Monday, August 6, 2018

It's here ...

... a new week (finally).
... my monthly friend (yea).
... hair day (double yea).
... and a picture (as promised LOL).

Duke is ready for Steeler's Sundays!
How cute is this little guy?!?!

Jack's meet and greet was a mixed bag.  She kept a poker face so I'll find out today what she decides.  Usually, that's not a good sign, but this might be first time owner nerves.  She said it felt like a first date.  I'm curious if I'll have to reach out to her.  PATIENCE.

My ankle is mending.  I think one more day might do the trick for at least some power walking.  I'll lift again today.  PATIENCE.

I can't wait for Project Healthy Body to start.  I'm ready for the accountability that makes being healthy easier for me.  I'm hobbling along, but I'd like to be flying!  PATIENCE.

I planned to start Gift from the Sea today at my hair appointment, but I started another book last night that I want to read it straight through.  You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting YOUR Greatness and Start Living an AWESOME LIFE -- Jen Sincero.

This was recommended reading for PHB and, at first, I hesitated.  How many self-help books can I read in one year?!?!  Then I remembered the advice from Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins and if you learn just one thing and/or even if it's all a repeat, it's worth exploring and "re-hearing."

Guess what's a HUGE message in the book -- power of meditation.  Yep, we're back to that.  I'm cruising with my 2 minutes but it seems I'm being "encouraged" to explore more.  I can't ignore the fact that MEDITATION will not get out of my sights.  For years now.  Guess I'm back to giving it some focus.

P.S. I finished The 100 Year-Old Man who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared.  It finished as it started.  I'd recommend it - especially because it's different.  Books have a time-to-read-them and I think this wasn't the time for this book for me.  Does that make sense?  Other things were pinging me and I wanted to hurry up and finish it.  It's a quirky, sweet story with a nice ending -- not a thing wrong with it - I think it was me!

My evening routine is a good thing (my healthy routine, that is, not the one where I sit on the sofa and stuff my face!!!).  I was having a little panic attack yesterday - I can't do this, etc.  Then I remembered my routine and I relaxed.  The key is to REMEMBER!!

Remembering my evening routine is good.  Remembering to do my "thought" work is good too.  Self Coaching 101 stuff - do the equation.  How do I want to feel?  What do I need to think/believe to feel that way.  Last week I fell back into negative thoughts about everything and nothing in particular.  Annoyed by too many small things - running a negative tape in my head about nothing.  I hate the weather.  I hate how that car's parked.  I hate the line at the store.  I hate that my computer is running slowly.  You get the idea.

The plan for this week is simple.

Evening routine!
DECIDE how I want to feel.
Find and make FUN moments.
Continue meditation with affirmations (per the new read!!)

Stay tuned ...
... it's a cliff hanger LOL!!  Later gators.

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