Sunday, August 25, 2019

Good Morning

Did you hear about the lightening strike at the PGA Championship yesterday?  My peeps walked that route to leave 5 minutes before when they suspended play.  Scary.  Thankfully, injuries are reported to be non-life threatening and hopefully not serious too.

Morning weather.

It was the right decision for me to stay home yesterday.  The weather was either hot/humid or storming.  They didn't have the best year watching.  Today is a perfect day -- bad luck on Saturday tickets.

PJ is adjusting.  He's a sweet fellow.  We're going to try to be in the big bed tonight.  He'll to be crated a little bit today and a lot tomorrow.  Fingers crossed -- he howls :)

Trying to get along -- with me in the middle.
Nap time.

I'm ditching my latest read -- Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk (Kathleen Rooney).  It's not doing it for me.  I'm about 1/3 of the way and am bored silly.  It's blocking the reading works because I'm not interested in reading at all.  I'm going to pull from my bookshelves to see what's sitting unread.  I have a few.  I'm also starting a couple of books about borderline personality as a close family member is giving me some grief -- it's been a lifetime of trying to handle having her in my life.  My coach recommended the read as we both have unfortunate experience with those personalities.

Today's weather is not disappointing.  It's cool, overcast and in the 70s for a high.  This is forecasted to stick around for 3 glorious days.  Fantastic!  I'm heading out for a long dog walk and then some workout -- maybe arms days.

In my world of food choices, I'm sucking.  Nothing else to report.  I think I have it under control today and this week should be a good one.  I have no words - ugh.

Time to get moving after my slug day yesterday.  Hubby is golfing.  It's me and 3 dogs for the day.  Have a great one -- later gators.

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