Thursday, August 31, 2017


Yesterday was a win.  
Let me tell you why.

I was busy with PEOPLE all day yesterday ... battled my desire to hibernate and made conscious decisions to say YES.  I'm not letting this funk get the best of me.  That makes me HAPPY.

I stayed away from wheat.  Made good lunch decisions at the restaurant, good home decisions.  At lunch I was tempted to have a small piece of pita with the hummus, but asked for more vegetables instead.  I want to try the NO WHEAT for a significant amount of time ... just the "no wheat."  No other restrictions.  But I need to do it completely, no cheats or slips.

"China" (my dear, sweet cold sore) is finally beginning the healing phase.  It's still a bit juicy (sorry for the visual) but it's starting to scab over.  Now the super, duper bright red phase begins.  Rocking the pretty today.

PMS is in full swing.  Expecting "it" by week's end.  That should settle things down some more.

Today is a Lift workout.  I'm a little weary of going with "China" but I don't want to miss another day.  I won't be going at all next week with my trip, so a push this week is fine ... and needed.

Hubby got some good news at work yesterday.  The company is sold and he is staying on for the foreseeable future.  He's worked so hard for this and sacrificed a lot of personal time over the last year plus.  I'm glad the outcome was worth the hard work.  

(We toasted the good news with some seltzer water ... also a win ... neither of us needed a real drink.)

Looking for some perk-ups from my funk, I did a little fun online shopping.  Stay tuned as the treats arrive.  Nothing big, but some stuff to add to my day.

I'm making the specialty grocery store loop today -- finally.  I'm down to bare bone with my staples.  Everyday something was postponing it (contractors, sick dog, etc).  

Do you ever watch The Kitchen on Food Network?  I caught an older episode and they do a "What I'm INTO and What I'm OVER" segment.  I thought that would be fun to do too every once in awhile.  Here you go:

What I'm INTO ...
My latest "find" is a candle company that a neighbor runs with a friend.  I bought a candle at a local market (not realizing she lives in my neighborhood).  The smell is great, the holder is beautiful and they refill for a discount.  Turns out, they will fill any vessel you want.  It's not cheap, but not outrageous either.  I'm tired of buying scented candles and finding very little smell or not liking the scent, etc ... waste of money.  These burn well, smell great and are perfect hostess gifts.  I can be on the watch at the antique market for pretty jars to fill for holiday hostess gifts.

What I'm OVER ...
Keeping with the smell theme, I'm over cauliflower rice stinking up the house like a bad toot.  I actually plan when I cook it if I'm having someone at the house.  I made it for dinner last night and 2 hours later, hubby arrived home and it still lingered.  I couldn't smell it at that point, but I wonder how many times someone has come into the house and thought I had stunk out the place lol.  It's otherwise the perfect side dish.  It's like a best friend with horrible breath -- worth it, but what a bummer.

Later gators.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Wheat Belly - William Davis

Interesting book.

It discusses the modifications in wheat over the past decades - not your grandmother's wheat. The doctor asserts that these changes have caused a host of wheat gluten problems in the general population (specific to wheat for a host of reasons).  He believes in a broader umbrella of wheat related issues that has celiacs as a subset.


The doctor (cardiologist) has studies to back his claims.  You can find studies to back ANY claim.  That doesn't impress me.  But I'm witnessing an obvious reaction to something in my diet and I'm willing to see if this is it.  This explains why these issues didn't show up on my trip to Italy - where I gorged on pasta, pizza and the like - the wheat is different in the small farms in Italy.

With a mountain of a cold sore on my face, belly bloated to look preggers ... I'm searching for some answers.  I KNOW Whole30 works for me.  No wheat in W30.  Could this be why I felt so good? Maybe??

Everyone is different.  I respect that normal is different for everyone.  I'm searching for MY body.

I'm pulling off wheat and wheat only.  Still keeping limited dairy, limited sugar, limited alcohol and I'll see what happens.

