Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ready for some Woo-Woo?

After my meditation-affirmations and a workout, I decided no-go on the Market, I'll stick to organizing my closet and I headed on my long dog walk.

During the walk, I was trying to figure out what else to add to my day to make it feel good since I had hit a mood wall the night before.  Nothing was a great option because of my ankle (no foot massage, no pedicure, no hike, no dog park) so I decided to focus on making a CONNECTION somehow, someway during the day yesterday.  I walked and did affirmations and focused on adding PEOPLE CONNECTION to my day.

Sorry this is so long BTW ...

When it was time to turn around on the walk, another person came up on us and if we turned around we would've been walking together.  That annoys me (when people do that to me).  I didn't want to do it to her, so we continued on down a new path (new golf course hole).

When we got on the path, I could see a person through the trees and she waved.  I was annoyed because I was doing my affirmations on CONNECTION and this was the second interruption.  Turns out, it was a friend I've tried to get to know better a number of times and her dog.  We stopped and talked for 20 minutes and the conversation instantly went DEEP.  Talking about her miscarriage 10 years ago, etc.  We ended up walking the dogs together until we got to her house.  PS the dogs got along great.

When we left, I started my affirmations and then it SMACKED me -- that was a CONNECTION.  Good lord, I almost missed it and almost focused on annoyance instead of opportunity.

See the woo-woo?  Dang.

In other news ...

Closet is coming along.  I'm not enjoying doing it at all, but progress.  I have 2 (maybe 3) more organizational chunks to finish this week and then see-ya until next year!

I've been in a mood about doing rescue work because we have 9 people on the team and only 3 of us are doing any work.  It's leaving far too much for the 3 of us.  I decided to work 2 hours a day on the applications and then I'm finished.  I let the team know that's my limit and I'm going in with a better attitude.  I shut myself in the office and focus on the task instead of downstairs where so many distractions interrupt (especially now that youngest is home).  I used Self Coaching 101 equations technique to figure out how to make it mentally manageable -- it worked (so far!!).

Today is cleaning crew, youngest has a phone interview and my rescue stuff.  It's an arm lift day - my ankle is at a standstill on feeling better.  I need to give it some rest days.

I'm up super early because I feel like I'm getting a cold.  I'm blowing like crazy, sneezing, etc and I didn't want to wake hubby.  I hope it's just an allergy spell, but I'm feeling pretty crappy.

A bit more woo-woo for you ... I'm focusing hard on building-my-tribe.  Leveling up on my friend situation.  Don't get me wrong, I have great friends, but I want to add more friendships that are aligned with the focus I'm working hard to figure out.  This is a foundation of Project Healthy Body and a big revelation in the work from Brooke Castillo (on drinking less -- the night isn't boring because you aren't drinking, it's actually boring -- get better experiences and people).

I plan to continue the affirmations toward this goal, but I've worked on this before without much success.  That was part of My Happiness Project year.  I pick one of Brooke's podcasts to read each day.  Today's was on giving up and acceptance ... one of her examples was making new friends.  Another SMACK in the face.  Yep - I'll keep pushing on -- spelled out in black-and-white, all for my benefit.  Thanks :-)

Later gators.

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