Thursday, November 30, 2023

Pedal Meets the Road

The pedal meets the road today. Nothing but chores post hair appointment this morning. Never mind the actual packing for the trip -- I'm the slowest packer in the world so I like to divide it over two days. It's all the other stuff that I need to handle before we're gone that's getting me worked up.

And just when I think I'm finalizing all the things, fitting in everything, getting a handle on it all ... my youngest is exploring his proposal weekend in Asheville in January. I had offered and, of course, totally happy to have them at the house, but that means a set up visit and a clean up visit added to this scheduled that has me at my wits end. I didn't expect the proposal was going to be this soon when I offered.

Not even "loving my full life" thought feels like enough today.

Plumber comes this afternoon and we get to see if we need to open walls to figure out the dripping, banging noise that happens on/off -- especially when we run the washer.

The air has been a smoky, hazy mess last night and this morning. Makes your eyes burn. I guess it's from some fires, but nothing is coming up on google. 

I might need to pause on feeling good today and just embrace the suck that is right now.

Monti threw up all over the bed yesterday so had to wash the blankets and comforter. This morning he had a strange moment, peed the floor before he could get outside (sometimes happens), but he fell over and couldn't get up. He seems fine now, but he'll need a bath today since he got pee soaked all over his side and back.

On a better news front, the shower plans are coming along. Lots of big things are done and dusted and that helps relax my mind. Last night was the first night in a long time that I didn't wake up with panic thoughts about the party. 

The trick I need to use today is not thinking about what's coming up. One thing at a time. Trust the to-do list and my calendar. The next 2 days are about this trip. Asheville stuff doesn't need to be in my mind this week. Christmas decorating and planning can also wait until I get home -- nothing I can do in AZ. 

Oh, and I also had a nice coffee chat with my girlfriend. I gave her the birthday experience gift and we talked a long time. Fun break in the day and another "thing" done and dusted that was weighing on me.

Hope your week is going well. I can't believe it's already Thursday. Later gators.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Ring and A Cake

Oh how I wish I wasn't going to AZ for 8 days. I know this thought doesn't serve me, but holy cow ... what were we thinking planning this trip in December?!?! I guess we didn't expect a baby coming and an engagement and hosting Christmas with company.

Enough on that -- I need to find a better focus. This trip is happening and I WILL have a GOOD TIME. It's probably just what I need to pause and enjoy myself. 

I did get ahead on my list and it always feels good. I'll try for a little extra again today. 

Engagement planning was perfect. It's a great feeling to share this moment with my son. After the jeweler, we grabbed a lunch at a new (to me) place run by first generation family from Greece -- he and I share an interest in places with a story. Good food, good people. Loved everything about the day. I hesitate on pictures again because of the bots, but I'll share.

Center stone is from her mother's ring.

Special day.

The evening was stressful though. Problem with the pipes in the wall when the washer runs. Hubby is working on adjusting water pressure and vibration valves. It might mean opening a wall and a ceiling. Can't this what until AFTER I host this shower?!?! Eldest is stressed over a bunch of medical and insurance problems. Both he and my DIL are still sick from COVID and that's not helping to deal with problematic things. Not mine to fix, but I feel for him (them). Both things set off my "nerves" -- haha just what my granny called her anxiety.

I'm heading to a bakery today to order the shower cake -- it's about an hour away as is everything in ATL. This is the inspiration. How cute -- hopefully, we can get close to this design. One cake will be regular and one will be GF. I liked this idea better than 2 separate cakes. No one is that sensitive to cross contamination.

I'm assembling the shower invitations today for mailing this week. I ordered the tables and chairs. I tried to rent the plates and stemware, but the minimum for every place was at least $500. So I ordered glasses from Amazon. Just what I don't need -- more glassware, but I want this to look nice and I don't have enough to coordinate nice place settings. I'll probably swap out my other stemware for this new (vintage inspired) style after the shower because it's pretty. I'll bring plates from Asheville to complete the tables. 

