Saturday, July 13, 2019

Last Day

Last day before I begin a Whole30.

I'm ready.  I'm bloated, tired, sore -- all the things.  We have dinner and drinks with friends tonight so I wanted to start after today (it would be different if I had already started).

The Fun Friday neighborhood gathering was nice.  Good food (old ladies can cook - haha!!), nice company.  We stayed a few hours, but didn't make it a late night.  My "cheat" sliders worked well.  I have another month to figure out something else to bring.  I might bake -- the savory food was amazing and I don't know if I can come up with another idea that will be eaten.  The desserts were mostly store bought, so the homemade stuff went well.  Or maybe candied bacon?!?!  There's a thought.

It's HOT this weekend.  With my bloated self and on the approach to my monthly, I'm not tolerating the heat at all.  We are planning to go into a town tonight and walk around before dinner.  Ugh.  And it's suppose to storm heavily (but not relieve the humidity).  I texted my girlfriend this morning to see if we wanted to change up our plans.

Ziggy is having a rough go.  His grooming looks good, but he's ended up with several hot spots.  Poor boy.  The pain is making him fussy (I have cream and pills for him).  He has no interest from adopters.  Hubby is complaining.  Fun times.

I have to figure out a workout this morning.  I ran yesterday, so I need to do something else, but my back is still wonky.

Not feeling like participating in anything today.  Whole30 can't come soon enough.  Why do I do this to myself?  If I could solve that, I could conquer the world LOL.

Happy HOT Weekend.  Later gators.

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