Of course, I never did a proper reintroduction when I finished my W30s.  I just ate that way most of the time because it felt good.  I didn't miss the wheat starches much, so didn't have them often ... for almost 3 years.  (I added back some dairy and some sugar and some alcohol - of course lol!!) But then came Italy and lordy ... hello bread, hello pizza, hello pasta ... and I didn't stop when I came back home.

And an interesting side note, as a prepubescent child, I was tested for food allergies because of some health issues I was having (headaches, stomach problems, etc).  Wheat was off the charts.  Over the years, I seemed to outgrow it and I never gave it much thought (the doctor said things might change once I hit puberty).  I wonder now ...

It's worth a trial.  Personally, I don't think there's any concern to eliminating wheat.  Some will disagree, but I feel comfortable with my thoughts on this for me.  I'll let my BODY do the talking and let me know if this is the big culprit.  Stay tuned ...

I'm better this morning with 2 days off all wheat.  My bloat is down a bit and I feel more myself.  My cold sore is still the size of China, but it's stopped growing at least - lord knows it can't get much bigger.  Is this just me cycling to feeling better or is it the pull-off of wheat?  Too early to say.

Another side note ... I love how when I don't want to see anyone (because of "China"), I run into everyone and their mother.  I took the dog for a walk last night just up my street and ran into 5 neighbors and friends.  Seriously??  Most days I don't see neighbors if I try.  Thanks for that universe.

Today is another packed day (good for me and my funk).  Pedicure, lunch with a friend, a bunch of errands, cleaning ladies.  I might sneak in a quick, quick workout.  16 minutes quick.  4 tabata cycles.   Arms and a little cardio.  I'll see if I have time this morning.  The clock is ticking away and I have a lot to do (prep cleaning ladies, make dog "soup" for the little one, walk dogs, etc).

P.S.  Game of Thrones season finale ... wow ... just wow.

Later gators.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

All Cleaned Up

Do you ever get to that point where a THOUSAND little things need happen around the house??  I was at that point yesterday.

ALL the soap containers were on final squirts.
Toilet paper running low in the bathroom bins.
Tissue boxes with one lonely tissue sticking up.
Junk drawer out of control.
Last of jellies, bbq sauce, hot sauce, mayo hanging out in the refrigerator door.
Weird little papers without a file home sitting on my desk.
Throw blankets dirty.
Obscure trash cans full (laundry room, under garage sink, etc).
A return I'm on the fence about - should it go back or should it live forever on my counter?
Batteries "going" in stuff (clock, remote, dog collar).

Etc. Etc. Etc.

All done.  My house feels back in order.  YOU'D never notice though.  No one but ME felt that hidden disorganization, but it was there lingering -- taunting me, bothering me.  All little stuff that added up to something more.  It suddenly became overwhelmingly necessary to fix it.  So I did.

That was part of the postponement of plans yesterday.  I HAD to get all that stuff done.  My life needed to get back in order.  Above most everything else.

It's true that all this stuff is connected (at least in my experience).  House, finance, weight, mood.  When one thing is out of control, all suffers.  I need to pull myself together and "myself" extends to my house.

Errands done, cooking done.  Sweet relief.

BUT, I still have a boat-load of additional errands to finish.  I had it all scheduled in my mind for today (it wasn't on yesterday's list -- too much) when I got 2 calls from contractors.  Deck is starting early this morning.  Painter is coming to look over the house this afternoon.  I needed to say YES to both (this stuff needs to get done) but it's taking over my day.  There is no block of time to get my errands run.  UGH.  And no time for my noon lift class today.  Home workout wins.  But even timing that will be tricky.  Back to the drawing board -- FLEXIBLE (NOT my middle name, but I try).

On another note, I'm in COLD SORE HELL.  This one is huge, off my lip, painful, gross.  Message received.  Probably best not to partner workout today anyway.  Yuck.

