Sunday, June 9, 2019

Adding Variety

I'm up EARLY this morning to go to a meditation service followed by a contemplation service at a semi-local Unity church.

My girlfriend recommended we go for years and we've never made it happen because it means getting up EARLY on a Sunday.  Sunday follows Saturday night and that makes it tough sleep-wise -- between both our schedules.  We are forcing it today.

P.S.  It's harder for her to get up, so she's not coming to the meditation service an hour before.  I was tempted to sleep later, but, if I'm going to do this (50 minute drive), I'm doing both.  I'm extra curious about the meditation service.

A quick catch-up ...

I had a great time seeing Skye (my former foster) and hanging out with family on Friday.  After, I went for "coffee" with a neighbor (more on that in a minute).  While we were gone a BIG storm hit our neighborhood and fried an electrical circuit in our garage -- ugh.  Electrician on Monday to replace it.  The worse part is our garage refrigerator has no power -- so I guess we were lucky.  We were able to accommodate most of that stuff into our inside refrigerator.

"Sunning" on the deck.  That lasted one minute
before they came back inside to the AC.
It was the only hour of sun we've had all weekend .

Our local coffeehouse is fantastic.  Even though it was afternoon, I decided to get the nitro coffee since they make it homemade with coffee, tea and fruit.  What?!?!?  I've never heard of this combination.  It's served over ICE.  It reminded me of a kombucha more than a nitro, but it was good -- and no big caffeine hit.  I tasted NO COFFE - hah!

Blueberry Basil
Crazy -- right?!?

How's my mood, you ask?  Improving.  Thanks in part to Brooke Castillo.  Her latest podcast was PERFECTION -- just at the right moment.  It's complicated and if you aren't familiar with her MODEL work, it's difficult to explain.  The simple explanation is I'm back to NOT ALLOWING my negative feelings.  Instead, I'm JUDGING them -- which compounds EVERYTHING.  Double the negative.  Angry because I'm angry.  Sad because I'm sad.

It was so helpful, I've listened to it twice.  Be curious about your feelings without judging them.  Hmmm, wonder why that makes me angry?  Wonder why I'm jealous of her good news?  Feelings I don't WANT to have, but they can't go away by judging them or ignoring them.  How you work with those feelings is the complicated part and that I'll leave to Brooke to explain -- she does it best.

Last night we took the kids out to dinner at one of our "usual" spots.  Persian food.  We want to try some restaurants more local to us, but it's a longer drive for the kids and the roads were bad with flooding.  In my quest for variety, some dinner certainty was nice as it turns out (although I ordered something different -- yea me!).

All in all, a good couple of days.  Switching gears tomorrow to get ready for RISE conference.  Prepare for THAT channel all week.  I'm excited, nervous and I have to pack.  It's a big week.

Off to find some inspiration and zen this morning and, hopefully, not fall asleep during meditation.  Later gators.

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