Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Spring Birds

Seems I'm rallying. As usual, at a certain point I need to ACTION my way out of this mood. I'm noticing a pattern. After isolating for whatever reason (usually germs lol), I get prickly. I forget that I need human interaction and it doesn't need to be something with a friend. Getting out, having a real-person conversation pulls me up. It's been a minute since I isolated for Christmas and the shower so maybe it's not related, but I held isolation for a long time.

The cure?? Get out of the house. Get some things on my schedule. 

And, as a side note, sometimes it's best to have interaction with people who are NOT friends when I feel like this. Friends come with agendas, their own issues and expectations (from me). I hate to say they often disappoint, but they do when I'm looking for support. I'm not saying that's their fault -- my expectations play a huge role. That said, I had a really nice phone conversation with a good friend (lives up north) who was very supportive and then we talked about a lot of fun things too. But causal conversations about nothing heavy lift me up a lot. 

I took another long walk with Duke. I scheduled one hike for Friday and maybe one for Sunday (looks like storms again though). We aren't going to Asheville because of the court hearing and a rescheduled dentist appointment. It's probably for the best anyway. Feels good to put me and my things on the calendar.

I had coaching yesterday and I wasn't expecting much. The coach was late to the zoom, disheveled and didn't have my name or anything. Geez. But she was really good once we started. She helped me to uncover why I couldn't let something go. Too long and too much about someone else so I'm being vague. Basically, a kind of fear under the resentment and that fear was there to help me.

Anyway ... today is a volunteer meeting all morning. More in-person conversations. Check!

Took my dogs out in the back yard and there were so many little birds. These blue ones and tons of yellow birds. I wasn't able to get a picture since the dogs ran into the yard. Guess spring is on the way.

I need to get going. Early morning and lots to get ready before I leave. Later gators.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Happy Retirement to ME

How's the mood, you ask??

Slowly moving forward. I actioned my way through yesterday. I took a later neighborhood walk in the sunshine with Duke -- morning clouds and wind moved away for a bit of better weather. Seems like the week is less-than mornings, but better afternoons. 

Then I did a long list of piddly errands that were lingering. Huge dry-cleaning load, bags of Goodwill, car wash, dog medicine pickup, plus a few more. Felt good to have it all finished. 

Came home and read this library book. It was suspenseful and spooky. Fun read with some interesting twists. It worked though. I have another library hold waiting for pickup today.

Today is my retirement day. Very lack luster even though I wanted a special day. It's not in the cards, I guess, but I knew it. I'm getting the print framed and I plan a solo spring wildflower walk at Pigeon Mountain -- best in GA (so everyone says). That's a March/April thing. I'm going to defer my celebration until spring and find the "special" then. Special in a way my retired self celebrates -- nature, reflection and maybe some other fun too. 

As I mentioned, temps stay low most of the morning. It won't warm enough for my toes until noon. I think that's too late for a trail run with Duke. If I activate the chilblains again, no pedicure for Puerto Rico. I'm still healing from the last flair and it's almost there. Chilblains is a strange thing -- you don't know for 72 hours if you'll have a flair. I can feel that my toes get achy, but I don't know the extent until days later. Once I've had a reaction in the winter, it's much more sensitive the rest of the season. No issues the other 3/4 of the year (thankfully).

Peloton ride for the win today -- unless I decide to wait for an afternoon run. I can take Duke for another later walk in the neighborhood for some sunshine again as a compromise. I need to decide soon.

I have a coaching call this evening. I've beat a dead horse about some "people" issues and the coaching is the same. Feel the feelings. Okay, but I need more too. It's starting to feel like lazy coaching. The feelings come, I feel them and I'm not getting any resolve. I want to move into the thought and action line and see where that gets me. Or I can get coaching on some future self stuff -- maybe that's a good idea. Stop giving time and energy to the people drama.

The volunteer assignment is coming up. New court date next week -- same time as my dentist AGAIN. Geez. I have to reschedule. Tomorrow is a volunteer meeting to discuss resources and network. 

That's that. Happy retirement to me. Later gators.

Monday, January 29, 2024

I'm Throwing a Pity Party

You know I enjoy Mondays since I retired -- fresh week energy. This Monday isn't doing it for me though. Starting the week on a mood low.

