Saturday, April 30, 2022


I had a full day yesterday and my back feels significantly better.  Gracias a dios!

We went out to dinner with friends we haven't seen since the pandemic.  Outside because that's how I try to role still.  This was the first time I went to dinner in over 2 years in GA -- I've only gone out to dinner in NC.  Selfie waiting for our friends.

I visited the local farm yesterday and chatted with the farmer about the pot of carrots.  Apparently, you can "winter' carrots, but the older ones won't be as tasty.  I thinned the pot and pulled some babies.  They taste good.

Nothing planned for today, but I have good stuff to do.  Plant things, long walk, rock painting and Spanish.  If I have time, I'll run to the paint store to get outdoor primer for the Little Free Library.  Haven't forgotten about it, but man it's the ultimate long-haul project.  (In my defense, it was postponed twice because of injuries -- the rest was pure lazy though!)

Hope you're set to have a good Saturday too.  Later gators.

Friday, April 29, 2022

A Sneak Peek

I've noticed a pattern over decades of adult life -- when I start noticing something that I like, it's sort of seems like a message from my future self.  "This is where you're heading" message.

Stay with me through the woo-woo.

Not everything I like, but the things I notice over and over.  The things that capture me in a different way.  The things that cause a thought to run in the background ... wish I could, wouldn't that be nice.  It's hard to describe, but it's a different kind of notice.

Some examples ... how I currently wear my hair.  I'd been fascinated with that style for YEARS, but didn't have any plans to grow my hair longer.  Then the move to GA and humidity and, without planning it, my style morphed into the exact style I noticed for 2 decades.

Gardening.  I love plants and loved the "idea" of gardening.  I'd think all the time that I wish I loved gardening.  Now I'm on that path.

Of course, same with nursing career.  Over and over ... this is the biggest "messaging" I noticed after ignoring it for a long time.  

So many things -- 

Now I'm finally noticing when I notice something differently.  When something grabs my attention with those little thoughts running in the background -- eventually I'm heading this way.

I'm writing this because I noticed this week how many of my little current hobbies were all born of this noticing -- most from years and years of noticing ... and dismissing.  Some dismissing because the timing wasn't right or I wasn't ready (no rushing), but eventually my path lead here.

I used to get frustrated that I couldn't see a path anymore and I realize it's been pinging me all along.  It's not that I see something and then have to jump two feet in (or I could), it's more that this is something EVENTUALLY.  A sneak peek.  

What's been running in the background for my future self ... someday ... somehow?  Things that are grabbing me in THAT way lately ... 

Some kind of mentoring.
Oil based textured painting (don't have to be good to do it -- another message I keep seeing).
Dinner party group.

And, growing the things I've started recently.  Spanish, gardening, etc.

I have no idea why these things are grabbing me.  Some seem meaningless and small, but they are grabbing over and over.  Message from my future.  I don't see any of those NOW, but I bet someday -- I know someday.

Thanks, Universe for the sneak peek.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Happier Day

Yesterday was a good day for a few reasons.  Let's chat ...

First, MRI results showed all is good -- no herniations, abnormalities.  Ortho said my spine is in good shape. So what's wrong?  His thought is it's a ligament that runs at the base of the lumbar spine.  He did some pressing and MUY OUCH!  So much pain when he touched the left side -- nothing anywhere else on my back.  Same area that PT loves to manipulate and I kept telling him it hurt too much (he said the muscle needed to be loosened -- nope, he was aggravating an inflamed, stretched ligament).

I got a steroid injection into the ligament -- 7 to 10 days to take effect.  No Peloton for now.  Follow up in 3 weeks to see what's what.  But ... cleared for other activities.  Looks like it's a guessing game and ruling out stuff little by little.

His thoughts are initial injury involved nerve and muscle too.  Ligaments take a long time to heal and this is what's still lingering.  Hopefully, it will heal-- that's my only concern.  Did it tear or stretch to the point it'll never get better (then, bye-bye Peloton)?  One step at a time.

Second good part of my day involved cleaning crew.  I texted to say I would be gone when the crew got here (just before I left for ortho) and she texted that she "was about to text me."  Only one person coming and she'd be a couple of hours later than normal.  Here's the good -- I said that didn't work for me.  It would've meant she would get to the house just as I was getting home and then here until at least 5 o'clock.  Put myself at the table.  I offered to skip a clean or change days -- totally understand things are difficult with staffing, etc. but a last minute change yesterday didn't work.  My back was too sore from the Peloton and I needed to rest my back, cook a meal, etc.  If I had some notice I could've accommodated.  She was able to send a crew after all.  The GOOD is that I spoke up for myself (not that she sent a crew).

Finally, I had a good time with Spanish study.  I like practicing PRACTICAL conversations.  I found some fun rock painting ideas for today too.  And, I finished the book.  Lots of little happy things.  

My back was really sore after the pressing, etc but it feels okay this morning.  I was cooking HOT sleeping most of the night.  So much so that I raised the bedroom temp by 2 degrees.  By morning I had cooled down and, sure enough, the temp was back down 2 degrees.  Crazy.

