Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Forward Motion

I did well with BUSY yesterday.  No hibernation, stayed busy, put a smile on my face and forced myself to do things.

Lift was good.  I had a great partner, lots of fun, lots of laughs ... oh and a workout :-)

Poor little Belle broke with kennel cough.  I knew she was getting sick.  My concern fell on deaf ears though.  Everyone said it was nerves and some pain (including the vet).  I knew it wasn't.  Pause for the cause.  She's not a nervous dog.  She stopped being playful, had shaking episodes, less appetite, etc.  Mama and a nurse - I know how to assess.

So no Releash event tomorrow.  Can't say I'm disappointed.  I had decided to go after I messaged the event leader for more details (really!!!).  It was the rush hour drive that still had me bummed. But I got my NO by default.  I guess it kind of counts as a YES?!?!  Not happy it's at the expense of Belle.  She'll be on the mend soon though.

Even with motion forward and keeping busy, I still found myself feeling funking all evening.  I guess this one is going to take some work to get through.

Today is a full day and I'm upset about crating Belle for so long today (about 4 hours).  She's sick and wants to cuddle.  I'm extra sensitive right now and this is breaking my heart.  We'll both get through it (*dual drama queens*) hah!

UPDATE on pictures from yesterday.  The butter shaver got crappy reviews.  It's out as a gift idea.  I should've known if she didn't have one there was a reason!  Back to the drawing board.  I have until the end of September - plenty of time.

UPDATE on my book - Nod.  It's creepy, but I like creepy IF it has a good ending.  All about the ending - always for me.  Given my funk though, it's not the best book to be reading - kind of leaves you feeling yucky.  I'll finish it this week and move on to something lighter.  I have lots of kindle samples waiting in the wings.

UPDATE on matcha.  I haven't tried it yet - not exactly an exciting update.  It's extra steps in the morning (blender) and I'm being lazy.  Stay tuned ... probably this weekend ... I haven't forgotten about it.

Back to today - let's talk foot massage.  It's this little place that does an HOUR long "foot" massage (that includes arms, shoulders, head, legs).  You sit in a recliner, fully dressed in a room with everyone.  It's $30.  Can't beat the price.  No frills (and their phone rings constantly), but I LOVE my feet rubbed.  I'm treating my son's girlfriend for something fun today.  And it's always nice to see my aunt - she's good for lots of laughs and fun family gossip.

No workout today.  I feel pretty good though, but the rest of the week is hard workouts. Rest wins.

I feel focused on getting my pants to fit for my Canada trip.  I better be as I only have a couple of weeks.  I can't wait to be COLD!!  The weather report yesterday for ATL made me laugh.  Thursday's temp 91 with a COLD FRONT moving in.  Friday's temp 90.  No words. Only in the south!

My INTENTION today is to RELAX my mind.  Quit worrying about crap (i.e. crating dog, etc).  It's my funk talking and I need to ignore it.  HAPPY thoughts.  No mountains out of mole hills.  Later gators.

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