Thursday, June 6, 2019

Fake it Until ...

Funk update:  alive and well -- me, my funk and I.  No matter what I do, it hangs on.  I'll keep doing the things that are part of my healthy routine and trust this will pass.  Fighting it isn't working.  Maybe, accepting it will.

Because of this funk, I'm seeing the world (my world) through muddy glass and I want to complain about everything, everyone, etc.  I don't want to feed the mood, so it's hard to figure out something to nice to say -- lol.

Today is a 90 minute massage with April.  THIS can't be horrible.  I'll have to pass on my cut and snake bit foot, but I have another foot -- it'll get double the attention today :)  Back massage is her speciality and it's never disappointed.

I've been slipping on Gretchen Rubin podcasts (I'm behind by 5 or more).  I started listening again yesterday -- it's sensible, practical advice at it's best.  

My girlfriend and I are going to see Eckhart Tolle speak in 12 months.  10 days before my eldest gets married NEXT YEAR.  Tickets went on sale and we couldn't pass it up.  We both have fingers crossed nothing gets in the way -- hard to plan a year away.

Look, not a complaint in sight.  Choosing the positive (after I deleted an entire negative post -- true story ... it was an ugly tale).  See, Universe ... I'm trying.

Some of the new house decor came from the Pottery Barn points -- looks nice.  Pictures once it all comes.  Plantation shutters also look good -- I'm glad we went with a more modern take (3-1/2" with no center post).

We're in a rain, cloud pattern this week and I couldn't be happier.  I know I live in opposite-world on this one.  Dark, gloomy -- not great for a sad mood, right?  But I love it.  I feel cozy and comfortable. I swear too much sun makes me out-of-sorts.  Temperatures are lower, the air smells nice, no sunscreen all over my body.  I needed this right now.  (Too much rain, storms, etc = not happy, but cloudy rain showers are my best days).

Next up ... RH journal of gratitude and dreams.  Doing the things.  Accepting the crappy feelings.  Is this what evolving looks like?!?!  Hah -- probably more like a mid-life crisis.

Later gators.

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