The weather that was suppose to warm up (with some sunshine) isn't cooperating. It's staying below 40 for most mornings -- with wind and clouds. It's too cold for my toes. It activates the chilblains for weeks. Not sure if it's worth trying to get out in these temps. I'm disappointed. I need a mood lifter with some outside sunshine. 

Weather is preventing the garden sealing -- temps aren't warm enough overnight to set the sealer. I planned to have sealing finished this week. It has to wait. 

Thinking "everyone is having fun but me" this week too. My plans heading in the garbage for most of the week while "everyone" else has a fun week on the calendar. 

I feel stuck in February because of dog sitting on-call for the baby coming. It doesn't feel fair. (Usual theme for my pity party.) This is preventing me from shifting plans into February. 

I guess the answer is accepting what is. I can't change the circumstances. Fighting against it is making me miserable for no reason. Maybe March will be better? But I'm not taking that answer well. I don't want to wait. See? Mood.

I also have family drama continuing. I don't want to post about it publicly -- probably no one who knows me reads this, but you never know about somedays. This is flavoring everything and could be a big part of why I feel so down. 

On a better note, brunch was really nice. 2 hours of nice conversation and good food.

Today holds a few quick errands and should be vacation detail planning and garden planning too because I have a lot of time this afternoon. Planning good stuff is usually fun, but I'm not sure if I'm in the right frame of mind. But, maybe that helps put me in the right frame of mind. Focusing on this rather than that. Probably, but the pity party doesn't feel over yet -- it's quite a banger lol.

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Ear worm this morning lol. I usually love rainy day AND Mondays. Who am I this week? Geez. Expect a happier chat tomorrow -- it's my goal for Tuesday.

Later gators and bots.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


I made some progress on the raised garden bed. I'm glad for the time table to get plants in the ground or this had potential to be the "LFL of 2024" lol. 

Sealing. It's way easier than I expected. Downside -- the odor. I read reviews about the smell being strong, but it was fine when I was sealing and the space is large so I wasn't worried. I had to keep opening windows and doors to air out the basement -- it was horrible after it sat for a bit. I was worried about it being flammable since the furnace is downstairs. I finally took the pieces out to the porch overnight. Each piece needs two coats (24 hours to dry in-between). I need to do this outside -- hopefully, next couple of weeks, weather permitting.

Duke was fascinated by the open windows. No screens so I couldn't leave them open and unattended. Too many birds, critters, etc. All I need was a fox in my basement. They have a den behind our fence. 

Here are a few I first coated.

I also got the schematic for the garden bed so I can start planning out the garden. Both are good steps that were stressing me and holding progress up -- for no reason, as it turns out (duh).

I had to hold a boundary yesterday -- twice for the same thing. I decide what "available" means for me. Two separate friends changed plans and asked me to adjust to times when I had made plans for myself. Their change was so they could do things they wanted (not an emergency or otherwise). I said no. What I want to do has a window (outside stuff, so weather, etc.) and I held the commitment to myself. BTW, just as much as I hold the commitment to them. One was able to reschedule and the other plans got canceled. Why does this feel so hard? Why do I still get so undone about it? Why do so many people do this? We had the plans first, say no to the other plans. Seems easy to me. It's frustrating. And also, both plans were suggested and made by my friends -- they picked the day and time. I worked my schedule for the week around those plans. Also, both changes were a bit sneaky. Vague at first -- didn't want to let me know why plans changed because then it was obvious that it wasn't a "need to change plans" it was a "want to change plans."

I have brunch plans with a friend and her wife today. Scheduling this has been crazy and rescheduled twice. I keep checking my phone waiting for the cancelation. I really have trouble trusting most people when they make a commitment. I don't think they are like this though (both reschedules made sense and were well in advance). This will be the last time I schedule though -- it's today or it's not. I need to clean up my attitude -- separate out the situations. 

Anyway ...

I replanted a few plants yesterday and tried to clean up some indoor little ones too. I put a pot in this old bucket I got last year. It looks cute in my office. The plants were propagating in water and I moved them to soil. Fingers crossed for all the replants. It's hit and miss sometimes if the move stresses them.

Off to clean up my mood with a workout and meditation. Have a good Sunday. Later gators.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Hello, Saturday

Hubby and youngest are off to Canada for a ski trip. Me and the pups home. Garden prep on the agenda -- and just a long day at home. Hubby was up at 4 o'clock so I got up too. That's a lot of day ahead without much planned. Not that I'm complaining. It's another all day rain though. Next week's weather looks better for outside stuff. I'm looking forward to it.

