It's been a minute since I updated the rock painting progress. I spent this week doing a "fairy village" -- these little houses are a big trend with rock painting. I found the rocks at our local park which has a lot of house shaped rocks. I wanted ones that could stand up.
Here's the bin of other ones. Someday I'll start leaving them on trails -- I hope to be back to trails by June.
And ... drumroll ... I BOUGHT THE PRIMER PAINT for the Little Free Library. That took forever to get to the store (my bad) and about 5 minutes for the purchase. I'll start painting soon (or in 6 months lol). Goal is to be installing LFL by my birthday in June.
Speaking of my birthday -- it's time for new little-by-little goals. Last year was daily stretching and Spanish for 15 minutes. I'm still thinking about this year. I'm reluctant to put a physical goal because of my back right now. First draft is 5 minutes of future self journaling daily and think of 5 proud-of-myself moments before I turn off my bed light at night.
Other thoughts are 10 minutes of something specific with Spanish -- like have a pretend out loud conversation. I'm studying Spanish anyway and Spanish was part of last year's daily little goals ... so it doesn't wow me. I thought about 10 minutes of reading self help daily, but that means I need access to a book everyday. I also thought about at least a serving of greens everyday but I won't "see" results from this and it's a hard promise to keep (plus I do this a lot already).
The point is a little thing repeated daily creates big changes. The journaling and proud list have the goal of moving me forward and reminding me to focus on the gain. It also needs to be something that I can easily do or I won't do it everyday.
I'll keep thinking, but I bet those are the goals because they fit the criteria.
I need to run again -- aeration crew is on the way to do the lawn and I need to chat with them. Better get out of my jammies (!!) Later gators.
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