Monday, June 24, 2019

Goodbye 48

Hello, 49 (tomorrow).

BIRTHDAY week is here.  When you get a weekend birthday, it's totally EXTRA fun to celebrate when everyone is in the mood to celebrate (because it's the weekend).  A weekday birthday is less ta-da, but gets to extend through the week.  At least, that's how I look at it.

My week is scattered with a pedicure, massage, lunches, shopping, nitro coffee and presents.  That's not a bad way to live a week.

Since this week has some fun, I decided to start the Whole30 TODAY.  WHAT?!?!  The day before my birthday??  I'm totally heroic, brave and amazing (JK), but you know it's because I ate like a maniac all weekend and I'm finally over it.  Best gift to myself ... get feeling better ... asap.

And, the easiest way to survive the 1st week of a NEEDED Whole30 is to treat with "other" things.  This week is already set with so many treats, it's time to do the work.  P.S.  Part of me is still screaming and kicking and pouting and being TWO YEARS OLD.  But the real me is turning 49 and I need to DO BETTER - hah.

I also know this I-can-do-this attitude is the honeymoon of an egg, bacon, veggie omelet for breakfast speaking.  I'm not even into the first day of the witching hour.  Believe me, there will be hard, fast regret tonight (followed by happy tomorrow though).  You know my cycle.  But, it's my birthday ... blah, blah and so forth.  Tough crap -- you announced to the world and now it's FACT.

Pre-birthday wisdom -- the double meaning is not lost on me - hah.  Later gators.

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