So a tad more about my funk.  It's still here, but I'm still pushing against it.  I have an overwhelming urge to hibernate today, tomorrow, the next day.  You get the idea.  And I have to watch because I have "reasons" to hibernate ... sick, blind dog ... cold sore ... stomach bloat.  I could take those and barricade myself FOREVER.  The urge to hibernate is making me dread my trip next week too.  Of course I'll go and of course I'll have a great time, but until then ... I wish it wasn't coming up NOW.  Oh and it's PMS week.  The granddaddy of moods is possible.

I'm fighting it in a few ways:
Exercise.  Always.
Eating better.  Almost always (I'm trying).
Forcing myself to do things ... saying YES. (Hello contractors today)
Forcing myself NOT to cancel things.  (I postponed yesterday's plans to Wednesday, didn't cancel)
When I have the sad, worried thoughts about something unimportant and illogical, I try to notice that it's overkill. (Remember the microwave which had me practically in tears -- well, I have a big old list of "microwave" worries this week -- don't even ask -- you don't want to open that can of worms, trust me.)
Reminding myself to SMILE and feel HAPPY.  I don't need a reason, it's just a feeling.

Anyway, today is a busy day and that's good news.  Busy helps.  My INTENTION today is to stop the worry (about NOTHING).  Wish me luck - I need it.  Later gators.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Let's get caught up ...

First Belle ... a picture says a thousand words.  Happy and loved.

Dog sister Lizzie and such loving parents!
Now Gigi ... she has a meet & greet tonight.  What?!?  Yep.  A single lady who loves to help senior dogs by giving them a warm bed, cuddles and beautiful final years of life.  The process will be slow for adoption.  She wants to meet her before she introduces her to her dog, etc.  Very appropriate, very responsible.  You never know -- this might work out for Gigi.

And still Gigi ... after an hour of straight barking she finally slept the night in the crate.  It's the only safe option for her.  I think we're over the hump.  She's moving better, coughing less.  Way to go little girl!

"Running" in the yard.  She is so PRECIOUS!!!

Now landscaping ... just a few minor things left (a tree stump to be shaved down, brick repair, sprinkler head changes) and it's finished.  It looks much better in person.  The pictures don't do it justice.  But here you go:

The bushes were cut back to the bones.  They'll be back after winter.
Now the book ... all finished.  The Woman in Cabin Ten -- Ruth Ware.  Not bad, not great.  The ending "fit" the book.  It was an easy, suspenseful, don't-need-to-use-your-brain read.  Sometimes that's just what I'm in the mood to read.  Now I need another book.  Which leads me to the next update ...

Now let's talk gluten.  I might read the Wheat Belly -- William Davis.  Why?  We had a family dinner Saturday.  Lots of fun, both boys and girlfriend.  Laughing, nice weather to sit outside, GREAT pizza.  Hello gluten.  Hello denial.  Bloat is horrible.  Cold sore is back.  Shit!

Now today ... I'm hibernating a little.  Bloat, cold sore and I need a catch-up moment at home and some time to run errands.  I rescheduled some stuff until later in the week.  I need to get cooking done (for me and Gigi).  I have flank steak marinating and chicken waiting to be cooked (for Gigi).  I'll run on the treadmill, but later in the morning.  Gigi has her M&G tonight so I want to have this all finished early in the day.

Now Game of Thrones ... say nothing ... I haven't watched it yet!  I needed to get Gigi to bed earlier than my hubby so we could all sleep in the same room.  Last of the season and I want to savor it!

Whew - update over.

My INTENTION today is to get my SHIT TOGETHER (yep, second time I swore this morning ... it feels right ... "crap" just doesn't work today LOL).  Later gators.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Sad Weekend.

We'll say good-bye to Belle later today.  As usual, I'm a little sad (for us) and a lot HAPPY (for her).  I'll miss this little chihuahua.  I know this is a hard day for her as she has to adjust to a new life, a new family.  She will miss us (at first) and that leaves me heavy hearted.  A means to an end ... a very good end.  It's all worth it.

Our little dog family.  We'll miss you Belle.