Here's another rock painting of my friend's dog.  I took a picture before I sealed it because it's hard to see it when it's shiny and darker.  

Hair day today.  I'll pick a new book to start.  Hope you have a great day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday List

Lots of little things ... cue the list :)

(1) Saw Dr. Sun (chiropractor and acupuncture)  -- T11 is still a bit out of wack, but otherwise it looks good.  He cleared me for no restrictions ... BUT ...

(2) I rode for 10 minutes yesterday (lightly) and my back has some of that pain again this morning.  I'll take a break from riding today.  I'm trying not to be too scared or too disappointed.

(3) I see ortho today.  The text said I need to pay my PT bill on arrival (same system).  Um, no.  Another call to insurance with the same asshole -- went to a manager again.  Looks like they are billing under chronic pain instead of acute injury.  I'll attempt to get it straightened out today.  Insurance company got a voicemail so they're waiting for a returned call.  It's always something with insurance and billing.

(4) Spanish tutoring was fun.  Making "conversational maps" to role play situations.  I like the combination of class and tutoring -- the other learning is important, but I'm not randomly going up to someone to say I have 2 aunts and 1 uncle.  This gets me some practical practice.  I have another tutoring session next week.

(5) My itty bitty garden is off and running.  Fingers crossed for some good veggies this year.  I'm still happy with experimenting and learning before I graduate to a full garden.

(6) Dinner plans with our friends are on for Friday which surprises me.  Over the pandemic they canceled every single time because it was too nice of a day not to boat, family dinner, etc -- even when they initiated the plans.  Why do I have so many people in my life who cancel plans for other plans?  But, she texted and wants me to figure out the restaurant even though they invited us to go out.  So I googled, made some calls about reservations and outdoor seating, texted her 2 options ... and she needs to think about it and get back to me.  Those are my suggestions -- ball in her court now.  I'm not inviting them here for dinner -- that invitation expired 4 canceled offers ago.

(7) I joined the Wordle craze.  I like doing it -- quietly without posting about it.  

(8) Another pushed morning.  Cleaning crew is coming while I'm at ortho.  My week isn't so full, but the mornings are and that sets my days off a little.  Early hair appointment tomorrow.  

That's all from here.  Have a great Wednesday!  Later gators.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

I'm Okay ...

My back feels like the regular kind of stuff this morning.  I'm going to "ride" again today.  Man, I'm nervous.  I couldn't fall asleep last night because I was scared of this morning.  

Early chiropractor (and acupuncture) appointment this morning.  HVAC service after AND Spanish tutoring today.  This week is full starting today.  Yesterday was a nice day of just putzing around -- plants, Spanish, rock painting.

Figured out the issues with my new car.  Phone holder setup, problem with notifications turned off -- should be all set.

I'm reading The Last Green Valley (Mark Sullivan).  It's good, but sad -- I've been steering away from these kind of books lately.  It's a long one and I'm not even halfway.  Not the best bedtime reading.

The only picture I have today is a gross one ... my little bit of poison ivy.  I can't imagine being covered with it.  This little spot is itchy, painful and oozing.  I think it's the new pine straw that got me.

That's all from here -- I need to get moving this morning.  All routine stuff will need to push to this afternoon.  Have a good day!  Later gators.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Weekend Recap

We had a really nice weekend.  Coming home on Sunday worked out fine.  We were a bit rushed and took some shortcuts cleaning, but the house is in okay shape to come back in a couple of weeks.

We spent Saturday eating and drinking downtown -- nothing else to do with my back being bad.  Hiking next family gathering.  Kids stayed out after dinner while we went home to take care of the dogs.  Hubby picked them up around 10 o'clock.  

Here are a few pictures ...

New picture hung in the background.
First coffee while everyone wakes up.

Usual trek to our favorite local coffee shop.
We took the road route to avoid the hills
because of my back.

Funny faces after pups barking at another dog.

Rooftop drinks before dinner.

It actually tasted good.

I'm glad the weekend worked well.  It was beautiful weather -- next time more nature time.  We're going up at least once in May.  Still working on the options.  

The introvert in me is ready for a ROUTINE day today.  All things me -- Spanish, gardening, rock painting, walk ... AND, I'm going to try a 5 minute bike.  I pushed my back this weekend and nothing changed (no worse) so let's see if I'm ready to start introducing biking again.  Hubby is home until tomorrow afternoon if things go wrong.  Fingers crossed.  I'll know by morning.

Happy Monday!  Looking for a good week.  My hope is getting back to "normal" by May ... starting the transition this week.  Later gators.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

We Made It

Duke thinking he's missing out on backseat fun.

Sat this way for an hour.

Meanwhile ...

We took lots of stops and my back was okay.  Tired by the end of the day, but I made it.  Happy to be here again.  

This is my current view.  Gift from my youngest at Christmas.  Works like a charm.

Today is all day downtown Asheville once my youngest and GF arrive.  Focusing on what I can do and having fun.

