Saturday, June 22, 2019

Working Saturday

I cleaned the hard things yesterday (floors, bathrooms and kitchen).  It looks so much better -- you can't see all the dirt until you don't see it anymore (metaphor, perhaps).  Worth the work.  Today is DUSTING.  Oddly, my least favorite thing to do.  I don't have the patience for dusting.  Thank the lord for the Swiffer dusting stick.  Some things need the real kind of dusting, but others can handle a quick brush (i.e. chair spindles, railing rungs, etc).

I made a decision ... prepare for the mother-load of JUSTIFICATION.  Bare with me though, it's actually a dollar for dollar justification.  Came as an epiphany during my floor scrubbing - hah.

I want or need (who knows which one) to get my butt coached to do a Whole30.  I'm also ready to continue life coaching as a way to hold me accountable for ALL the things.  I held steady for a year with coaching and maybe it's okay to want to continue moving forward with help.  I absolutely don't want to back-slide.  I'm not saying I need to be coached every single day -- all year long, but a little boost a couple of times a year might be worth it.

Justification -- if I continue to clean my house, I'll save the EXACT amount of money (per month) that coaching costs.  Mind blown.  

I'm back with Holly in July.  We need to work out the details once she's back from vacation.  This feels good.  I need to figure out a start date for Whole30 and get moving forward.  (I still DON'T want to do it -- but I need to do it.  Think two-year-old having a tantrum.)

Anyway, the rest of today is grocery shopping, food prepping and hanging pictures.  It's a working Saturday and that's fine by me.  Lots of things needed cleaning up -- it's oddly all connected.

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