Feels like we are bleeding money. It's our own doing with a few extras added on (bathroom on the rental, HVAC problems, etc). 


So what's fun today? I'm not sure. My first thought is a little taste test for the cake, but I hesitate that fun should be food. Goes against some of my FS stuff. I'll think on it. Maybe a little game to FIND something fun on my run-around today.

That's my Tuesday ahead. Hope yours is a good one too. Later gators.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Task Mode in Full Swing

I think I'm going to let this week be a task-mode week and not try to balance with fun or enjoyment each day. I have a whole week of vacation ahead and what will feel best this week is to get all the crap off my to-do list. 

It's a gigantuous list, if I do say so.

Today will actually have a bit of fun before task-master begins. Taking my youngest to the jeweler for the engagement ring reset -- very excited. 

Then it's off to the races with chores. I'll play beat-the-list and hopefully win. I have each day's tasks listed and I'll try to get a little ahead each day. It's a little trick to help with anxiety. Trip anxiety will be in full swing by Friday. Fun times. 

My back is better, but not fully better which makes me shy to workout. I don't want to set it off again. This is such a wrench in my plans. 

But to twist to a nicer outlook ... once I finish this week, I'll feel a little more prepared. I have 3 big things left.

Arizona trip
Baby Shower

Then life (for me) settles down to a manageable level. I don't want to "just get through" these things, but I don't think I can pollyanna my way to sunshine and rainbows. There is a lot of work involved in each thing and that translates to anxiety for me. 

I'll work on it as much as I can, but this is just practice rounds. I'm not going to ace anything. Little steps to get closer to calm and go-with-the-flow. Little steps to enjoy my FULL LIFE.

Maybe the little step is to find a small piece of fun in each day after all -- even in task mode. I'll mull that over and see what I can figure out.

Hope you're set for a good week. Later gators.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Back to GA

I made it through yesterday without any big flare -- still tender and sore, but not the intractable pain. I thought it might head that way again in the afternoon, but it held.

I was invited to join an oyster backyard party yesterday afternoon, but I didn't want to stress my back. Bummer to miss meeting neighbors and seeing another house. I'm so curious about what these cottages look like on the inside.

I did go downtown after all because I remembered it was the Saturday market and parking is free until noon. The teahouse was empty so I sat and had a chai and read a little. I walked the market and bought some local apples and GF trail bars for longer hiking. I'm taking them to AZ for the longer hikes (if I can manage them now).

Stopped at Trader Joe's for a quick shop. I saw racks of Mystery Bags -- I should have asked about them. I googled it this morning and it's a surprise package of TJs bags from different areas. Now I want one! I'll stop on the way home to see if I can find them. There were only a few left.  I think they'd make fun extra gifts for Christmas.

My plan was to decorate in GA today, but I don't think my back is ready for the bending and gathering. This is putting me in "behind" mode.

Did I mention I'm modifying plans for Christmas this year? I did it and the plan is in action already. That feels good. Now whatever happens with guests, I'll still be primed for a nice holiday. And I've invited my son's in-laws and that feels inclusive -- the kind of person I want to be. They already accepted the invitation. 

I'm really, really, really trying to enjoy this FULL LIFE few months, but it's hard. My back absolutely is sending me into all the feels of overwhelm and self-defeat. I know that's dramatic, but I guess I'm dramatic lol. I need to stay focused on the things that are going well and stop worrying about stuff ahead. Other than my back, nothing has gone wrong. Everything has actually gone right. So why do I feel defeated?

Before this takes a turn of too much wallowing, I'll say goodbye for today. Later gators.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

That Took a Turn

Made it to Asheville. Finished a slimed down decorating (we'll be in GA for Christmas) and my back went out. I haven't had pain in over a month and suddenly intractable pain again. 

I'm taking meds, increased PT to every hour and I'm feeling a lot better this morning. Still pain and tenderness, but the waves of nerve pain are gone. I have no idea what did or what will set it off. Cleaning is off the table. Mountain walk is off too.