Have a happy Saturday.  Later gators.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Road Trippin'

We're off to Asheville this morning -- after I do a shit-ton of packing and getting ready.  I ran out of steam yesterday so I pushed the rest to this morning.

MRI was fine.  I'm not claustrophobic so it wasn't a big deal.  I did bleed through all my things -- hard monthly right now.  Same happened last night too -- guess I need to level up my protection for a few days.  I usually have a moderate to light period, so this is new for me.  (*TMI*)

Poison ivy, heavy period, back pain, knee pain, super low energy, headache and foot tendonitis -- I'm in some crazy shape today.  Fingers crossed about the weekend.  I'm trying to rally, but it's not easy.  I feel terrible and I'm not even sick -- interesting.

I got a painting from Etsy and I love it -- oil painting (chunky texture which the picture doesn't show) on stretched canvas.  I'll wall mount it this week.  I have it on a stand for now (that's the curly bits on the bottom).

I'm working on sketching my friend's dog on a rock.  Almost there ... I need smaller ears and a bigger rock.

Anyway -- very short hello since I have a lot to do.  Recap of the weekend (with pictures) coming on Monday.  Have a great weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

It's a birthday ...

HBD to my eldest -- 28!  We're celebrating with everyone in Asheville for the weekend.  Who doesn't love a birthday?!?

A few updates ...

Canceled the massage for Sunday.  Why?  Got my period yesterday, have poison ivy on my forearms (must be the new pinestraw) and my back isn't great.  Too much stacked against me to enjoy the experience.  

MRI this morning.  I have really bad cramps (always worse when I'm late).  I'm hoping they'll be over before the scan.  It'll be close -- I had them most of the night.  They stop as fast as they start.

Coffee with my GF yesterday was better than it's been in a long time.  Why?  Because we actually hung out long enough to get past the "how's everyone" kind of conversation.  We stayed for 2 1/2 hours which is kind of a record for her.  It was really nice to feel the connection.

I love the new car, but need to figure out a phone mount.  It's going to be tricky to find one that doesn't block the touch screen, but there are a number of options so fingers crossed.

Lots to do today to get ready to go.  Mostly plant related (hah).  Watering everyone (inside and out).  Traveling with a few.  Setting up for the hydrangeas to get planted on Saturday.  And packing a lot of stuff to restock the house.  I have to stop at the bakery this afternoon too.

We might come home a day early since I canceled the massage.  We can load up the sheets and take them back to wash.  We'll see how it goes.  That might make things easier.

I'm nervous about this trip and my back.  And I'm wondering if I'll have a good time (because of limits with my back).  I don't want to wish time away, but I'll be glad when it's over and I'm home (and feeling okay).

Anyway ... have a great day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Short and Sweet

Car transfer went well.  I need to figure out a few operational things (but I did sync my phone and connect to my google account) and re-load the car with my "car stuff."  Less storage so I'll have to think about what comes back and where.  And, I was melancholy watching them drive my old car away -- OH MY GOD!!  I need to get a grip on life.

A few things on the calendar for today.  Life coach call earlier than normal.  Private tutor session for Spanish so I need to do some practicing this morning.  I took the week off from studying and I'm rusty.  Then to the vet for Monti -- raging ear infection.  I need to get better at noticing the subtle signs before it gets bad.  It goes from nothing to yuck overnight.  Poor baby.  Just glad it happened when we're home and not in Asheville this weekend.  I was able to get an appointment that fit around the zoom calls today.

I decided to bag making my eldest a birthday cake this year.  It's too hard to figure out transport with everything else going on.  I'm going to pick up treats at the bakery and we'll have dessert at the restaurant. He has lots of birthday fun happening so I'm not worried he'll be disappointed -- oh, and he's 28!!  This helped clear the week significantly.  I only get so much "back time" doing things and I need to ration what's important.

Overwhelm is still going strong and I know it's from hormones.  Anxiety brewing about everything.  I had one of those dreams last night -- all the things coming up wrapping in one big dream of anxiety.

Top of the list -- MRI approval from insurance.  Should happen today.  Then worry something is wrong -- like tumor, etc.  Where is this coming from?  Logically my symptoms, progression, etc DO NOT fit anything but a herniated disc.  Getting the MRI so I can get an epidural shot if I need it.  Yet, I'm all crazy dreaming that I'm dying.

This is a rough hormone month because I'm late. Seems that's when I have the worst mood symptoms.  If it's early (or regular), I only get a few days of anxiety.  This is well over a week now.

CBD gummies seem to be working well still.  I'm sleeping a lot better again.

Short and sweet this morning.  Have a great day -- later gators.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Big Week

This feels like a bigger week than I've had in a long time based on WHAT is happening.  MRI, 2 coaching calls, private Spanish tutoring, new car, making a scratch birthday cake (that needs to transport), drive to Asheville plus all the filler stuff around the house.

I woke up last night thinking about everything and feeling anxious (for no reason).  Luckily I was able to stop myself from thinking during the night by agreeing to "panic" think today.  I'm not sure why I'm so freaked out.  Probably monthly stuff ... cause there's that too ... probably coming to hit perfectly with the MRI and massage over the weekend.  Why not?  What good is a monthly visit if it doesn't interfere with at least a few things.