Hubby had a soft stop for this chihuahua because a very good friend of his loved his own chihuahua with all his might - they chatted chihuahua when we got Belle.  His friend passed away this weekend.  We are shocked and sad.  It makes you take stock of your own life especially when you lose someone your own age, a peer.  The message that rings clear every time ... LIVE YOUR LIFE.  I know this loss will make Hubby take stock of his life path, his daily worries, his daily choices.  It should.  It must.  It's the reason I took a year off from work - the death of two friends and my head injury made me rethink some of my choices, rethink my current path - and I'm grateful.  Jim's death will make us reevaluate again.  He was one of the good guys.  His friendship changed my husband in so many fantastic ways.  I think, even in his death, Jim will continue to make our lives better.  Thank you and RIP dear Jim.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday Rundown

Yesterday was one of those days when something was always stirring.  Contractors with issues, dogs, dogs, dogs, phone calls, etc.  Gigi is mobile - yea - but that's creating a lot of "watching" time.  My pup is ignoring our property line completely (dog fence disabled, hedgerow gone) and just wandering the neighborhood.  Belle is jealous of Gigi and is constantly trying to push her over when she's walking.  Yep.  Lots of stirrings yesterday.

The roof looks good.

The landscaping is OKAY.  I'm meeting with the owner today to review final details before they lay the sod.  There are some issues here and there.  He wants to meet at 8 am.  UGH.  Had to cancel lift class again.  Hubby is working from home, but at a physical this morning.  I'm not particularly in the mood for a home workout today, but I have no choice.

Nothing else on the schedule today.  All up in the air.  We're enjoying a bit of cooler evenings (by ATL standards) so family dog walking is our "thing" ... me with the leashes and poop duty, Hubby carrying Gigi (with little stops for her to walk and sniff).  Our little pack.  It's kind of sweet.

Do you want to see a reason I got so little accomplished yesterday?

Sound asleep.
Guess who took over my lap?  Gigi got side cuddles.
She's starting to roll around and be playful.
I know - we are solidly tuned to the DOG channel.  I can't help myself.  We now have TWO lap dogs and it's so darn sweet.  I'm shocked at how much Hubby loves it too.  Don't get me wrong, he's a huge animal lover, but I never expected this kind of adoration.  It warms my heart to see how tender he is with these little girls.  I snagged me one of the good ones - 30 years this September (dating anniversary), 25 years this November (wedding anniversary).

Okay - poop duty calling.  Three dogs (even little ones) make SO MUCH POOP!!  It's like magic ... I clean it all up and PRESTO ... there is more hiding in the grass, daring me, taunting me ... a magnet for my shoes.  I'm fighting the good fight though.  Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday scoop

Belle is pre-adopted.  We'll take her to her new home on Sunday.  It's a perfect match for her - really perfect.  I thought if there was even a hint of "not perfect" I would decline them (she's a special dog).  Nothing, nada, zero.  Perfect.  And so we'll say good-bye to our little love this Sunday.  ðŸ’”💔💔

Now for Gigi.  She looks exactly like a baby fox.  She's perked up a bit, but still sleeps most of the day.  This cough is knocking her for a loop.  She likes to be outside in the grass and I try to get her out to have some nature time.  We'll do more today.  She's precious, fragile, adorable ... all in a 5 lb package.
Siting in the shade chilling.
Baby FOX!!
Last night was the curse of the second night crating.  ALL fosters sleep well the first night (nerves probably) and go ape crazy the second.  Little Gigi ... who barely walks ... who sleeps all day ... who doesn't move without being roused ... she BARKED and BARKED and clawed at the crate as soon as we went to bed.  UGH.  Hubby slept in the other room and decided to take her with him.  She slept on the dog bed and was fine.  (He's a softy and a good man!)  We'll have to do some changes tonight.  We don't want any of us stepping on her.

Ran some quick errands yesterday too.  Sunglasses fixed for FREE.  Wow.  Thanks Lens Crafters.

