Monday, June 10, 2019

Unity Church

Have to say -- not a big church person (although I went to church my whole life until my 30s).  The Unity Church was fantastic.  It's like a big hug of love, support and acceptance -- for EVERYONE.

The meditation was nice -- not fancy.  You sat for 35 minutes in quiet meditation in a group.  The early service is informal and seemed like a life lesson, not church.  The later service is more traditional.

Guess the topic?  Change is hard.  Why chaos ensues when you try to change a belief or try to grow.  The minister talked practical ways to deal with the chaos and why you need to move through it to experience the growth.

He said the universe is working for you .... hmmmm where have I heard this before?  Embrace the chaos because it means good things are coming.

He used this quote ...

My girlfriend and I went out to brunch after and had the best conversation about the service.  Feel good morning.

In practical matters THIS morning ... electricians are trying to repair breaker.  Not as straightforward as we thought (well, duh).  UPDATE:  Fixed AND under warranty because it was an outside light that wasn't sealed and rain shorted it out -- not the refrigerator.  Today is a lucky day :)

I ran early with my new shoes and inserts.  Big difference.  I wait too long to get new shoes.

Brunch with another girlfriend this morning and then starting the prep for Minneapolis.  It's going to be great weather -- cool and low humidity.

Now that the electricians are finished, I need to grab a shower to get myself to brunch.  Second day in a row of corn beef hash and eggs.  There is nothing better for brunch.  Later gators.

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