Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Drum Roll ...

Up at 5 o'clock.

As usual, it's HARD.  I wake up so naturally at 4 and then so unnaturally at 5 ... no wonder it's been yucky to get back to this wakeup time.

I'm giving it some thought (when I'm actually awake) and see if it's too early.  Or see if I want to do the early wakeup when I run outside or need to be up this early ONLY.

Today, I need to be up this early -- cleaning crew changed the schedule and we are now first thing Wednesday morning.  I need to make cleaning day a rest workout day in the future -- that will solve some of the issues this morning.

It's a FULL day.  Grocery shopping while the cleaning crew is here.  Coaching call late morning.  Cooking all day in preparation for tomorrow and an appetizer for GNI tonight.  Bummer to cook in a perfectly clean kitchen -- I'm cooking slob.  I clean up, but the process ain't pretty!

The better part of tomorrow will be picking up our foster dog.  Need to get ready for friends over for dinner so I have a lot to do today.

I listened to the podcasts on boundaries (coaching homework).  Easier said than done in a lot of situations.  Life is a messy process.  I'm trying.  Still no final decision on continuing coaching.  Taking a page from Jen Hatmaker -- if it's not a hell-yes, then it's a no.  That's the probable decision.

Remember the busybody who volunteered me to give insulin shots to a cat for a week?  That neighbor found another solution -- she texted that it was too big of a favor to ask.  I also think she was noticed that I was put on the spot.  Nice, normal neighbor.  Awesome.  She honored a boundary when I didn't.

I need to get moving -- catching a workout AND a shower before the cleaning crew is going to be tight.  Oh, such problems.

TREAT today is the afternoon to myself cooking ... hubby is golfing.  It's going to be quiet and I'll happily take that before the GNI group.

TOOL is problem solving -- again today.  Lots to juggle, but it can come together with a little creativity.

Later gators.

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