New workout / walking shoes since I was just around the corner getting my glasses fixed.  ON Cloud.  Not good for running, but I like them for lifting.  No tie laces - bam - sold!  And a pair of my very expensive flip flops that are supportive to walk all day - keeps my back happy.  I found them in a bit more feminine version.  The ones I have are like Fred Flintstone shoes!  Good, supportive, comfortable shoes are always worth the money to me and worth coming at the expense of being FASHIONABLE.  I have wide feet and have never been able to wear pretty, girly shoes - oh well.  I'm happy to be comfortable.  Happy feet = happy ME.

Subtle difference but I like them.  They'll be my "dressy" flip flops lol!
Boring black.  I didn't love the color choices.

GNI was fun.  I stayed until almost 9 ... I tried to leave around 8:30, but it took me that long to say good-byes and out the door.  For all my bitching, the food was a good variety this time.  Someone made eggplant rolls - so delicious.  I need to scout out a recipe.

Porch roof today.

Continued landscaping project.

I'm home all day, so time to cook the chicken.  The soup and sliders are made and frozen.  I also Instant Pot cooked chicken breasts since I wanted stock for the dogs.  No seasoning, but sanitary this time LOL so I can eat the chicken.  I'll just season it when I use it - not ideal, but the dogs are worth it!  I have the tenders to grill today (with seasoning!!).

Lots of dog time happening, maybe some reading (I'm going slowly with the book, but it's good so far ... stay tuned!)

P.S.  My funk is SLOWLY lifting.  Moving forward, not hibernating, eating better ... it all adds up.

This was my view after my treadmill workout.  Cuteness overload.  

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dogs - Oh My Heart

Gigi has arrived in all her little glory.  And she feels puny.  I worry so much about littles and failing health.  Much like babies, they can go downhill quickly.

She has a laundry list of ailments.  Almost blind, healing skin infection (patchy, absent fur), rotted teeth pulled (she's toothless), unstable on her feet, stomach issues, SEVERE kennel cough.  Bless this little one.  Once she recovers, the only lasting issue SHOULD be her eye sight - cataracts.  We are going to love her and do everything we can to get her mending.

I felt like I was running a hospital, short-order cook establishment this morning.  Everyone to potty, 3 different breakfasts, meds given, supplements given now all the loves are sleeping ... happily digesting before poops and walks.

Big landscaping project started (I remembered "before" pictures so I'll post when it's all finished).  It already looks so different.  I like the open look but bye-bye privacy ... it'll take some getting used to.

Belle has a meet & greet today with prospective adopters.  Fingers crossed.  She's getting lots of interest, but all from people who are out of the house all day.  She's way more active now (feeling better finally) and SUPER jealous of Gigi.  It's actually kind of cute.  She's bonding with my dog since Gigi arrived ... the enemy of my enemy is my friend?!?!

I'm going to do a quick run this morning.  I have to cancel tomorrow's class.  Landscapers, porch roof replacement, 3 dogs ... it's not worth even trying to make that happen.  Given how early it all begins, I want to have tomorrow as a rest day.  So treadmill today wins.

I have GNI group tonight -- just up the street.  I'm going, but just for part of the evening.  I don't want to leave Gigi too long since she's so sick.  I took a short-cut and bought Costco marinated shrimp and a bottle of wine as a contribution.  It irks me that EVERYONE brings a dish.  10 ladies (1/2 on diets) and all the food goes to waste.  I don't mind cooking, I mind wasting.  We have 3 desserts coming tonight ... girls rarely eat more than a few bites after wine and munchies.  It's stupid, but my suggestions fall of deaf ears.  I belonged to a group in VA who had a GREAT system.  Oh well ... that's why the "cheat" tonight.  (And usually we get multiples of the SAME thing ... often shrimp actually.)

I dropped my prescription sunglasses yesterday and the lens popped out.  Hopefully, I can get it fixed today.  It doesn't look like a huge deal.  I couldn't get it back myself though and I didn't want to snap the frame.

Busy morning so time to get a move on.  But before I go ... PICTURES!!

Belly rub from the BEST.  She is so TINY!

She just arrived and was shaking and scared.

Finally relaxed and settled in on the blanket.

