Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Vitamix and Small Group

I am TOTALLY a green drink convert!  The Vitamix changes the smoothie from ground salad to SPECTACULAR!  Wow - so delicious!  The 750 has the pre-set programs for things like smoothies - press start and stand back.  It cleans it's self too.

My blend is ...

lime juice
fresh turmeric
fresh ginger
collegen peptides
a blender full of spinach

Fresh, smooth, delicious.  It's also light and something I can get behind first thing in the morning.  Open to new stuff is a good thing.  My morning drinks have changed in the last couple of months.  There's a possibility that this will replace my morning coffee - yep, it's that good!

The call was good last night.  The other 2 ladies are really nice and I think we have a good group.  There's an issue with me and the "mandatory" Fit Bit, but I messaged my coach ... stay tuned.

Being up later with the call and being stressed about the Fit Bit, left me with a horrible night's sleep and (unrelated) stiff neck.  Lordy, I hate when I sleep on my neck wrong.

I made it to boxing yesterday and it felt good.  I'm sore today (in the best way) and that means I'm absolutely cross training - yea!  Today is an active rest day which means lots of power walking - first on the treadmill with affirmations, then with my Duke dog outside.

I have an early nail appointment this morning.  Yesterday, I planned another possible round of SNS.  I changed my mind.  I'm having a break.  My nails are so long and bothersome, I want a break from the heavy feeling.

I'm finishing Gift from the Sea (somewhat reluctantly) and I started Byron Katie's book.  I'm only a couple of chapters in, but I don't get it yet ... 4 questions that change your thoughts ... but I don't see it.  Hopefully, it will become more clear as I read on - it's such a popular book!  Unlike Brooke Castillo who makes sense from sentence one, this one is keeping me saying "huh?!?!"  I need a light-hearted fiction book soon.  I need to start searching.

My neck is making it difficult to type (hold my head up) - ugh - it's going to bother me all day.  I'll end on that fun note and see you tomorrow.  I'm trying to get a post together of my fun finds (aka copies from Instagram Influencers). Later gators.

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