I'd drive home today, but I'm not sure I can yet. Loading the car, taking the drive might be too much. I'm probably better off resting here for the day and doing the trip tomorrow as I planned.

The downside is I have no food in the house -- absolutely nothing. I ate what I brought yesterday. I need to go out and get something. I'm still pondering leaving late morning. I have a few hours to decide, but still leaning to staying.

I'm upset by this backslide again. I don't know about hiking plans in AZ now. Geez. There was no warning. No pain, sudden pain.

Here are some decorating pictures. Extra simple, but it'll still feel like Christmas on our next couple of trips to Asheville. The tree is on a timer so it looks nice as people walk by.

New stocking for our grandson

Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend. Later gators.

Friday, November 24, 2023

The Good Stuff

They have COVID. As much as it's disappointing about Thanksgiving, we dodged a bullet -- at least I think I did. I saw my son for less than 10 minutes the day before he was symptomatic. Hopefully, the vaccine holds for both of us with viral load, etc. I'll be totally clear in 2 days.

Hubby and I mustered a nice day. Not exactly Thanksgiving, but a good day together. We exchanged food with the kids (using the old techniques of washing containers, gloves, masks, etc so we could have turkey). We opened the chocolate from Belgium his colleague brought him. It's from one of the top chocolatiers in the world (some say the #1). Took an evening walk with the dogs and caught up on episodes of the Amazing Race. 

This was my delivery to the kids. Thanksgiving and COVID in a box.

Our little corner of the table set for dinner.

The chocolates. Honest to god, no matter how I load the photos, they reverse order. I added each individually and they reloaded in reverse. I don't know why this is happening.

We've had 3 tiers of Belgium chocolate. Started with the basic, then the fancy, then this premier level. I like the middle tier the best. This chocolate was incredible and impeccable and you can see/taste the skill and art of it, but I liked the other ones better. I probably don't have the refinement for such high end chocolate. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing but it's a little over my tastebud level.

Hubby and I had a really good discussion about Christmas. He feels the same that we could get plans shortened or changed based on other people in town over the holiday. We're giving it some thought and we're changing up the usual this year so I don't end up with the same situation as Thanksgiving. Too much work for too little reward (for me). It felt good to have him on my side and really understand. We're at the stage where holidays will look different every year and that's fine. I get to be part of those changes too. Focusing on being together, having fun ... but a lot less work on my end.

Off to Asheville for a super quick trip. Decorate for Christmas and clean. Depending how crowded restaurants and such are, I might only do takeout or eat places I can be outside. I'm trying to stay well ahead of AZ. I might not even visit the teahouse -- shock and awe, right?!?!? But the holidays with big gatherings are breading grounds for all the germs -- definitely the hot zone of crud.

Hope you had a good week and are enjoying a longer weekend. Later gators.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

No Thanksgiving

Kids called yesterday -- both are sick. We canceled Thanksgiving. We'll exchange food so we all get to eat a dinner at least.

I'm disappointed and I understand (of course). We are leaving for AZ and exposure tomorrow would mean potentially sick for the trip. We don't know if it's COVID. They're negative so far. 

Here's the hard part for me. I had an overwhelming desire to skip the work of Thanksgiving this year. Go to Asheville (with hubby and the dogs), hike and eat sushi kind of skip. But I didn't because that seemed too extreme and no one would see the fun of that since I'm the one that does the lion's share of the work (for years I did all the work) and they enjoy the service of it. And tradition is important too.

The universe is a funny gal though. I got to do all the work of Thanksgiving, but none of the fun of Thanksgiving and definitely none of the fun of a boycotted Thanksgiving.

Can I listen to myself when I have such overwhelming desire? Is the desire a forward direction to try something new or a desire to take a break from the work of things? Does that really matter? Should I listen anyway?

So many questions. No answers. Was this a message from the universe -- listen to your gut? Or just bad luck. I wanted to have a break this year because these few months are unusually full with a lot of work for me. Something radically different this year sounded nice. Thanksgiving is a lot of work for one meal. There's enough connection and tradition to cover this year without feeling lost for family time.

