Wednesday, August 2, 2017

All About HAIR (again)

I ended up changing my plans yesterday.  My arm only hurts with certain motion so I came to regret canceling my lift class.  I took a chance to see if I could get a spot - yep.  So I did some intervals at home and headed to lift (after a quick shower 😜).

Lift wasn't full because this month we are buddy lifting so we can lift HEAVY.  Fun!!  And it opens the class to more people. I partnered with a really nice gal and we shared a bar, weights and spotted each other.  Turned out to be arm day, but it didn't bother my sore area (only hurts with shoulder work).

My arms are plump today!  I'm so glad I changed my mind.  Rest day today.  And it's one of those rest days that feels really good.  My body is sore!

Today my old man pup has his vet physical and shots.  Then the cleaning crew is coming this afternoon. I'll make myself scarce and check out the carpet place.

The bloat is starting to resolve - thankfully!  I'm continuing to be mindful of what I'm eating.  It's also PMS week so who knows what to expect.

I made it through some of my intention yesterday.  Worked on the INSIDE, but I obsessed over the OUTSIDE.  I'm pissed about my hair.  It doesn't look bad, but it doesn't look like what I want (and have been trying to get for over a year).  I thought switching hair dressers was the answer but lordy is it a SLOW answer.  I'm not as obsessed about my looks as this appears.  I'm more obsessed about people not LISTENING, not HEARING me.

I thought about calling my stylist today (she only works M,W,F) to see if we can improve this ... but I'm worried about damaging my hair and stripping the keratin.  Hubby likes the look a lot.  Even my son said he likes it (i.e. I didn't recognize you at work (he's a boy lol) - it looks nice).  I sent a picture to my sister who will give me a brutally honest answer and she said - I like it - looks blonde to me.  Dirty blonde. I want blonde blonde.  So I need to get over myself and let it be.  I'm just frustrated about asking, asking, asking.  Being patient, waiting to do it correctly and never getting there.  I know this was just a mistake, but a mistake that will cost me months to fix.  I see the blonde I'm looking for in so many people - why is this so hard for me?  I brought in pictures to show her - no problem she said.  Apparently, it is actually a problem.

I've worked my self up this morning writing about it.  This could be some PMS talking too.  Broken record on this - sorry.  Here's the picture - any thoughts?!?!  I just came from working out (and I'm PARKED at the grocery store - not driving).  Looks light brown with some blonde highlights.  Not blonde on blonde -- RIGHT?!?!

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