I tried the new (to me) restaurant yesterday. It was good. Peruvian foods all GF and DF. Lots of vegan options too. I had a nice time with my friend. I got a vegan pizza, warm chai (homemade) and a chicha. I also tried a pumpkin and coconut bread -- it wasn't sweet. The drinks were good, but both were a little too sweet. Everything is made from scratch and the owner was really nice. It's 45 minutes away so not a regular stop for me, but I'll definitely keep it in mind when I'm headed that way.

Chicha -- traditional
Peruvian drink with purple corn

My friend has a big book collection she's getting rid off. This is her favorite author so she gave me a bunch of the paperbacks to read and add to LFL. She has first edition hardbacks as collectables which she's keeping or selling. I've never read (or heard of) this author. Stay tuned -- I'll give one a read soon.

Library read. Author of Rizzoli and Isles. This is an earlier book, I think, because jacket doesn't mention this in her list of other accomplishments. It's good. I like her writing and the stories are always very researched and feel medically detailed. Learned author is an MD too and you can tell.

I'm upping my sock game. Most of my socks have holes and apparently sock fashion shifted. It's all about showing your socks again and pairing patterns with your outfit. Look at me trying to be on trend at the moment of the trend. Buying these wool socks are expensive, but supposedly last a lot longer. My inexpensive socks get holes after a month or so -- we'll see if these have any lasting power. It's fun to look for patterned socks.

That's all from here. Happy Saturday. Later gators and bots.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Life in Full Color?

I have so many balls in the air right now. And every one is something I planned, curated, wanted, worked at, wished for and kept going, kept trying, kept failing to get to this point here.

And now I'm nervous, worried, anxious. Can I keep this up AND have fun? It teeters into a task list if I'm not careful. A little motto I keep repeating is THIS IS FUN. I want this. I don't want to go back to my beige-ish life. 

This is on the push board over my desk. It's been here as an inspiration for how I want to show up for my life.

Remember how I had middle of the night "panic attacks" over the shower? Well, now it's about all-the-things happening AGAIN. Is this just hormones and my mind will find anything to get anxious? I don't know. It's frustrating. 

I want a colorful life, but do I LIKE a colorful life? I think the answer is yes, but it seems to come with unexpected mental drama. I'm in a "working" phase of these goals and it's scary (why, I don't know). It's strange because none of the goals themselves are scary. Put them in a package and I suddenly feel overwhelmed, overworked, etc. This feeling is a byproduct of a full life -- thoughts from coaching. I'm having trouble holding this right now. 

I'm also telling myself a story about some family stuff going on -- it really IS just a story, but I think it has some truth in it. I've got my Granny panties all in a bunch over it. Sometimes feeling feelings is a lot (because I seem to have so many feelings). Add this "work" to my list.

I know peri can make you feel a little crazy. Maybe this is all peri. Geez. 50s are great and are really hard too. 

Anyway. I painted rocks yesterday. One was a total flop and no amount of correction could fix it -- trash can worthy. It was meant to be a cartoon cat lying on the grass (didn't think to take a picture). I really like the giraffe and the zebra is just okay. I added a flower to distract from the mess. My black pens aren't working well and I the brushes are getting wonky too. It was hard to get clear detail on the stripes.


Mod podged a ribbon
heart to see if that holds.

My favorite

I finished this book. It was really good. Sadly, the forward gave away the ending. It would've shocked the crap out of me had I not read that first. It should've been at the end of the book. Well worth a read though. The writing is also excellent. I sound like an old fogey, but it's hard to find writing and story telling like this in newer books.

I started a library book yesterday. I haven't taken a picture yet. Stay tuned because I totally don't remember the name or author.

I visited two Goodwills yesterday. One wasn't nice, one was just okay. Neither are adding to my list. I've read that all are not equal and it helps to find favorites. I'm sort of on a mission to lay eyes on the ones around -- including other thrift stores. 

Lunch with a casual friend today. Trying a restaurant new to me, recommended by my DIL for its big GF menu. 