I might have an opportunity to practice this over Christmas. Maybe make the holiday something that I really enjoy too. Less work, more fun -- for me too. I'll mull it over. It's too early to really know and there are a few balls still in the air.

I'm also a little upset because this is the 3rd year in a row the kids did something right before our holiday together and got sick. Of course, they couldn't help an out-of-town wedding over the weekend of a best friend. Christmas is timing the same though. They're getting together with out-of-town family the week before Christmas setting up for a potential exposures again.

All the more reason to make Christmas what I want too. 

Listening to myself has been such a blessing, but it's also frustrating as I learn what and when to stand up. Would I feel this same way if Thanksgiving happened after all? Would I be glad I didn't boycott for something very different if we had a really nice day?

Well, anyway ... I hope you are having a joy filled holiday. I'll have a good day because all the heavy lifting is finished. I have one more dish to make this morning, but everything else is ready to go. I cleared a corner of our stacked dining room table (stuff for the shower, Asheville, AZ and Christmas mailings) and set a little table for our dinner.

Making the most out of it and that part feels easy. The part that is tripping me up is questioning if I should have listened to what I wanted in the first place. Can't change anything now, but I'll keep this in mind going forward. I wonder what I could change for Christmas that I'll love? I have a few ideas already.

Later gators.

P.S. One idea is a long hike Christmas Eve morning (I usual spend the day in the kitchen preparing our big dinner Christmas Eve). This came yesterday. Now we can bring both dogs along on hikes. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Up, Down, Repeat

We got an updated ultrasound picture of our grandson yesterday. He looks so much like our son. Eek -- so exciting. I'm not going to post the picture because of the dang bots -- just trust me that he's adorable lol. I can't wait to meet him.

I had another swing back to overwhelm. I guess this is par for the course until after the baby shower. The stressor this time is possible extra guests for Christmas Eve dinner. This sent me into fretting about everything. I need to calm myself again. I was in a better place (i.e. no middle of the night panics) but that started up again last night. Up, down, repeat.

I know I'll get through everything, but I want to enjoy the process. Cliche but true. It's possible to do all these things and have a good time while I do them. Enjoy the byproducts of a FULL LIFE. Just reminding myself of this has a calming effect. 


Anyway, I'm sure I'm like most US households today. KITCHEN and more kitchen. I made a few things yesterday -- cranberry and apple sauce, bacon for mashed potatoes and cooked up the sausage for the stuffing. All the extra messy things because the cleaning crew comes this morning. I don't want to mess up a clean kitchen. I'll spend the afternoon making a few more things. 

I'm heavily prepping so I have time to do a Turkey Trot with Duke on Thursday. Nothing official, just us running in the woods. I couldn't find a 5k that allowed dogs so we'll make our own. Keeping MY FUN (and my priorities) this week too.

I started listening to this podcast on a recommendation. Holy cow! Not my usual type of listen, but it's so interesting and well told. True crime with a ghost story mixed in. I'm 3 of 7 episodes in -- saving the rest for my drive to Asheville on Friday. Of course, now that I'm saying it, I'm not sure that a gruesome murder and a ghost story are best for alone nights in an old house ... hmmm. I can get myself all spooked sometimes.

I've been reading and not posting about books. None have been particularly great. I'm trudging through library reads (#4 of 6) before I leave for AZ next week. I suspended all the other holds. I need to slow down reading for a minute. I'll take a few on our trip to AZ, but otherwise taking a bit of a break. I need to be a little more discerning on my library requests. I think that's why I'm feeling a bit blah about reading. When I buy books, I'm interested. I'll reserve even slight interest books from the library and it's showing.

I'm watching Lessons in Chemistry. It's even better than the book. 

Time to get moving. Hope you're enjoying this holiday week. Later gators.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Chestnuts Roasting ...

