Monday, August 5, 2019

Coaching Homework

This is hard.

I'm trying to find a system that allows me to treat with food, but holds a boundary so I don't easily get out of control (a glass of wine VS a bottle of wine).

I've done the homework of "noticing" -- when I hold myself too strict on small things and when I have defeating head messages.  It's surprising how often I say "I want to do X but I SHOULD do Y."  Holding accountable for a lot of things is good -- it's why we have money in the bank, raised responsible kids, have a reasonable healthy lifestyle, etc.

Yet ... I go overboard.  Then it backfires and I go too far the other direction. (Dang, all-or-nothing is sneaky.)

I noticed that with my nail appointment again (I guess the nail salon is my spirit animal - hah).  My favorite blue was back.  "I want to get a nail polish change, but I should wait because that's wasteful."  What's the harm? $7 and I have my nails trimmed and my favorite blue.  I didn't restrict it made me happy.  Oh, and it extended my pedicure, so I'm not even sure that it net costs me anything.

I also use a lot of defeating messages.  "I can't do this forever."  "I'll always want the ALL."

Sundays evenings are hard for me.  Family gathers during my witching hours and I'm stuck living each minute WANTING to join them for drinks and food (my options don't cut it).  I can't distract myself, go do something.  I'm at my own house and the temptations are super strong.  It would be fine if I were somewhere else (someone's house or out to dinner).  Then LEFTOVERS.  I send the kids with some, but hubby always wants to keep a bit home too.  All night the food "talks" to me and then it sits in the refrigerator until Monday afternoon (usually).

This morning I feel battle wary -- it was a long evening.  Dramatic, I know.  I know, but it's true.

I can get this going in a good direction today.  Full day.  Boxing workout, eye appointment, errands, Releash calls.  It will have me going until evening.  Tomorrow is empty (cancelled hike day) and a REST day.  In my current mind-state, that could be a dangerous day -- I need to plan ahead.

Whole30 is going and is almost over (one week).  I'm struggling on the motivation front this morning. Usually, I'm nicely into the flow, but this morning I can not wait for this to be over -- not a good sign.

I have a pattern of difficult Mondays.  I think it's because of Sunday night.  It's such a tough evening. I should have a break the next few weeks though.  Then football season and it's a guaranteed Sunday ALL DAY adventure.  Fun, but Mt. Everest every week (and boring football - !!).

Today's TREAT is Target run.  I'll spend some time looking and wandering.  Fun to take the time to see what's new.

My TOOL today is planning.  In this case, more like planning fun rather than planning rules.  Tuesday is looming empty and needs a little adventure.

Later gators.

P.S.  Unity service and breakfast was great.  We're trying to make it a semi-regular thing (when she's available too).  It's a nice way to start a Sunday.

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