Goofy, silly girl.  Her personality is growing everyday! 
All this front stuff is being replaced with sod (except trees).
You can hardly see the house or the brick retaining walls.
All these hedges are going. (This is the walkway in front of the house.)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Post Eclipse Day

Wow Mother Nature!  Thank you.

Very last minute, I was able to buy 2 pair of eclipse glasses.  I rushed one pair to my eldest at work ('cause that's what mamas do) and invited a friend over for a viewing driveway extravaganza (since I was waiting on the repair man).

I was driving back from dropping the glasses during the very beginning ... thinking it's still bright and sunny ... you'd never know an eclipse has started. Then within minutes the brightness began to fade.

I loved the look of the dimmed sunlight (and the crickets chirping) and it was a fun hour hanging outside with neighbors and friends.  Everyone excited and happy.  No differing opinions, no us-vs-them, no hate, no worry.  I didn't realize how much I missed that feeling of unity and peace.

It didn't get as dark as I thought (given an hour away was totally dark) but it was still fantastic.  Thank you again Mother Nature.  An amazing show.

Ohio road trip anyone?
This is how my pup sat during the eclipse.  This is post eclipse.
P.S.  Today is the last day for those bushes.

That was exciting, but there's more to tell 😜

First - microwave repaired.  He arrived 4 minutes before maximum eclipse - oh the timing.  I offered him to join us for the viewing, but no-go.  The microwave was repaired quickly, but he said we should get looking for a new one.  Added to my project list. $$

Landscaping begins today.  I'm not looking forward to the process since I know there will be some sort of problem.  You'd think being ready for a bumpy ride would help me handle it, but it won't.  My prediction ... the sprinklers will need a major overhaul (even though he insists it won't).  It should be nice when it's done though.  I need to remember to take "before" pictures.

I'm picking up a new foster this week (maybe today).  Gigi (love her name) -- 5 lbs, 8 years old.  Lots of medical issues.  Skin infection from flea bites, kennel cough, 75% blind.  But HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY.  The vet said she was absolutely their favorite dog EVER.  She's at a temporary foster not far from me, but it's not working well for her.  She has to be penned all day because there are little kids and big active dogs ... and she's a slow-moving peanut.  Her foster says she needs a quiet home where she can be out-and-about.  No one could take her when her time at the vet was finished and she's not a candidate for doggie daycare.  The foster will take her during my trip to Canada if she's still with me.  (Lots of interest, but no adopters ... medical problems are hard ... especially the vision issues.)

Cute as a button!

Belle is feeling better and becoming more spunky.  Hubby STILL wants to keep her - I thought I squashed that dream lol.  She started playing with toys (a little) and she unrolled an entire roll of TP while I was gone (she didn't shred it, just unrolled).  It was really funny!

She gave me a stink-eye look when I took her picture!

They would be adorable together!

Family time.
I figured out my food.  Nothing but the basics, but that will do.  I'm making tomato soup this week (it's great cold) but I have no chicken stock ... seriously ... I didn't think that was possible!  I'm grilling chicken tenders (I love that Costco carries the organic tenders now) and making mini beef sliders.  All will be cooked and frozen.  Nothing fancy, but stuff I can use in different ways.

Funny story, I made shredded chicken for Belle (a huge pack) so I Food Saved some of it.  I labeled it DOG since it has no seasoning and I wasn't sanitary when I shredded it (i.e. I pet the dogs, gave them a taste, then fingers back in the mix -- we don't want to eat it!!).  Hubby had a pause when he saw it.  Okay - maybe you needed to be there, but it was funny at the time!

Split workout today.  My back is tender, but manageable.  Lots of errands, lots of cooking, lots of activity around the house.  And that will be a wrap.

Long post today - wow.  Later gators.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Meditation vs Prayer

A story on repeat.  I've been trying (not succeeding) to find a meditation that works for ME. Something that resonates and something that will become part of my healthy routine.

I like guided meditations, but I'm super picky.

I don't like meditations that have you sit without thought, or repeat a word, etc.  Those only work if I'm tired and zoned-out so I almost "sleep."

