She has a laundry list of ailments. Almost blind, healing skin infection (patchy, absent fur), rotted teeth pulled (she's toothless), unstable on her feet, stomach issues, SEVERE kennel cough. Bless this little one. Once she recovers, the only lasting issue SHOULD be her eye sight - cataracts. We are going to love her and do everything we can to get her mending.
I felt like I was running a hospital, short-order cook establishment this morning. Everyone to potty, 3 different breakfasts, meds given, supplements given now all the loves are sleeping ... happily digesting before poops and walks.
Big landscaping project started (I remembered "before" pictures so I'll post when it's all finished). It already looks so different. I like the open look but bye-bye privacy ... it'll take some getting used to.
Belle has a meet & greet today with prospective adopters. Fingers crossed. She's getting lots of interest, but all from people who are out of the house all day. She's way more active now (feeling better finally) and SUPER jealous of Gigi. It's actually kind of cute. She's bonding with my dog since Gigi arrived ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend?!?!
I'm going to do a quick run this morning. I have to cancel tomorrow's class. Landscapers, porch roof replacement, 3 dogs ... it's not worth even trying to make that happen. Given how early it all begins, I want to have tomorrow as a rest day. So treadmill today wins.
I have GNI group tonight -- just up the street. I'm going, but just for part of the evening. I don't want to leave Gigi too long since she's so sick. I took a short-cut and bought Costco marinated shrimp and a bottle of wine as a contribution. It irks me that EVERYONE brings a dish. 10 ladies (1/2 on diets) and all the food goes to waste. I don't mind cooking, I mind wasting. We have 3 desserts coming tonight ... girls rarely eat more than a few bites after wine and munchies. It's stupid, but my suggestions fall of deaf ears. I belonged to a group in VA who had a GREAT system. Oh well ... that's why the "cheat" tonight. (And usually we get multiples of the SAME thing ... often shrimp actually.)
I dropped my prescription sunglasses yesterday and the lens popped out. Hopefully, I can get it fixed today. It doesn't look like a huge deal. I couldn't get it back myself though and I didn't want to snap the frame.
Busy morning so time to get a move on. But before I go ... PICTURES!!
Belly rub from the BEST. She is so TINY! |
She just arrived and was shaking and scared. |
Finally relaxed and settled in on the blanket. |
Goofy, silly girl. Her personality is growing everyday! |
All this front stuff is being replaced with sod (except trees). |
You can hardly see the house or the brick retaining walls. |
All these hedges are going. (This is the walkway in front of the house.) |
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