Monday, August 13, 2018

Meditation and More

Let's start with Jack.  He's out on a trial - not a home run, but there is hope!  The dogs weren't loving each other, but the peeps sure love Jack (maybe now Peanut!).

I stayed for Jack's visit about an hour and for some unimaginable reason, they had no air conditioning on - hello, we live in Atlanta and it's August!!  Ceiling fan and doors/windows open.  I was a sweaty, melted mess by the time I left and mentally exhausted.  Hubby and I passed on dinner so no big test for my new Brooke Castillo method.

However, I did have a moment of wanting to go home and open wine (stressed, tired, melted), so I used the method for that moment.  I observed the DESIRE from the outside, noticed it and then ignored it.  I came home to a bottle of cava as a thank-you from the kids for the festival tickets.  No urge to open it.  Whoop whoop!

Can I dare say I'm starting to get the hang of this meditation thing?  I meditated an additional 2 times yesterday because I was stressed and needed to quiet myself.  I actually WANTED to do it.  Just a quick thing - some breaths and some focus, but still!  I'll take it.  This is ME who could barely manage 2 minutes a few weeks ago.

I finished You are a Badass and promptly ordered it in paperback.  I like her reference section a lot and wanted to be able to reference it easily.  I think I'm going to do a post on some books this week.  I  want to chat about it, but time is pressed this morning.

Why pressed?  HVAC service starting anywhere between 8-12.  Don't get me started on the 4 hour window only to have them show up at 2 o'clock.  I need to walk Duke and get showered so I can wait around all day.

We have a warning in the neighborhood about walking little dogs.  A coyote attacked a small dog yesterday with the owner present and also killed a deer with no fear of the humans trying to stop it.  Animal control is involved and plans to trap and re-home him (not kill).  We have coyotes but they usually are afraid of people and quite small.  This one is big and bold.  Duke and I are modifying our run/walks until this is over.

Today is a REST day.  I planned it because of the HVAC service and now I need it because I overdid my treadmill run yesterday.  My ankle is hurting this morning.  I have a new workout goal I'll tell you about soon.  It was born out of the need to modify with my ankle injury and I realized it could be a fun challenge.  Stay tuned ...

This week is organize week - or prep to organize for this weekend.  Jewelry, books and my closet are all out of hand and I want to clean up, clean out and get things pretty again.

Time is up (and I have so much to say!!).  Some of my fun stuff arrived and I need to take pictures of it.  That will also be an upcoming post - SHOPPING SUCCESS!

Later gators.

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