We had a great time at Easter dinner.  Kids outdid themselves and the meal was awesome.  Chicken cordon blue with 2 sauces (one for me because the other was cream), scalloped potatoes, garlic green beans and apple pie.  So nice!

I could really use some exercise this week.  I'm turning to mush and I need a good sweat.  Clothes are getting tight in strange areas as I loose muscle tone and gain weight (top of arms, upper thigh).  My plan is to start working out by the beginning of May -- I'll have the MRI and ortho appointment by then.  Fingers crossed.

Here are a couple of porch pictures -- the beginnings of a plant porch and the rocks I painted on Easter.

New car day -- I'm excited and a little sad.  This is DEFINITELY my hormones because who gets "sad" saying goodbye to a car??

I need to take a big breath and get at this week.  It's all doable and, more importantly, it's all good stuff.  I need to remind my brain because it's in panic mode -- crazy brain.  Later gators.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!

I did an unexpected thing yesterday ... bought a car.  I was ready for a new car last year, but since it's not a great time to buy a car with supply chain issues I put it on hold.  My car is hitting the heavy maintenance years (7 years old) and Mercedes maintenance is outrageously expensive.

Hubby suggested we go looking since it was a rainy day.  Cars rarely excite me and I expected I'd just get a smaller Mercedes -- I drove one for a loaner car last year and it was nice.

I used to have a Lexus (the only car I ever missed) but their new model changes are the pits.  Funny enough, I kept calling my old car a Volvo when we talked about it lately.  We've never shopped Volvo because of maintenance issues years ago (which are no longer an issue).  I LOVE the exterior shape of the Volvo -- always my favorite.  We decided to check it out since I kept mistakenly saying 'Volvo.'  

Devine intervention?!?!  Loud intuition?!? Hah!

So to land this plane, I got a Volvo midsized SUV.   It's the right size, had everything I wanted.  They aren't taking orders and are at the mercy of what comes into their dealership -- next shipment is maybe July.  Given all that ... we decided to go ahead and buy it.  I pick it up tomorrow.

It reminds me of the Lexus I loved years ago -- this would be the type of interior modifications I would've expected from Lexus.  

Has all the bells and whistles but in a simple design.  It's also a good size for me.  Some of the smaller SUVs we checked out were too small.  

Simple, but has all the gadgets.
And a touch of fancy (crystal gear shift)

Classic Volvo rear end shape

Built for safety.
White is my "signature" color because it
doesn't show a lot of dirt or its age.

As I said, I was scheduled for a new car in 2021, so it's not that crazy we bought a car.  I thought it would take another year to find one that fit the specs I wanted though (shortages in all brands of cars).

Tomorrow is the hour long setup and such.  Just me going since hubby is out of town.  

Heading to the kids for an early Easter dinner today.  I'm looking forward to it.  All I'm making is a salad -- can't get much easier than that!  I'm bringing some other Easter goodies, but no work needed (alcohol and candy).

We're in the middle of a rainy few days.  Sun by Tuesday.  I have a full week and need to do some planning tomorrow.  A few balls in the air ...

Hope you have a great Easter Sunday.  Later gators.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


We worked on outdoor plants and getting porch pots ready for veggies.

Last fall I planted a few carrot seeds and they only grew a couple inch top and stopped.  I was getting ready to pull everything and I stuck my hand down the biggest one ...

... AND, drumroll ... it's a CARROT!  We ate it and it tasted good.  I kept the pot of carrots and will plant a few more seeds once this three day rain is over.  I also fertilized them, so maybe they will continue to grow.

We went to the store to get hydrangeas and had a choice of sun or partial shade.  We got the partial shade and now I'm concerned it's wrong.  Plant worry is a real thing.  Our landscaper is going to plant them this week if he is able to catch up after the rain.

And I'm worried how I'm going to leave all the newly planted babies next weekend.  I think I want to hire a plant waterer if it's going to be sunny and warm.  I bought bottle waterers for the porch pots.  I'll test them this week.

Hubby planted the Black Eyed Susan and a pot of Shasta daisies in the front bed.  I love both -- they're perennials and they spread.  

I couldn't find English cucumber plants so I got the regular and a pack of seeds.  I started a few pots of the seeds to see if I can get them growing.  They are my favorite and so much better than the regular.

Veggie plants so far -- jalapeño, tomato, mint (2 varieties), cucumbers and zucchini ... and the still growing carrots from last year.  I need to plant the cucumbers and zucchini once the rain calms down.  Still testing the waters and getting some knowledge before I go all out with a garden.  I also want to start some greens, but not sure if I have room.

Oh, and the strawberry plants have flowers.  I added some more soil and fertilized them as well.  I can't believe they survived the winter outside.  The pot was too big to bring in.

I ordered another raised porch bed since I think I'll need the space for the cucumbers.

Pictures once everything is planted.  I think I'm a gardener now -- maybe it happens automatically over 50 :)

Have a good day -- later gators.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

Today's the only sunny day of the long weekend -- big rain the rest of the time.  We (I) are (am) focusing on all things plants and dragging hubby along for the heavy lifting.