All the usual Thanksgiving prep in full swing -- including a 7am grocery store run because plans have been last minute this year and now I'm making more than I expected. All easy, but I need the stuff for loaded mashed potatoes and no way do I want to battle the afternoon crowds.

I tried a few roasted chestnuts from Trader Joe's. You score the flat surface and roast for 20 minutes. I let them cool and tried one. Didn't like it - soft and strange. I need to google recipes to use them or the bag is hitting the trash. It was fun to experiment though. 

After roasting

X in the top

Fun on the agenda today is lunch with my aunt. She did the artwork for baby shower invites and I have a thank-you gift to bring her. 

I'm starting to make headway with the new goal (fun) list for 2024. It takes a minute to get inspiration before ideas start flowing.

Coaching call this afternoon too. A little perspective on some long time friendships and navigating my new interests with people who seem to prefer my old interests.

The grocery store is calling -- time to run. Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Holiday Week

Welcome, Monday. I like the new start each week. 

I'm trying to keep myself even keeled and not panic about how much lies ahead. What would a person who isn't panicked think, feel, do? What would a person who is enjoying all this LIFE think, feel, do? Little perspective shifts help me a lot, especially since these circumstances will happen whether I fret about them or enjoy them. 

Choose the better story.

Eeek. It's hard sometimes. Practice is the answer and I have loads of opportunities to practice -- so I keep reminding myself lol.

Besides NOT panicking, I'm trying to keep at my fun things too. There's plenty of time for the work and the fun. They can exist together. Life is full, it's not overfull.

Thank the lord for to-do lists. Organizing is my super power and my best helper.

Here are a few little things from IG I liked this week. Hope you have a good week ahead. Later gators.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

A FS Hike

The hike yesterday was chocked full of FS stuff. I'll do a little list.

1. Asked friends to join us who like to hike, but was very specific. Here's what we're doing ... are you interesting? Didn't leave anything to modification or a switch to dinner plans instead.

2. Planned this for right after a week vacation. Usually I give myself time after a trip. Here's the thing I'm finally noticing -- I might need time and recovery from some things, but hiking IS recovery in a lot of ways. Staying away from on/off and all/nothing.

3. These are the friends who are notorious for hedging plans to get to do the best choice. She said she might go to a football game, but wouldn't know until mid-week. Okay. But by Friday afternoon, no word from her. I assumed this was a no-go, but I decided to text her. Bluntly. She "just found out" and had a bunch of excused for not getting back to me. "Let's plan a dinner instead in December." It's probably a no on our end over the holidays and ball is in her court. Told her to enjoy the game, but didn't say "no problem" or "I understand" like I usually would. I have no problem that the answer is no -- I have a problem that I had to chase for her to respond.

4. Hubby decided he didn't want to hike since they weren't going. Why don't we take the dogs to the park instead? Nope. I said I'd go myself. I didn't sign up for any club hikes because we had this plan and we're going to AZ in a couple of weeks. I need to build up my hiking legs again.

5. He said he'd come if I'd make it a shorter hike. Also, no. We compromised. He waited at a lodge while I did a 3 mile loop and crossed back to him. I got the 9 mile hike that I wanted. 

I chose me totally and completely. So often, I have a plan to do something and by the time it gets to that thing, it's been diluted, modified, compromised to the point it looks nothing like the thing I wanted to do in the first place. Not this time. 

We had a really nice day. It was the day I planned for myself and invited others to join. This plan wasn't up for negotiation and I was clear about that from the beginning. Sometimes it's fine to compromise. When the intention is spending time with friends, I'll adjust to whatever the group decides. When the plan is someone else's idea, I don't expect to have it my way. I say yes or no based on what they're proposing. I don't try to change it or wait to see if something better comes up. The intention yesterday was a 9 mile hike and that's what I did.

When "the thing" is important to me, I need to hold my ground. When I invite others into specific plans I made, I don't need to modify to the point that it looks nothing like what I planned.

I planned THIS hike and if I hadn't held my ground, I would've ended up taking the dogs for a walk around a park for 30 minutes. See what I mean? Nothing like what I planned.

