Saturday, May 21, 2022

Happy Saturday

Busy day yesterday.

Here are a few highlights from last two days ...

I rearranged the itty bitty garden.  Planted 2 new pots (still waiting for one more raised garden wagon cart).  We'll see how everything likes their new spots, pots, etc.  Gardening is detective work.  I'm learning the yard and sun patterns over the growing months.  It's complicated (!!)  Although maybe I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be -- hah!

After a super fun afternoon with my aunt on Thursday -- fun conversation, got the artwork and found 3 dresses for summer (pictures later).  We stopped at The Ginger House (tea room) to finish up and I got a ginger juice.  Unsweetened with lemon.  Delicious, spicy -- but EXPENSIVE.  I'm trying to duplicate it at home with the Vitamix.  Got close, but had lime instead of lemon -- not the same.

Hanging these in Asheville.
Got a second blue one for GA.
Waiting for mounting hooks.
My aunt is very talented.

Hubby accepted the job offer.  He'll give his resignation on Monday.  It's exciting and a little bit scary (new big things are).

Finished watching The Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix.  It was a good series.

Esophageal burn is almost completely healed -- a bit of spasm in the morning is all.  

My BFF wants to do a weekend in June for my birthday.  Not sure how I feel about it -- with COVID and my back issue.  BUT, it feels nice that it's back to a bit more balance in our relationship.  I'll chat with her about it this weekend and we'll figure out if it's possible.

Today is nothing special.  Lots of the usual -- gardening, walk, rock painting, Spanish.  Still have all the dogs so that sucks up a tremendous amount of time (way more than you'd expect for 4 little dogs).  We have a needy bunch that are all on different need schedules.  Big dogs are so much more chill lol!

Okay dokey -- that's all for this morning.  Why?  Dogs (!!)  Have to do a let-out again.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

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