Sunday, June 30, 2019

Neck Kink and Other Random Things

My neck is UGLY.  I hope today is the last "bad' day -- the spasms have stopped, but the general pain is still there.

Because I BENT OVER and TURNED MY HEAD -- lord.  How does this happen?

I skipped Top Golf yesterday -- no point in sitting there doing nothing.  Sat on the sofa watching TV, holding my head for neck support.

On an up note, I got a lot of "clerical" stuff finished in the office.  Including planning our family vacation in October.  Italy with the kids.

Italy = gluten.  BUT, in Italy, the wheat is not modified and I have no problem eating it (at least not last time).  That was part of the reason I REFUSED to believe I had a gluten issue -- I ate nothing but gluten for 10 days with no problem.  Then a friend with Celiac's told me to read, The Wheat Belly -- William Davis.  It talks about WHY Americans have developed so many gluten issue this generation.  Interesting read.  HOPEFULLY, this holds true again and I can have all the things and still walk.  Basically, your grandmother's wheat is not the wheat of today (in the US).

I planned to go to meditation and Unity services today, but not with my neck.  Ziggy has a meet and greet this afternoon and then the kids are coming over for dinner (take-out).  I REALLY need to get my neck in shape.  It's so dang frustrating.

I could've easily flopped into a pity-party, but I didn't -- instead, Facebook rescued me - hah!

Yesterday was drama central with several of friends and family on Facebook.  Airing their nastiness all over the place.  I couldn't get enough of it.  Oh boy -- not as evolved as I SHOULD be or COULD be.  A train wreck that I couldn't stop staring at because it was entertaining.  Again, not my best moment, but I was feeling blah and that got my attention in a big way.  Folks on Facebook --- WHY? Goodness, be adults.  However, yesterday, I THANK YOU for the distraction from my pity-party and the shock-and-awe of your crazy.  I wonder if it was a full moon -- not one, but 3 dramas.

Enough of my immature behavior confession -- hope it's a good Sunday.  Later gators.

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