I couldn't let something go. Too long and too much about someone else so I'm being vague. Basically, a kind of fear under the resentment and that fear was there to help me.
Anyway ... today is a volunteer meeting all morning. More in-person conversations. Check!
Took my dogs out in the back yard and there were so many little birds. These blue ones and tons of yellow birds. I wasn't able to get a picture since the dogs ran into the yard. Guess spring is on the way.
I need to get going. Early morning and lots to get ready before I leave. Later gators.