Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Even a Less Fun Post

Officially back in a rut.

Direct TV knocked out the internet and they're trying to get a technician out sometime this week (I'm currently using my phone as a hot spot -- again).  This means we have limited Direct TV because it can't communicate, no Netflix, no Prime.  Not usually a big thing, but I'm not feeling well and relaxing on the sofa with a TV distraction would be nice.

I have a virus (nasty throat ulcers all over and a big old headache that won't go away).  I think this is a big part of EVERYTHING.  I want to feel well.  I want to NOT have something injured or hurting or sick.

Ziggy went to his new family but was acting a bit snarly -- waiting to see if this adoption holds.

Hubby wants at least a month break between fosters and we are arguing about it (on his birthday).  He's also suggested doing something other than fostering.  I'm upset -- super upset.  I love fostering.

I have to put a smile on my face because it's his birthday.  Fortunately, he'll be gone all afternoon golfing and I can hold a pity-party for myself.  I don't want to argue on his birthday, but I also don't feel like pretending all is happy and well.

What is going on lately?  I can't figure it out.  Since I have nothing good to say, I'll stop here -- hah.  No one likes a party pooper.  Later gators.

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