Monday, August 19, 2019

Oooops ...

I forgot to set my alarm.  I woke up a little before 4 o'clock and then again at 7 o'clock.  Outside run rescheduled for tomorrow - hah.

Oh well.

It's still Monday -- just 2 hours later than I thought.

I finished Recursion -- it was okay.  The end was better than the middle, but maybe not enough to waste on the read.  It would make a fun plane or beach read though.  Interestingly, the dedication in the back shows that he names his characters after real people.  He named one after the author of A Gentleman in Moscow (one of his favorite books).  I noticed the similarity in names (I actually checked but it wasn't exactly the same), but it never occurred to me that there was a connection.  It's an incredible book.

New book pick today -- exciting.  I have a couple ready in kindle so I'll choose from them.  I can't remember anything about either.  Yep, again.

We're heading to the city today to get prescriptions in sunglasses.  I hope I don't have to drop off --sometimes they can do it while you wait.  Hubby's are ready (it's a backup pair, so no problem for him -- I only have one pair).  Maybe I should get a second pair?!  Now there's an idea.

This afternoon is a Costco run.  Refrigerator is empty and we are having friends over this week.  I also need to make a dish for GNI group.

Waiting on our foster dog pickup.  He's feeling better, but hasn't been neutered yet.  It's likely tomorrow so another day of driving.  This week has a big driving theme.

TREAT today is TBD.  Maybe a new pair of sunglasses.  Maybe a coffee.  Both sound equally nice (that's how much I love my coffee).

TOOL is ACTION.  Lots to do next couple of days -- chore wise.  Need to keep moving -- future self will thank me for getting it finished before Wednesday.

Later gators.

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