Friday, June 21, 2019

Random Updates

In no particular order ...

(1)  Books

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone -- Lori Gottlieb
I enjoyed this a lot.  Therapists experience in therapy and relating to her patients.  It was a kind of self-help book, but a good story too.  It's a good look into the world of therapy from both side.

The Price of Time -- Tim Tigner
This book is all over the summer read lists.  I'm about halfway (I know I said I wouldn't review before I finished, but it's good so far).  Moral dilemma by a group of scientists who discover eternal life -- and a mystery for good measure.  I can't predict where it's going and I love that about a book.

(2)  Ziggy

He's a bull in a china shop and adorable and a performer.  Check this out.  Real life dancing bear.

(3)  Reiki

It was as expected.  Lots of money (very generous of my girlfriend) and who knows if anything worked.  It was 30 minutes (but more like an hour) and it was nice.  Cool crystals, chanting, relaxing music, pretty smells.  It's expensive for what it is -- at least massage feels great and I can justify the price.

(4)  Whole 30

I NEED to start.  I don't want to start.  Ugh.  I think I want to do a coaching one again because I can't seem to hold myself accountable.  I'm planning to start in July, but maybe I need to start sooner.  This is a post for another day.

(5) Today

Cleaning day.  Yesterday was organizing day -- pictures to come soon.  Fixed up the extra bedrooms and put stuff away.  Had to do some closet rearranging since we're storing the DIL wedding dress for  a YEAR!!  Hanging pictures this weekend and then taking a breath before we find the wall stuff for the family room and our bedroom.  That's going to take some time.

Before I clean, heading to brunch with a girlfriend.  Always nice.  Usually, I won't clean after I get showered, but today is the best day to get it done and the house is DIRTY!  Get set, lower back ... we're gonna hurt all day!

I leave you with some Instagram learning.  My pants don't fit, but my life is better.  That's a win too.

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