Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday Rundown

Yesterday was one of those days when something was always stirring.  Contractors with issues, dogs, dogs, dogs, phone calls, etc.  Gigi is mobile - yea - but that's creating a lot of "watching" time.  My pup is ignoring our property line completely (dog fence disabled, hedgerow gone) and just wandering the neighborhood.  Belle is jealous of Gigi and is constantly trying to push her over when she's walking.  Yep.  Lots of stirrings yesterday.

The roof looks good.

The landscaping is OKAY.  I'm meeting with the owner today to review final details before they lay the sod.  There are some issues here and there.  He wants to meet at 8 am.  UGH.  Had to cancel lift class again.  Hubby is working from home, but at a physical this morning.  I'm not particularly in the mood for a home workout today, but I have no choice.

Nothing else on the schedule today.  All up in the air.  We're enjoying a bit of cooler evenings (by ATL standards) so family dog walking is our "thing" ... me with the leashes and poop duty, Hubby carrying Gigi (with little stops for her to walk and sniff).  Our little pack.  It's kind of sweet.

Do you want to see a reason I got so little accomplished yesterday?

Sound asleep.
Guess who took over my lap?  Gigi got side cuddles.
She's starting to roll around and be playful.
I know - we are solidly tuned to the DOG channel.  I can't help myself.  We now have TWO lap dogs and it's so darn sweet.  I'm shocked at how much Hubby loves it too.  Don't get me wrong, he's a huge animal lover, but I never expected this kind of adoration.  It warms my heart to see how tender he is with these little girls.  I snagged me one of the good ones - 30 years this September (dating anniversary), 25 years this November (wedding anniversary).

Okay - poop duty calling.  Three dogs (even little ones) make SO MUCH POOP!!  It's like magic ... I clean it all up and PRESTO ... there is more hiding in the grass, daring me, taunting me ... a magnet for my shoes.  I'm fighting the good fight though.  Happy Friday!

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