Since the weather is yucky, the farm stand isn't putting out plants until next weekend.  My first weekend out of town for 4 months.  Dang.  I'll miss the plants so I need to figure out another plan.

I'm back to the problem of going away and tending to my plants. I figured it out last years so fingers crossed I can do it again.

My GF asked about rock painting so I showed her my "best" -- the dog rocks.  She wants me to try her dog who is a black lab mix.  That might be too much for me.  I'll give it a go though.  First commissioned artwork?!?!?  Side hustle?  Hah.  

I'm in a grouchy mood so I know what's potentially cooking for me this week.  Oh boy.  I hope it's before the weekend away and the MRI.  Wonder if I can wear a tampon for the MRI and not block what they need to see?  Hello, Google.  Looks like it, but I hope it's a non-issue.

I started an HBO series -- Nancy Drew per hubby recommendation.  I watched one episode and it seems perfectly quirky and cheesy -- just what I'm looking for in a new watch.  I'm still pacing myself and working on less TV.  I watched 2 shows yesterday.  One episode of Billions and one Nancy Drew.  We're planning on a movie night tonight and it might be a Nancy Drew watch instead :)

Quick hello this morning.  Lots of outside stuff to do today -- time to get moving.  Hope you have a Good Friday too.  Later gators.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Good Morning

Good morning!

I had another decent night's sleep.  Man, it feels good.

Botox update ... turns out if it goes to the wrong place (last time was more my forehead than 11s), I can come back between week 2 and 3 and get an adjustment for FREE.  I didn't realize it was included.  Also, no ice because she said I won't need it unless she hits a vessel.  I'm not even a little sore.  Last time I was uncomfortable -- something was obviously off last time.  We'll see in 2 weeks (time it takes for full effect).

MRI is scheduled for next week, pending insurance approval.

I have a super ambitious day planned and I don't expect to be able to do it all with my back.  I still get frustrated because this isn't undoable normally.  I'll start with the most time sensitive things and go from there.  Lots of small errands that I need to do AND chickpeas are soaking for falafel today.  

Hubby gets home around noon.  He's off tomorrow and we're planning to get plant stuff done before lots of rain moves in for the weekend.  He's helping to plant the Black-eyed Susan I got from the neighborhood sale and we're going to buy plants for the back.  I need to start a few pots too.  Still no veggie plants from the farm stand.  He only puts them out when they're ready to go in the ground.  Got to trust the farmer.

I broke out the air frier for the first time in awhile.  It was a gift from the kids -- love it, but I forget to use it.  Cooked up some mini potatoes like a champ.  I absolutely need to use it more.  Took a picture to let kids know I was using it again!  I'm posting to show the pretty spring flowers.  BTW, the wild flower seeds are starting to bloom.  I want to scatter some more -- maybe in Asheville too.

Tulips from TJs.
Yellow in the kitchen 
and hot pink in my office.

Short and sweet today.  Have a great day -- later gators.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Hump Day List

Let's do another list ...

(1) Life coaching was good again -- she's noticeably changed her style.  I think the advanced certification helped (she records sessions and gets feedback on her coaching).  We talked about relaxation vs laziness.  She also mentioned another book (Three Feet From Gold) and a podcast (Unf*ck Your Brain).  

I also have the conflict between the private Spanish coaching and next week -- I canceled life coaching, but she offered me other time option if I wanted (instead of tacking on to the end).  I took an earlier time next week.

(2) Chatted with my sister who said I should call ortho and get pre-certification for the MRI without next ortho appointment.  So I left a message for his nurse ... and MRI called yesterday.  I missed the call (had my phone on DND during coaching call).  Called back, but haven't heard yet.  I'll call again today.

(3) New carpet cleaner is the bomb.  So much better than Stanley Steamer from nuts to bolts.  Carpet dries in an hour, he brings his own water and the carpets look great.  Plus it's cheaper.  It's his family business, he and his wife, so he'll be the person cleaning.  Stanley Steamer is inconsistent with crew quality.

(4) Cleaning crew today.  Always nice.  Always a pain (since dogs and COVID).

(5) Heading for an appointment while they're here though -- Botox for my 11s.  This last time didn't take as well.  It moved more up my forehead than on the 11s so I'm ready after 3 months instead of 4.  This time I'm going to her PA who is an old work colleague of mine AND I'm asking for ice.  

(6) I watched 2 recorded network shows on TV last evening.  That was enough.  I'm not sure I'll watch anything today since I don't have anything started.  That said, I'm interesting in the Julia Child mini-series on HBO Max.  I read her book and it was good.  She was quite an interesting person.

(7) This is the next book up on the list.  I only read the author's preface.  Gets incredible reviews.  Another long book :)

(8) CBD gummies worked well last night.  I slept deeply and for long stretches.  I hope they keep working to get me through this phase.  I don't get sleepy from them, but I sleep better.

