Monday, August 27, 2018


You can't liquify a salad (aka spinach leaves, veggies) without one.  They are EXPENSIVE.  I said noway.

Then ...

My BFF gave me a ton of uses for it.  Fun fact - she's been trying to convince me to get one for years.  She knows what I cook, how I cook and she told me all the ways I will love it.

You can guess the ending - it's coming this week.  I got the 750 on Amazon (Heritage color on sale).  Total with tax was just over $500.  Ouch.  My Ninja blender will go to my youngest when he moves out.  He makes smoothies all the time and will enjoy having it.

Next issue - I don't like PHB combination for a smoothie.  It's too HEAVY - fat, protein, fruit - it's too much first thing in the morning.  I talked to Darcie and she broke down and got a Vitamix (it's why I reached out to my BFF) and she's NOT putting in the fat and using a very small amount of fruit.

Here's a combination I can get behind.  WATER, lime (or maybe lemon), turmeric, fresh ginger and spinach.  I will concede that I eat lots of veggies, but am behind on the green leafy ones.  They aren't a daily addition.  If it doesn't work for breakfast, I can see this being my afternoon drink.  I love GINGER especially.  All things good for you and Darcie said the blender makes it smooth and so easy to drink.

I AM standing my ground on the Fit Bit - if for no other reason than my principle - waste of money since I have my watch.  So there!!

Lake swim was fun, picnic was fun.  Next time we need to bring a folding table and chairs and it will be great.  ALL the dogs swam (some reluctantly).  The water was warm and lower so the "beach" area was back and made for easy wading in the water.  I didn't get pictures - dang because they were all so cute!

My eating yesterday was all-day-snacking.  Not good.  Too liberal and it left me feeling blah.  Healthy foods, but I still need to stick MOSTLY with the 3 meal Whole30 way because that feels the best for me.  Constant eating doesn't work for me.  Take note, no guilt, make the change ... easy said, harder to do, but I'm working on it.  Some of the problem was trying smoothies with almond milk.  I threw the rest away - not for me.

Did I mention I have a new internal running goal?  It started when I hurt my ankle and needed slower intervals so I tried something new.  5-4-3-2-1.   Each interval is shorter and faster.  It's so much harder than I thought it would be.  Then I wondered if I could do it from 10 eventually.  The last 2 times I did it from 6-5-4-3-2-1 and thought I would die by the end - perfect.  Today I'm going to try from 7.  I might have to slow it down toward the end, but I'll see.  I warm up with a mile walk (and affirmations).  It's basically pre-fatiguing before the faster intervals.  I have no specific time frame to get to the 10, but it's a goal to work toward.  Then I'll do a dog-walk.  Tomorrow it's back to boxing (that's the plan as of now!!).  PS The hardest interval is always the 3 minute one - I have no idea why.  I guess it feels sort of "long" and it's also sort of "fast."

This week my calendar is bone dry until the weekend.  I like it!  Working on ME stuff, rescue stuff and getting the house in order.  No contractors, no lunches, no appointments.  I will add a nail appointment later in the week - clicking too much and my nails feel heavy, but nothing else on the calendar.  Time to give this workout a go - funny how I feel a little nervous before a challenging workout.  Later gators.

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