Saturday, August 10, 2019

Too Many Cherries

I bought on-sale cherries yesterday because I thought, why not -- Day 27 of W30 and I've been off fruit.  Cherries are finished soon and a sale is a sale (cherries are so expensive).

They were perfect, hit the spot.  *TMI Alert*

Then, not perfect.  Many bathroom trips later, it settled down to mega-bloat.  I guess a bowl of fruit was a shock to my Whole30 system.

Still a problem this morning.

Farmers Market with a friend this morning and she INSISTED on riding together.  Ut-oh.  Hope this is over by the drive together or I'm going to be in bloated pain all morning!  *TMI Over*

I'm also heading to dinner with my eldest and DIL to trial the last rehearsal dinner restaurant.  It's a popular place so only a 5:15 reservation available -- great for an old lady who's driving herself.

Dance card is full today (totally empty tomorrow though).

Youngest called last night and is feeling better.  His plan is in motion and the anxiety has settled down.  The new location isn't as bad as he thought and he feels he can stick it out until a new job.  Phew.  Hope he continues to feel better.  Anxiety sucks and mamas worry no matter how old the cub.

I have some podcast goodies, but that can wait until tomorrow and my TOTALLY FREE day.

Happy Saturday!  Later gators.

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