(9) I'm taking a few days off from Spanish study.  I've been taking continuous classes for 3 months and I think a itty bitty break will do me good.  Then I'm using some flash cards to change things up this week.  I need a little variety.  I'm excited to try the individual classes.

That's a wrap for today.  Have a great day -- later gators.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

10 Days Done and Dusted!

Yesterday was a day of TWO LASTS -- last Spanish Level 2 class and last day of the 5 7 10 day TV Fast. I'm giving myself a gold star on both.

Spanish ...
Señora D changed the Monday night time to 6:45 for Level 3.  Too late for me.  6:15 pushed it (no mental clarity, especially with crappy sleep).  I ended up registering back where I started, Sundays at 3:15.  Sunday class doesn't start until May 15 though.

This 6 week (one skip week for Memorial Weekend) block includes 2 bookclubs, Mother's Day, Father's Day and my birthday.  Not ideal, but that's what I'm doing.  I'll do weekly private classes until it starts and maybe a few more private classes during Level 3.  She has some classes at 9pm (!!) At some point I might need to change to only private.

I figure, I might bag one class for bookclub ... or at least pop into say hi to bookclub (it's at 3 o'clock).  Summers aren't well attended for bookclub anyway.  We'll see ...

TV Fast ...
It was hard, it was good, it was worth it ... but I'm ready to watch again.  Hopefully, not back to hours and hours each day.  10 days got me out of the stuck loop of all afternoon-evening TV watching.  When I need to rest my back, it's an easy go-to ... too easy.

It also broke the snacking habit and for that reason I'm a bit "worried" about starting up again.  We'll see what today brings.  I have a full day and I overdid my back the last 2 days so I need to take it easy.

A few picture updates for this morning:

Plants are coming back to the porch.

Flowers from our neighborhood sale.
I need to plant them soon.

Hubby and me???
I tried lol!

New container for the ones
I want to leave in the woods.

I finally made the Spanish stew (lentils, cauliflower and potato) -- it's surprisingly good.  Lots of veggies that cook down and you're left with the cauliflower, lentils and potato and I swear you think it's meat.  I'll put this one on rotation again.  For now, I have a few containers to freeze.

I'll also make falafel again this week, but oven fry it instead.  They are so addictively good!

That's all this morning because I need to get moving.  New carpet cleaners coming at 9 o'clock and I have a lot to get ready.  Hubby is in FL this week for a conference.  

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Sunday Updates

Let's do a list!

(1) Foot massage was very nice.  I thought it was going to be like a manicure minus the nail polish, but it was more like reflexology -- laying on a massage bed, etc.  The downside -- total time was 40 minutes.  When you book the appointment it says 1 hour.  It was a lot of money for what it was, but my foot feels good this morning.

(2) I up charged to use a CBD cream on my feet -- $30 and the tube only costs $40.  Bad financial choice on my part.  I got the cream to try (of course I did).  Absolutely not worth charging me $30 for rubbing a little on at the start of the massage -- very little product and about 60 seconds worth of time.

(3) I also bought CDB gummies for sleep -- specifically deep sleep.  Tried it last night and it was the first night in forever that I've been able to fall back to sleep after waking up -- bathroom breaks, dogs, etc.  Maybe this is my answer?  I need restorative sleep.  Every night I sleep, but I don't wake up rested.  I think I'm not in a deep enough sleep for long enough.  Stay tuned.

(4) Added my boys to the rock painting.

(5) Turns out YESTERDAY was the hardest NO TV day.  I was crazy bored -- it was too cold and windy for the park.  I had no interest in the usual suspects of ideas from my list.  I settled on reading.  I'm ready for the experiment to be over, but 2 more days.  I'm so close and I'm going to keep this promise.  

(6) After hubby gets back from golfing we're going to the park so that's something for this afternoon.  Today is a day I get to walk 2 miles AND I'm making the Spanish stew.  I don't expect to be as bored as I was yesterday.  I was limited in the afternoon because my back was bothering me -- didn't want to cook or walk, etc.

Have a great Sunday.  I think temps are warming all across the east coast.  Maybe this week is the REAL spring!  Later gators.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Brag Post

Humble brag: 

I decided to try painting my grand-dog on a rock ... then I painted my beloved boy who passed 2 years ago ... then my other grand-dog.  They look so GOOD (!!)  I'll try my dogs soon.  It was the most fun painting.  I'm super limited by the colors I have so it could be better, but they totally look like the dogs.  Who knew I could do this?  

Yes, the chihuahua has a beard 
and a mohawk!

Chiropractor and acupuncture yesterday and it HURT.  He said it was going to be a hard one.  T11 and T12 are being stubborn, my hip was out of alignment AND my clavicle was really messed up.  I've been having such pain on my upper arms, shoulders and upper back.  He thinks I've stressed the area from TOO MUCH READING.  What?!?!?  In the position I've been using for my back.  Good lord.  That said, he thinks everything is healing well and 2 more appointments should do it.  Light at the end of the tunnel.

I didn't make the stew yesterday because I was sore.  Probably tackling it tomorrow.