Hopefully I can pull out of this mood again. Good lord -- rollercoaster everyday day. Hope you're set for a good weekend ahead. Later gators.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Goodwill: My New "Target"

I'm sold on thrifting. Took some things for drop off and decided to run in and see the store. I've donated to this Goodwill for over 10 years and have never stopped in. It didn't think it was as interesting as the Asheville one, but it's huge. 

Two scores. A small lamp and a jar for quotes in the LFL. I needed a jar that was the right size with a wide mouthed opening.

I'll mod-podge decorate it.

$5 including lightbulb

I love vintage and antique shopping but the prices are usually $$$. Thrifting is an entirely different animal and the prices are fantastic while reusing items. Double win. I really wonder if I'll ever buy home goods from Target again.

The seed growing class was awesome. I learned so much -- it's almost a little overwhelming until I remembered I just want to have fun with the garden. A big-ish hiccup for my garden this year is our 13 day early May trip. Not sure how I can handle it, but I'll give it a go. If it tanks, I'll have time to plan for the summer again. I have a HUGE list to get ready before planting in April. Remember -- this is FUN lol.

The class ran long and the drive home was pouring rain and heavy fog. It wasn't fun. I had trouble sleeping having had an active night (with no dinner). But I'm really glad I went. I have a grow room set up and garden plan to make before the class in February. Lots to think about and learn.

Since there's no hike today and we have HVAC contractor here this morning (always HVAC at some house -- it's as bad as the dentist), I'm off to take a look at another Goodwill (or 2). Then home to work on garden plans and rock painting. It's another all-rain day. 

Stay dry. Later gators.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Rainy Week

The weather isn't cooperating for anything outdoors. First a couple very cold weeks (not okay for my chilblains), now steady rain and storms (temps are fine), and rain moves out to welcome another cold front.

Looks like my first hike of 2024 is a no-go for tomorrow morning. We need both -- freezing temps (helps with summer bugs) and rain (we were in a deficit), but I'm bummed. I miss walking and being outside. Maybe I'll chance the colder temps next week and do something in the afternoon. 72 hours later, I'll regret it when the chilblains sores start though. 

It's rare to have this many weeks be indoor for winter in Atlanta. 

I have an indoor seed planting class tonight. Can't say I'm looking forward to going out in this gloom, at night, to a muddy farm with people inside in a small grow room. Flu and crud is everywhere still. But, it's a future self thing. I want to learn more about gardening and this is a good class. It's a 2 parter -- next class is in February. It comes with supplies so it was pricey compared to the other classes.

I have 3 indoor social things this week and I'm a little nervous. I can wear my mask tonight if someone seems ill. The other two are lunch. Hike gets canceled, one friend is sick, one friend is out of town and I suddenly "worry" doom is the theme for the week. Dang, this anxiety is really annoying. 

I'll leave you with some final pictures of the LFL (that hasn't had one visitor yet - geez). I'm working on typed quotes to add to the jar. There's another LFL in town that has a bowl of quotes and I like it. I'm not rushing, just typing quotes into a document as I find them.

She's so cute!

Thinking of a BOGO sale
for her opening lol :)

I'm trying to remember and rally the vibes from yesterday. Happy, relaxed, ready to start 2024. Coming home was a little kick in the pants. Can you tell? This chat is a bit moody -- sorry.

Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Expect to be Delighted

I had a good day yesterday and a much better night's sleep. Here's a little recap.

Coaching was okay -- usual issue. Judging myself for my feelings. That sneaks in far too much. Maybe one day I'll be able to recognize it on my own. Moral of the story -- let myself feel the feelings (in this case resentment), be compassionate (of course I feel this way), stay in feelings and out of thinking (keeps me from ruminating) and I'll move on much more easily and quickly.

I wore my vintage find out and about. The weather is much warmer again.

First stop to buy the painting for the primary bedroom. It's old and very delicate (no backing on the oil canvas). There was another lady buying another of this venders pieces and she said she almost got the one I was buying. We had a nice conversation about art. Phew -- that was close. I really like it.

Brought it back to the house (I'm scared I'll poke something through the canvas) and took a little drive to see my niece's new house 15 minutes away. Did I mention my sister and her family are moving to Asheville area? It's an adorable house across from the prettiest white steepled church. They'll move in late April.

Teahouse, reading. My favorite little Asheville habit. 

Some googling brought me to the "best" Goodwill store outside of town. What a haul -- all for $19.

3 hardback books, planter,
2 picture frames.

