Friday, August 4, 2017

Happy Friday

Good morning.  I started a post on my two "life" mantras, but I ran out of steam writing it this morning (oh, the irony).  So stayed tuned future self -- inspiration is coming lol!

So here's a recap of yesterday.

The Universe gave me an opportunity to practice PLAYING NICE.  Lift is heavy this month so we are partnering up for most classes (assigned partners).  My partner required every ounce of that INTENTION.  I'm proud to say, job well done.  And I hope that's my last time partnering with her (pretty please Universe)!!  But Lift was good.  Glutes and hamstrings with isolation lifting.

Today is "other" muscles day.  What we didn't do all week.  Shoulders, quads, etc.  This month is one of my favorites so far.

I finally got a manicure yesterday (I know, the suspense was enormous ... will she, won't she).  I went for a regular manicure -- baby blue.  Something different, a little VARIETY and it only lasts a short time.  But my cuticles and nails are cleaned up for my home painting.  I'm still not feeling the gel.

I didn't get a chance to read the new "dark beach read" book yesterday.  I was all set to head to bed to read when my eldest and his girlfriend stopped over to borrow some luggage - and stayed to chat.  I read a bit from For the Love and called it a night.

Today I have lunch with a friend.  Should be fun.

So much to say, so little time.  Early lift class and my incomplete post means time to go.  I don't even have an INTENTION today.  Happy Friday!

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