My back is (was) significantly sore where I got the steroid injection. Last time nothing but relief so I was a little concerned. It's feeling improved this morning -- phew!
Dr. Google let me know something called Steroid Flare can happen after an injection. Pain (sometimes more than the original pain) for 2 - 5 days. Ice and rest is the fix, but it's not a concern. Steroid crystalizes and causes pressure in the area -- a few days and the crystals break up.
That gives me hope for workouts beginning next week. Woo hoo!
Hubby left for Asheville. He helped me set up the last of the raised pots yesterday and I'm set for a minute. Things are growing, but invasive bugs have arrived. Man, it's a balancing act. I'm going to "harvest" the first zucchini today. 3 cucumbers are growing well (so far), got a few jalapeño peppers (not hot at all, but tasty) and another single strawberry (hah).
Pictures are coming -- garden, shopping goodies, etc. Not that you're holding your breath, but I like looking at pictures in posts so I assume you do too.
Got double sad news yesterday. One of our former foster dogs passed -- sweet old boy Archie and Polly had to have her eyes removed. She'd gone completely blind and then her eyes developed high pressure with pain. After she recovers, she should feel a lot better. I'm grateful for the families who love these little old medical dogs. I'm looking forward to getting another foster this summer once things settle for us.
Two days at home to myself. I'm going to use the time wisely for all my solo activities. Lots and lots of hubby time ahead of his new job starting so I'll need a little balance.
I finished The Last Flight (Julie Clark). The ending was forced so I don't give it a read recommendation. Suspense books are all about the ending for me. It's a bummer because the story was good up until the ending which was just sort of okay.
I read the next Jen Hatmaker selection already (this happens a lot ) so I have time to tackle a big one in my pile. Small print, careful reading needed. I was reading a non-fiction book and the author (can't remember) said this was her favorite book of all time. I can never resist that kind of recommendation.
That's all from here. Holiday weekend begins. We are going to a friend's on Sunday and doing a home grill-out on Monday. Later gators.
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