Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Wheat Belly - William Davis

Interesting book.

It discusses the modifications in wheat over the past decades - not your grandmother's wheat. The doctor asserts that these changes have caused a host of wheat gluten problems in the general population (specific to wheat for a host of reasons).  He believes in a broader umbrella of wheat related issues that has celiacs as a subset.


The doctor (cardiologist) has studies to back his claims.  You can find studies to back ANY claim.  That doesn't impress me.  But I'm witnessing an obvious reaction to something in my diet and I'm willing to see if this is it.  This explains why these issues didn't show up on my trip to Italy - where I gorged on pasta, pizza and the like - the wheat is different in the small farms in Italy.

With a mountain of a cold sore on my face, belly bloated to look preggers ... I'm searching for some answers.  I KNOW Whole30 works for me.  No wheat in W30.  Could this be why I felt so good? Maybe??

Everyone is different.  I respect that normal is different for everyone.  I'm searching for MY body.

I'm pulling off wheat and wheat only.  Still keeping limited dairy, limited sugar, limited alcohol and I'll see what happens.

Of course, I never did a proper reintroduction when I finished my W30s.  I just ate that way most of the time because it felt good.  I didn't miss the wheat starches much, so didn't have them often ... for almost 3 years.  (I added back some dairy and some sugar and some alcohol - of course lol!!) But then came Italy and lordy ... hello bread, hello pizza, hello pasta ... and I didn't stop when I came back home.

And an interesting side note, as a prepubescent child, I was tested for food allergies because of some health issues I was having (headaches, stomach problems, etc).  Wheat was off the charts.  Over the years, I seemed to outgrow it and I never gave it much thought (the doctor said things might change once I hit puberty).  I wonder now ...

It's worth a trial.  Personally, I don't think there's any concern to eliminating wheat.  Some will disagree, but I feel comfortable with my thoughts on this for me.  I'll let my BODY do the talking and let me know if this is the big culprit.  Stay tuned ...

I'm better this morning with 2 days off all wheat.  My bloat is down a bit and I feel more myself.  My cold sore is still the size of China, but it's stopped growing at least - lord knows it can't get much bigger.  Is this just me cycling to feeling better or is it the pull-off of wheat?  Too early to say.

Another side note ... I love how when I don't want to see anyone (because of "China"), I run into everyone and their mother.  I took the dog for a walk last night just up my street and ran into 5 neighbors and friends.  Seriously??  Most days I don't see neighbors if I try.  Thanks for that universe.

Today is another packed day (good for me and my funk).  Pedicure, lunch with a friend, a bunch of errands, cleaning ladies.  I might sneak in a quick, quick workout.  16 minutes quick.  4 tabata cycles.   Arms and a little cardio.  I'll see if I have time this morning.  The clock is ticking away and I have a lot to do (prep cleaning ladies, make dog "soup" for the little one, walk dogs, etc).

P.S.  Game of Thrones season finale ... wow ... just wow.

Later gators.

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