Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Project Healthy Body

It begins TODAY!  Project Healthy Body - 5 months of life coaching.  Lifetime of change??

Today's a big conference call with tons of people and next week starts the small groups.  I'm curious what our "homework" will be this week - we were told to take notes!  I imagine it's all about weight and measurements, food logging, etc ... all things that I'm not participating in (already discussed with Holly).  I hope we also start the mindset work too.

Either way I'm excited.  I had a dream I missed the call - guess it was on my mind.

Speaking of missed - I started writing my post yesterday and Releash stuff went crazy so I never finished it.  An unpublished masterpiece it was NOT!  So I deleted what I started and moved on.

And another miss - meditation and affirmations.  Oh boy.  It was a super busy day on the phone, out with a friend, even bedtime was hectic.  I started and got interrupted and never finished.  Back on my bike today (that's one of PHB favorite expressions - already towing the company line LOL).

One of the focuses of my affirmations is BETTER CONNECTIONS, better experiences.  Out of the blue yesterday, I got invited to a wreath making party from work friend - all the girls from work are going.  Yea!!  CONNECTION!! (It's not until October, but still.)

Crazy Rich Asians - finished the book AND saw the movie. The movie changed some things and I actually liked it better than the book (shocking, I know).  Of course, the book had more detail and subplots that the movie had no time to explore, but the ending was MUCH better in the movie.  It was cheesy and predictable, but a quick vacation from regular life.  We went to the $8 matinee and I wouldn't think it's worth the full price ticket at night.  Best for a fun rental. (And not a comedy as implied by the movie press - a few lighthearted moments, but not laugh-out-loud.)  The cast is a good one though!

It's been a while since I've been out to the movies.  Here's a side complaint observation.  30 minutes of previews!  That's way too long.  The first few previews were good and directed to the audience of THIS movie, then 20 minutes of dumb preview after dumb preview.  No wonder people arrive late.

Time to start a new book tonight - Gift From the Sea.

Workout today is a RUN.  I need it.  I ended up taking another day off yesterday to try to heal my ankle.  I need to get back to boxing, but it's stuck at this point and still too unstable to bounce around.  I'm sure it's from too much running and walking on it.

Remember Sugar - little old gal looking for a place to stay last weekend?  She got accepted to a dog retirement home.  The entire house is converted for old dogs.  The property is amazing.  Volunteers spend 24/7 with the dogs.  Those who can, travel to nursing homes and hospice places as therapy dogs.  It's a slice of heaven for these senior dogs with nowhere to go.  She was happy the moment she arrived.  Restores faith in good people.  It's called Frankie and Andy's Place.

Okay - I'm already getting phone calls this morning.  Who calls this early?!?   Nothing before my workout though - that's the rule. Gearing up for a busy day, best get to it.  Later gators.

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