Here are a few pictures from the Lake Loop Trail that I walked while hubby rested at the lodge.

I keep learning how to show up as myself, for myself when it matters to me. 

Later gators.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Let's Talk Future Self

I'm proud of myself lately. A trip with a friend from "old me" days and I was pretty easily able to show up as Future Me. I had to regroup a few times -- mentally remind myself that it's easy to be me, but I never considered NOT showing up this way.

She questioned it a little, but never pushed. I was concerned muscle memory would take over and I would revert to some old patterns, but it didn't happened. I was worried we wouldn't connect as well, but I don't think that was a problem either. It's been a problem with other long-term friends. "Showing" them this newer version of me hasn't been smooth sailing.

I also stayed the course with my solo time and a lunch with my aunt and uncle (surprisingly one of the hardest holds).

This isn't about other people -- it's about me. For example, my aunt offered to change up lunch plans. I thought about it, said yes ... but I told her I had planned to return to the restaurant I liked from an earlier visit. We were originally meeting somewhere else the next day. I spoke up and didn't feel the need to compromise the location because she was incorporating into MY plans that day. She could always say no. I waited another hour to eat lunch -- a compromise I was willing to do. Lunch itself was a bit strange -- conversation felt awkward at times, but I continued to show up the way that felt like myself. Very small things, but they add up.

It's hard to explain. I'm just inviting myself to the table too. Still compromising, still thinking of others, but including myself on the list too. Does this make sense?

It's getting to be that time of year to create some new lists for 2024 -- which is basically FS in an action plan. I don't have a ton of ideas yet, but I'm mulling it over.

These next 4 months are the Mount Everest of showing up as myself (or my future self). So many opportunities to practice in circumstances where it could be easy to slide backward. 

Changing is hard. Staying changed is harder. 

I'll leave with this new thrifted lamp from my trip ($24). The room needed more light.

Hike this morning and it's a really big FS thing. I'll fill you in tomorrow. Later gators.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Extra Day

Best decision to come home a day early. I have a lot on my plate and today gives me some breathing room. 

Another accident on the way home and slow moving traffic with heavy rains so the 5 hour trip became 6 1/2 hours again. 

Got THE CALL from my youngest yesterday -- engagement on the horizon. Trip to the jeweler so changing up days for Asheville so I can take him. I'm super excited for them, happy to add another incredible DIL to the family ... but I totally wish this happened a few months from now. Eeek -- universe is testing me and my ability to love a FULL LIFE.

Lots of re-grouping today and that will feel good. Very short and sweet this morning. I want to get started. Hope you had a good week. Later gators.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Change of Plans

The walking history tour in downtown Beaufort, SC was one of the best I've been on. Janet is a retired kindergarten teacher with tons of enthusiasm and knowledge. It was like the best storytelling adventure. Loved it. About half of the 12 people were a cast of characters and I totally enjoyed their "odd" company. 

My aunt called while I was on the tour and said she and my uncle were finished early and happy to meet me for lunch. YEA (!!) This frees me up to head home today. It's a total wash of a day -- time to put this trip to bed. 

I stopped on the way back to HH at a Whole Foods to get food for today that I could eat and drive. I also thought ahead to get GF Nilla wafers for part of the banana pudding I'm making for my youngest's birthday. It's a win so I don't need to go looking at home. The plaza had a TJ Max so I stopped and bought the dog toys for Christmas too. CAN NOT beat the dog toy prices at TJ Max or Home Goods. Double win and big time saver.

On the tour, we stopped and got a chocolate sample at a store on a side road where I parked for the three trips into town. I debated going in each time I walked by because it had a big CARAMEL APPLE sign in the window, but looked a bit rundown. I love GOOD caramel apples. Turns out it's been in business with same family for over 40 years. I went back and got a pecan and caramel apple that was incredible. I inhaled it when I got back to the villa and forgot a picture. Pro-tip -- cut the apple into slices or chunks for easiest eating. Probably best I didn't know about it until the last day lol.