Solid wood base. $1

Here are the other grabs from yesterday. Very different price point from "vintage" store and "thrift" store. I need to do more thrifting.

For farmer's market runs
in the summer.

I decided to leave this in Asheville.

I'll pot something hardy
in the spring.

Final stop was the framing store for my new print. I love, love, love this art. Forgot to take a picture -- stay tuned. I decided this was my retirement gift to myself and the retirement adventure was a trip for spring wildflowers at Pigeon Mountain in GA. I like this celebration idea. Framing was $$$, but worth it. It might be my favorite piece of artwork. I had this art screenshot from about a year ago -- just to have the screenshot on my phone. Now it'll hang in my office. I'll tell you all about it when I get it back from the framers.

The woman helping me was the new owner who bought the shop in her retirement as a surgical PA. She had an interesting story. I mentioned how much I liked a little painting on the table -- turns out it was hers. Got a tour of her art and her methods and she had a fun suggestion for my rock painting. I'll try it this week -- stay tuned. Another cliff hanger lol.

Came home to the food I brought with me -- no eating out this trip. Had a 2 hour catchup call with a friend we're traveling with next month while I cleaned some more. Bed early (with a little Benadryl help -- taking no chances) after some more reading. 

It was a nice balance of a day. I had some "mood" flare up (anxiety) and I walked my way through it and had the day I planned. Well, sort of -- didn't go into Historical Hendersonville. Saving it for nicer weather and more time. I liked the Goodwill idea more.

Back to GA today. Feeling refreshed. Now it feels like the start of 2024. I'm expecting a good year of being me ("expect to be delighted").

Later gators.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Nice Day, Horrible Night

I slept like poop. Insomnia -- easily worse 5 of my lifetime (that I can remember lol). Nothing out of the ordinary and usually I can work through anxiety flareup enough to go to sleep. When I did sleep, I had really disturbing nightmares. I didn't fall asleep until 1 o'clock and it was fitful. I woke up wide awake at 5:30.

Strange night, but I had a nice day.

Stocked up the LFL for its virgin debut. There were lots and lots of walkers past last night. I didn't notice anyone stop -- bummer. But I'm having fun with it. It's a tiny eyesore coming up the street as it blocks a view of the house a bit. I hope I don't get a nasty-gram from the historical committee. 

It feels tall as you go by
but it's a nice height to look.

Good books ONLY

At least, good that I stock.
I hope it gets used.

I did a quick Christmas undo and headed to the teahouse. Cold day + hot tea was very nice. Usually, I'm so warm drinking it -- I rarely get a hot drink out and about except there. The warm felt good yesterday though. 

I went to the vintage clothing store and got a really fun sweatshirt. Picture to come. It's the kind of vintage "cool" that I've wanted. Like those cool vintage t-shirt I can never find.

Took a swing by an antique store and got a few things. A wide bottom woven bag for the farmer's market so my produce doesn't get smooshed. A little rabbit planter to take to GA and a rabbit for the side porch table here. Guess rabbit was the theme -- unintentionally. 

She's cute and extremely heavy.
Table is dirty lol.

I found a reasonably priced picture for over the primary bed here in Asheville. I wasn't sure if it could take the height though so I needed to go home and measure again. Oil painting by a local artist. The frame goes with the gold mirrors and lamps in the room. Hopefully it's still available. I'll swing by today.

The one on the bottom.
People in a park.

I finished this quick book ahead of our trip to Puerto Rico. I wished there was a little more about the culture and the island, but it was a sweet little story. I'd recommend it. Spanish words intermixed so I had a little lesson too.

I debated starting the other book I brought. It's long with tight print. I have the library book waiting and wasn't sure if this would clog the works. I decided to start it and see what I think. It's slow reading, but I really like it so far (7 chapters in). Glad I decided to read it now.

It's sort of a classic.

Final picture was the baby shower flowers I saved from the dying arrangements. I had to bring vases back anyway, so I took a minute to bring the flowers too. Flowers and plants always warm a space -- even for a quick visit.

I had a long text list of "half" plans (i.e. "let's get together in January") so I reached out and solidified most of them. Future self kind of thing. Waiting to hear back from one other person. Time to get out of hibernation after Christmas and the baby shower.

I realized that it's okay that I drive the "plans" bus -- I won't chase and I won't beg, but I'm happy to set things up. That's one of my contributions to the friendships. That shift in thinking has served my social life well and taken away a lot of resentment about making plans.