Yesterday was the hardest NO TV day.  It was cold and rainy, I was sore and tired -- I wanted nothing more than to get on the sofa for the rest of the day.  But I didn't.  I ended up going to bed around 7 o'clock and I had a decent night's sleep.  I've been really tired from poor sleep.  My sleep schedule is finally normalizing to what my body likes -- early to bed and early to rise.  It's been off since the injury.

I finished Cloud Cuckoo Land (Anthony Doerr) and it was one of the best books I've read in a long time. Incredibly well written, such a creative story -- just wow!  I couldn't remember who recommended this, but it finally came to me ... it was a person in my bookclub.  I can't believe I haven't heard of it -- it's so good.

New pick:

New release recommended
by Jamie from the PopCast

Every single day this week a new (used) book has come in the mail.  I need to get reading!  

Today is another unseasonably cool day -- I had to bring my plants inside because of a frost warning.  BUT ... it should be such a good day.  Foot massage and CBD cream (never used this before) to help my tendonitis and then dogs (with hubby) to the park.  Dog fun AND rock hunting.  

Hope you're set to have a great day too.  Later gators.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Plants are AMAZING

Quick story ...

I had two of the same plants side-by-side in little pots (when I ordered one a couple of years ago, they doubled my order in error).  Anyway ... they grew entwined and I had to take the 2 pots together to water, etc.  Yesterday morning, I spent 20 minutes untangling them, trimming and transplanting each into a bigger pot.  

I put the pots on separate tables because both won't fit on the plant stand in the bigger pots.  When I walked into the bedroom early evening, I found them like this -- they already found each other and are entangled again.  The vines had been hanging down with a big gap between them.  

Nature is CRAZY and AMAZING and I love plants :). Soul mates!

Lunch went off without a hitch yesterday.  I think my GF was on her best commitment behavior after cancelling last couple of times :)  We had a good catch up.

Then the Artist Date -- falafel.  I had no idea it's JUST chickpeas, green onion and herbs/seasonings -- no binding agents.  I thought there was no way the mixture would stay together, but it did.  They're DELICIOUS!  I ate them with pickled red onions and I can't wait for lunch today.

This is half the batch -- I'll freeze some today.

Dogs and I sat on the porch for a minute in the afternoon, but yellow pollen is at its peak and we were covered almost immediately from the trees behind the house.  It's the craziest thing this time of year.  I wiped everything down and it was yellow after 10 minutes.

My Easter rock bunny bowl is filling up.  I tried an owl yesterday -- not bad, but I need to clean up my lines more.  It's sloppy up close.

I have a chiropractor and acupuncture appointment midday.  I was planning to drop dog stuff to my eldest, but he's has a conference call at the time I'll be passing by -- unless appointment is quick or long.  We'll see.  

Ortho canceled my appointment for Monday and can't reschedule until the 27th.  Pisser.  I wonder if he has COVID?

Hubby comes home this afternoon.  Dogs will be happy to be walked.  I feel bad I can't take them out yet.

If my back is okay, I'm making a Spanish stew this afternoon.  I'll play that by ear too.

Have a happy Friday!  Later gators.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Lunch Plans??

I have lunch plans with my GF who cancels, postpones, changes plans, changes times on the REGULAR.  I confirmed with her yesterday and (*fingers crossed*) looks like it's a go today.  Wonders will never cease.  

I'm looking forward to getting out for a little social time and a good conversation -- as much as I complain about her commitment to plans, she's one of my favorite people.

I'm going to pass on rock hunting adventures today -- rained for the last 2 days (muddy) and my back won't like the bending over.  That can wait until we take the dogs to the park on Saturday.  My Artist Date is cooking Falafel this afternoon.  Chickpeas soaked overnight and I'm set to go today.  I have ingredients for a Spanish stew with lentils, cauliflower and potatoes -- that can wait for this weekend.

As I said yesterday, funny how my days filled up once I looked for things to do -- I'm limited by what my back handles, but I can do a lot.

TV Fast Day 6.  Yesterday was the hardest since my back hurt and I needed to be on the heating pad a lot. I was a little restless figuring out what to do.  I'm happy I extended the experiment though -- the break is redirecting me.  Up side -- ZERO desire to snack.  What?!?!  Snacking (over-snacking) is tied super duper closely to TV watching for me.

PT left me in a lot of pain yesterday -- pushed with weights.  Sadly, the back strengthening exercises can only be done with a machine.  I feel as usual this morning and that's a good sign.  He said only trial and error can say whether the pain is beneficial or it's too much, too early.  Guess this kind of injury isn't as straight forward as surgical recovery (for example).

I took a plunge (mini-plunge) and scheduled a private Spanish tutoring class over Easter break week to practice speaking.  Why not go all in and see if I like the private sessions -- totally out of my comfort zone in a good way.  Of course, her availability was during my life coaching time -- I'm rescheduling life coaching.  At the end of our last call, my life coach casually mentioned she was going on vacation the last week in April -- AGAIN.  If she can schedule to her convenience, so can I (that was pointed out to me on the SCS call).

