Friday, August 11, 2017

Is there a Chihuahua in the house?

Can you see her??  Above the picture ... OMG.  So little, so cute and the EASIEST foster yet!  She's basically housebroken, sleeps like a champ in her crate, loves laps, no interest in my pup's toys or bones (he's relieved), rarely barks, never chews, likes all people, can't reach any of the furniture (we have to lift her up) ... PERFECT!  Hubby wants to keep her.  Oh Lordy!!  But she's not ours.  Her forever family is waiting and boy are they lucky and they don't even know it yet!  

No one knows her story but she was obviously a pet -- seems well cared for (she has a little pot belly and was already neutered -- very unusual).  Her name fits her like a glove!  We have her tags dangling so we can hear her (like a "belle") - she's quick and underfoot and dark.  We are paranoid of stepping on her little dainty self.  She's so dainty I have to go get a thinner collar.  A regular one is too heavy.

Here's some cuteness overload: (you're welcome!!)

In other news - like there can be anything else - no workout today.  Yesterday was deadlifts 11x10 and 80 lbs (heavy for me).  My legs are toast (in a good way).  Rest wins.

Some errands, some house chores, a new book and dog overload.  Sounds like a good day to me.

P.S.  We had a really nice family dinner yesterday.  Back to the Vietnamese restaurant (because of a traffic situation) but they changed their menu overnight - no more coconut bowl! Can you believe it?? My salmon dish was delicious but that coconut rice was amazing - now left only in my dreams!

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