Here are some pictures from the tour. 

One of 7 turn bridges left in US. Boat waiting
for the bridge to open to sail through.

Cotton flower. Flower, pod then cotton.
Looks like a yellow rose.

Live oak tree. When branches touch
ground it's called and Angel Oak.

Lots of movies filmed in Beaufort.
Stand for women waiting for carriages.

Church from movies

Back of this store - home of
the best caramel apples.

Painted benches all over town.

Incredible story of this former slave.
Movie about his life coming out next year.

Hard to see, but stained glass made
by a local parishioner years ago.

Historic house. Doors were for
fresh air during parties.

Local house that was a union hospital
during the Civil War and now an inn.

The water is an estuary.
Brackish water is a mix of salt and fresh
and like a nursery for sea life.

Swing bench waiting for tour.

Marina. King tide because of moon
and other factors. 6 feet higher than usual.

Taking it slow and steady on the way home. Pouring rain. I'm in no rush and I'll need to make bathrooms stops this trip. It's like a found day getting to go home a day early.

Hope your week is good. Later gators.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hello From Hilton Head

I arrived without incident (although accidents added 90 minutes to the drive), ate the food I made and pretty much went to bed. No walk, no exploring - I was toast.

My girlfriend arrived Saturday and left yesterday. Excellent visit, so much good conversation. I'm on the solo portion of the trip now. I tried to change up lunch with my aunt and uncle (my cousin had to cancel) so I could drive home on Thursday, but they couldn't move the day. Looks like I'm staying the whole week.

Here's a little recap of the trip.

Beach walking. Never disappoints in HH. Hard sand, miles of coastline. Interesting to learn that day to day the tide times were changing by 40 minutes. I never knew they changed that dramatically in a day. I've done 2 walks so far and hope for another tomorrow (but storms might be an issue).

Speaking of walks -- did a bike trail walk and a run day too. So many birds and Beware of Gator signs. No gator sightings though.

Blew off on the walk. Taking home
for Christmas decorating if it lasts.

Hello, big man.

Savannah on Sunday for a food tour. I forget how easy the drive from HH to Savannah is -- mostly back roads. The food wasn't great, but the tour group was so much fun. Best group I've ever been with -- we laughed and talked. Really nice time.

Only really good dish - shrimp and grits.
I couldn't eat the cream-based grits
but shrimp was excellent.

Funky town.

Hotel with tons of history.

Sidewalk pattern around cemetery
to keep spirits confused
so they didn't wander.

Group of 16 people.

People say you can see spirit orbs in pictures.
None in mine.

We went to historic Beaufort on Monday. Best day. This town is so charming.

Incredible meal. Smoked salmon, GF toast,
whipped goat cheese, pickled onions,
eggs and scallions.

My friend left yesterday morning and I headed back to Beaufort. Same lunch and finished shopping the town for Christmas gifts. I had a nice afternoon - shop owners are friendly and love to chat.

Yep, heading back to Beaufort AGAIN this morning for a 3 hour history walking tour and (you guessed it) SAME lunch. HH (and area) is a tough find for decent food. So much fried tourist style southern food. This lunch place is a gem in the area and it's a last chance (haha). I'm excited about the tour too.

I don't know what the rest of today holds. I got my monthly this morning so I feel crappy. Rain has moved in for the next couple of days. The forecast changes by the hour so who knows what will happen. Not sure if the tour will get canceled or if I can get a final beach walk tomorrow before meeting my aunt and uncle. 

I'm having a nice time, but last night I wished I could leave today. Typically evening blues. I bet they'll be back tonight too. I miss my family and I've seen/done enough this trip. A full week was a day or two too long. I hit the ground running when I get back home so a couple extra days in GA would've been nice. 

That said, my aunt and uncle are 80 and I don't want to miss an opportunity to see them so I didn't cancel. I'll be happy I stayed.

Hope you're having a good week. Later gators.