I'm trying some new things with rock painting.  Base coating and decorating with brushes a little (instead of just pens).   

That's all this morning.  Lunch is really early so we can get a seat outside -- best get going.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Lots of Little Updates

Let's do a list ...

(1) Coaching call was one of the better ones I've had because she took the reins a little and actually COACHED ME.  Most calls I feel like I need to drive the bus.  Maybe we're hitting a stride finally.

We talked about morning workouts and why having to let go of them is such a mind-blow for me.  Spoiler alert -- the panic is about what I'll lose mentally, not what I'll lose physically.  I know I'll get back the physical fitness, I'm scared I won't recover the mental slide.  Second spoiler alert -- there doesn't need to be a mental slide.  Faulty thinking that continues in the background from years ago.

Homework is letter writing to myself -- 4 letters.  I did the thank you letter to my body for protecting itself from a bigger injury.  It's kind of cathartic to write to yourself.

(2) TV Fast is going well.  Today is Day 5 and I have a few things I want to watch, but I'm not missing the act of watching TV (i.e. sitting on the sofa for hours watching and snacking).  I originally said 5 days, then one week and then 10 days.  Halfway.

(3). Monti's Cuddle belly bands came yesterday.  He needs to wear one at times because he's marking all over the house (carpet cleaners coming again next week).  These are soft and more like he's wearing a little belly fleece instead of an uncomfortable diaper.  They're designed for senior dogs with incontinence.  He didn't mind it at all.  The hope is the bands stop him from marking -- he was dry when he wore it.

The gate works great to stop him from using the front rooms, but then he started marking my bedroom and closet.  He goes outside 20 times a day and we had him tested for a UTI -- vet says it's regular old man stubborn issues.

(4)  A fellow foster recommended this additive for the wash -- she uses it when she washes dog diapers, but I got it for towels too.  I LOVE good smelling wash.  Haven't tried it yet but it smells nice.

(5) I'm reading The Artist's Way and it's more involved than I'm interested in pursuing, but I'm pulling things from the book that I want to try.  The base of her program (to tap into your creative side) is daily morning pages and a weekly artist's date.

Daily morning pages are 3 pages of handwriting journalling about anything and everything.  Stream of conscience -- you write them, but don't go back and read them.  It's like a thought download from Brooke Castillo.  

Weekly artist date is something you do SOLO and connect with creativity.  Walk in the woods, walk in an antique store, museum visit, etc.  It can be almost anything (think fun playdate), but you need to do it by yourself and explore your time intentionally.

I like the idea of both to experiment with while I'm healing.

(6) PT appointment today.  Last of the "free" ones.  Not sure if I'll continue at $200 a session.  I have an ortho appointment Monday to talk about options.

(7) Rock painting continues.  My favorite is painting the little houses from the rocks I find in the park.  This was the last rock -- need to "hunt" more.  I think that might be my artist date this week -- me, a park and a bag of rocks :)

(8) New recipe this week -- homemade Falafel.  Recipe says you have to start with dry beans so that'll be something new to try.  I'll look for them today, but might need to wait for a Whole Foods run to find them.

(9) Dress from Anthropology came last night.  I haven't tried it on yet but it's SO PRETTY!  I'm a little worried the waist will be too snug.  I'll wait a bit to try it on.  I'm sad the green dress order was canceled -- that one was my favorite.

That's all from here.  Full day again today so I better get moving.  Mulch delivery this morning, grocery store run, PT appointment and all the usual things as well.  I guess when you look for what you CAN do, you find a lot to do.  

Have a good day.  Later gators.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Antique Glasses and Such

Good morning!

Yesterday was a FULL day -- guess that happens when you don't watch 6 hours of TV :) 

I was tired for Spanish class (combination of a full day that I'm not used to AND poor sleep).  It was a struggle to get my brain working (teacher commented that I had checked-out).  Oh well.  I showed up and did the best I could.

It was also a hard back day.  30 minute walk, nail salon and lots of moving around the house was too much.  I had a lot of pain going to bed (had to use the heating pad and take RX NSAID).  But, I slept okay.  I'm uncomfortable this morning, but today is a rest kind of day so that should help.

I'm calling to get an ortho appointment -- I need to know my options.  

Anyway -- today will be a challenge being home with all day rain and NO TV.  I'm up for it though.  It feels strangely good to take this break.  I base painted some rocks so they're ready to go for today.  Seeds came last night and I might plant a few pots (depending on how I feel).  Totally a puttering day, but lots of little fun things.

Here's the book I'm reading.  It's super unusual, but the writing is good -- I like it a lot so far and a fun title.

I'm slowly filling the bunny with painted rocks.  I can't wait to hike again and scatter them.  Every time this catches my eye, I think it's candy.  

My aunt gave me some antique glasses from my great aunt and Granny.  I took a few of the random ones for desk supplies.  I try to USE things like this instead of keeping them in a cabinet.  I have a bunch I'm using as drinking glasses too.

Coaching call today.  No "problem" to chat about -- it'll be all about figuring out how to maximize (and live with) this ongoing change in my mobility.  

That's all from here.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.