Today is a full day -- with some cleaning mixed in. Workout and coaching call first. Then a bunch of little fun things in and around Asheville. Teahouse too -- of course. I don't think I'll eat out this trip. I brought some good prepped food and I have enough for today too. I plan to check out historical Hendersonville so if something's enticing (or I'm really hungry), I'll give it a go. None of the restaurants I looked at were of great interest though. More on today, tomorrow :)

I'm excited for a good week. It's full of a nice mix of things for me. If I can add some sleep tonight, all the better. Later gators.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Asheville Bound

Freezing temps, snow -- heading to Asheville this morning. I'm looking forward to being there. Less looking forward to the drive. I'm not sure why. I haven't been sleeping well and I think that's contributing.

I got my monthly yesterday. Maybe that's why recovery and sleep stats are tanked. Also, Duke had the trots (inside on the carpet) all day so I was up every time he stirred during the night. Fun times.

I painted and read ... as planned. Both felt good.


Finished "The Kitchen House" -- it was good. I bought it used and someone took notes inside. Either writing a paper or leading a bookclub discussion. They were actually helpful notes, but I wish the book was a little cleaner.

I have a library book I'm holding off reading and taking one of my TBR books for Asheville. I'll pick this morning. It's easier to tote along a book I don't need to be super careful about and a paperback. The library book is older so I have renewals if I need it.

I have a list of fun stuff for Asheville. I got a print from a GA artist and in came in time to take to Asheville for framing. Adding that to my running around plans. More on all that later.

This is a quick trip. Heading home Tuesday morning. Hope your weekend is going well. Later gators.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday Updates

I'm heading to Asheville tomorrow. I thought about going today instead, but the weather is tricky. Super cold, windy and some snow. Why push things. I'll leave early tomorrow and that'll be fine. This trip will lean more toward the work side than the leisure side now because of the weather. My toes won't allow mountain walks or such so it's limiting for the visit. I'll have plans for a few fun things though.

My retirement celebration will happen in GA, I guess. STILL thinking about it and coming up short. I want to mark the day in a special way. That doesn't mean expensive or pampering (necessarily) -- just meaningful to me. I think the biggest hurdle is the weather. Most of my ideas are outside and the weather isn't cooperating. I still have another 10 days so fingers crossed. 

Of course, I could decide to hold off and celebrate when I can do outside easily and enjoyably -- maybe that's the best answer. Make a PLAN on retirement day ... for an upcoming date. That might work.

I'm dabbling in rocks again. I missed it. Cow, zebra and giraffe coming up. I also have some rocks prepped for Happy Rocks for the LFL. 


I think I'll get my monthly today. All signs point to it, but these days you never know. It'll be a chill day (on a bitter cold day). Reading, painting -- low key but lots of me time. I need to use it wisely. Wasn't I just complaining I had no time for the things I enjoy? Then I get time and I waste it. It's interesting and confusing being me -- geez.

Here's what I'm reading.

I had a volunteer meeting yesterday. I had to skip the lunch (nothing I could eat), but I got some good networking and that's why I attended. No jeans allowed in court and it was cold for a dress. I found a pair of black slacks in my closet. The dry cleaning tag was from 11 years ago. They fit --  just barely. I think they were loose at one point. Still, I'll take it. I also wore a wool coat that has to be 15 years old now. Vintage shopping in my own closet. 

And something potentially interesting. If I get this volunteer assignment, I'll be working with a new supervisor (the one now is heading on maternity leave). I was disappointed at first, BUT I read her bio and she has a minor in Spanish. Hmmmm. Could she be my Spanish partner or lead me to a Spanish partner? Someone to practice basic conversation? My 24 for 2024 list might be cranking up quickly this year.

Hope you're staying warm. Later gators.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Little By Little Goals

I'm a little late to the January implementation of Little By Little Goals, but I was a bit distracted at the beginning of the year (remember that baby shower lol!). 

Anyway ... I didn't do those goals last year because I didn't have anything that felt inspiring or hit the mark. It has to be something I can easily do (most days -- as close to every day as possible). That means do from anywhere, no matter the day, etc. It needs to be little things that add up to help a larger goal.

And were these birthday year goals? Maybe, now that I'm thinking about it, they were never January goals. My birthday is midyear -- such a good time to have another goal setting moment. More on this in a minute.

