Wednesday, July 24, 2019

19 for 19 Update

Gretchen Rubin ... list of 19 things to accomplish for 2019.  The list could be ANYTHING ... big, small ... fun, hard ... important, silly.

I'm on track for a good run IF I get my butt moving on the not-so-fun things.

Here's the list.

Highlights are FINISHED - yea me.  The first few were about getting the house ready to sell.  We know how that worked out - ass backwards, but it's done and the new house is a reality.

The most important things are still outstanding -- update will and trust paperwork and make a comprehensive list of all accounts (numbers, passwords, etc).  This needs to happen sooner than later.

We are back to the Italy trip -- all booked.

Fill Urge list - at #76.  I think the outcome is a flop, but the list WILL get finished.  More on that when I hit #100.

Church and brunch with Lisa (that's for the fall when walking around Atlanta is comfortable)

Create a positive afternoon routine -- going well.

What will likely NOT get accomplished:
Visit Memphis (it's almost a 7 hour drive -- I thought it was closer -- not worth it)
Learn a concert "dance move" (that was for RISE, which had come and gone)
Free from buffering (if only!!!!)

What's a MAYBE:
Hike with Darcie and Holly
Visit with Deb Kantor.
Both of these COULD happen if I make them a priority.  It will take me to get it done and the year is ticking by quickly.

It was a fun activity for the new year and I'm going to do it again next year.  The question is should I do 20 for 20 OR 50 for 50.  It's the year I turn 50 and maybe I should go for gusto on things to do.  Of course, a list of 50 will need to be lots of little things.  The challenge sounds fun.  Stay tuned ... either way, it's going to be a good time.

I've learned from this first go around ...
I need to think of things I want leading up to making the list.  I made the list in January and a lot of the things were in my head in January (getting the house ready, etc).  If it hadn't been on my actual to-do list, it probably wouldn't have make the 19.  This time, I'd like the list to be less about THAT now moment -- something more thoughtful, more inspired.  Does that make sense?  And inspired doesn't necessarily mean meaningful or big.

For example:
I have a few classic movies that I've never seen, but always wanted to -- perfect for the list.  What's not perfect is putting a movie coming out in February on the list.  That's too NOW, too forgetful, too uninspired, too "regular."

It's fun to PLAN a year and put interesting things on the list.  It's also hard to figure out what I want to accomplish an entire year away.  My interests change, new ideas come to light.  I remember a GR reader saying she left one line intentionally blank so she could add something during the year.  That's a great idea.

I'm going to keep a running "idea" list as things come to mind or I copy other people's ideas - hah.  I probably should get back on the GR network board to get inspired.  I signed up for the year (cheap) and it was a flop for me.  Maybe I'm ready for a revisit -- I have access to the entire year of materials if I can remember my password (!!).

I'm sure GR will have lots of info at the turn of the year on her podcast too.  She loves to share everyone's great ideas.

If my running list is BIG, I'll go for the 50 ... if not, 20 sounds about right.  I'm getting excited for a new list, but I need to focus on this year -- get it done, old gal.

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