I decided on 2 this year when I was thinking about this question. What is something I can easily do that will have a big impact on my broader goals?

For the first time, one is an elimination goal -- i.e. will take exactly ZERO seconds each day. Sweets. Let's see how I feel taking away desserts. This is not about dieting -- it's about my recovery and sleep stats when I have desserts. It tanks EVERY SINGLE TIME. My body doesn't like to consume that during this hormonal time. Why am I doing something that's so detrimental to my overall day? 

This doesn't mean I don't try bites of special things occasionally. I'm thinking ahead to our Europe trip. I will have some tastes of special things. Occasionally doesn't matter. My issue is all the days in-between occasionally.

That's #1. (Goal is HRV>50 consistently)
#2 is 15 minutes of Spanish every (most) days. (Goal is learning Spanish, obviously lol)

It doesn't matter what. It can be reading (the same thing over and over), listening to the Spanish podcast (over and over), reviewing the same materials (over and over). You get the idea. I think I get clogged in Spanish study because I don't know WHAT to do everyday. This takes that pressure off.

Is this enough to improve on Spanish? We'll see and that's the point of these goals. Will a little effort, repeated over time make a big impact? And if it doesn't, it's 15 minutes ... no big deal, costs nothing, takes away from nothing.

I will add new study to my Spanish, but being able to do ANYTHING takes the pressure off busy weeks, or blah days or lazy moments. But repetition in language learning isn't without value too.

I also decided to revisit these goals on my birthday -- 5ish months from now. Are they working? Did this make an impact? A year feels long to see if this is working. I want to check in on the results and make adjustments, if necessary. 

But ... I think both will make HUGE impacts. 

And, both feel exciting and feel "right." 

A lingering question is do I need to set a time of day for the Spanish study? This will probably help, but it's been prickly to do this in the past. The most logical time is an addition to my morning routine, but when I have a rushed morning, that 15 means is actually a nuisance. So could I have a "regular" time and a backup option when I have a rushed morning? I like this idea. I need to think on it. Maybe before bed? But does that wake me up too much "thinking" when I'm trying to wind down. Maybe right before I change into my pjs? That might work. Maybe that should be the all-the-time time?? Stay tuned. I need trial some options.

Thanks for joining me as I spitfire these new LBL goals -- they started yesterday.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Bird Houses

The birdhouse class was fun. The farm grows and dries the gourds and leaves the insides for the birds who use it to build their nests. I picked this one because I love the stains from the outer mold-like substance that forms while it's drying. 

Probably should have used different
colors for the gnome to go with natural look.

We used these pens -- simple to do (since the farm did all the hard work), but hard to draw details.

I hope we get a bird family. Maybe Asheville is best because I have more trees to hang it.

We grabbed a quick lunch at a new-to-me coffee shop -- nice little catchup with my girlfriend after all.

Infant CPR class. This kind of thing seems to always be in the evening -- my foggiest time. I've been a morning person since I can remember. Where are the midday classes? I have 2 garden classes coming up in the evening too. I'm old before my time.

It was a good class and good reminders.

We got a wedding save-the-date for another wedding in October -- luckily different weekends. I'm so excited, but this probably means I'm not going to Belgium as a tag along for hubby's board meeting. We'll need to figure another trip. I don't want to miss this wedding. It's my son's close friend and a family that we have a long history. It's such an honor to get invited. One Boston wedding, one NY wedding. So fun and I can wear the same dress because there's no guest overlap.

I was suppose to have a court hearing for the volunteer assignment but it got postponed. I wonder if this will mess up my trip to Asheville? I had already rescheduled my dentist appointment so today is an unexpected free day. It worked out though because I woke to a mouth full of cold sores on my gum line -- not ideal for a dentist visit. And my recovery is the lowest it's EVER been -- maybe I'm cooking a little cold?? Or my monthly is coming? Or I'm rundown. No matter -- I need to have a restful, healthy day. 

If I didn't have a volunteer meeting tomorrow, I'd go to Asheville today. (Of course, if I end up sick, I won't go to the meeting.) It was extremely frustrating that one of the pregnant women at the class was obviously sick. Sneezing, coughing. People piss me off. There were a lot of pregnant women that she exposed to something. Not cool. Hope that doesn't come for me either. 

Later gators.