I like meditations where you think of three things and are grateful, for example.  The problem is it becomes "pressure" to come up with something everyday.  It feels forced.

What about prayer?

Religion is complicated for me.  I've tried to find an organized religion that fits ME and I come up disappointed every time.  I've been super, super involved with a church - didn't fly.  I've joined alternative churches (I left when the witches took over - that's a story for another day).  And tried lots in-between.  Nope.  Not ME.

Prayer for me is also complicated.  Is "thank you" really a prayer?  Is a thought really a prayer? Shouldn't I pray for everyone else, not me - that's selfish.  What if I only pray for some people - what about my best friend, what about my cousin?  Prayer GUILT.

Somewhere in-between meditation and prayer is where I think I'll find my balance.

Enter Jen Hatmaker.  She approaches religion in a way that resonates with me.  Not thought for thought, but something makes sense to me in her relationship with a high power (for her it's Jesus).  I'm drawn to it in a way I'm usually not.  I'm reading and listening to her and soaking it up like a sponge.  I like the way she prays.

Is this my ticket to figuring it out?

A sort of medi-prayer.  (Did I just make that up or is it a thing?)  A combination that lets me be a bit selfish (no guilt), no pressure to think of things, relaxing, comforting.  Prayer has a mixed-up connotation for me.  But this isn't THAT prayer.  Meditation is boring, pointless without some thoughts (for me anyway).  It's a hybrid in all the best ways.

I'm exploring still.  It seems like a VERY slow-roll down the right path.  Maybe.  Hopefully.  Stay tuned.

98.2% of a Total Eclipse

We're in a good eclipse zone.  Starts around 1pm ... maximum eclipse around 2:30 pm ... finished by 4 pm.  It's exciting.  I don't have the glasses.  I didn't make the box (no shocker there).  It will be me and the microwave repair man enjoying the fun.  Maybe he has a pair of glasses??

School is optional for students today.  Busses will run late after the eclipse is over.  It's the real deal folks.  Pretty darn cool if you ask me.

I pulled my back yesterday.  I lifted HEAVY - yea - good form, very careful.  My back was tired, but not injured.  Workout over.  Upstairs to take dogs out.  Bent over, twisted to the side with said tired back and grabbed the chihuahua to leash her up.  UGH.  So stupid.  Good-bye back.

I image no workout today.  It's scheduled to be a treadmill run, but I'm hurting.  I'll see if it loosens as the morning progresses.  Good news is it's not worse after overnight.  I'm at maximum suckage so it will improve from here if I treat it well.

I hit a bit of grocery store yesterday, but we ended up having a friend over to watch a preseason Steelers game.  I planned to shop during the game.  Preseason is not my cup of tea.  It was fun to catch up though and worth the missed shopping (the game -- boring as all get back).  And by that time my back was misery anyway.

We had a great time at the lake.  Dog JOY.  ME JOY.  My old man swam for an hour playing with a beautiful 5 year old lab.  We had fun chatting with her mama.  There was also a "doodle" club that came up from the city for a playdate - about 15 doodles running with my doodle.  (Side note - he was the ONLY one dripping wet and soaked to the bone lol - he doesn't shake anything but his head.)  All the dogs were in heaven and so well behaved.  I love seeing dogs off leash, enjoying life as they should.

Belle stayed on leash (of course) and we kept her from direct interaction from the other dogs (no more cough, but just as an extra precaution).  She didn't like going in the water on her own (lots of little rocks) but she loved swimming.  It was so adorable to watch.  Did I mention we are going to miss this little lady?!

No pictures as 2 dogs, a lake and a bad back made it difficult to have my phone "safely" on-the-ready.

Game of Thrones.  Just. Stop. It.  So good!!! Only one more episode left this short season.  Boo.

I'm officially addicted to matcha smoothie.  It's the whole package - flavor, texture, pretty bright green.

That's the scoop for today.  Cooking went by the wayside because of the game and my back.  It's up in the air until I start feeling better.

I'm probably going to be a news junkie today with all the eclipse fun (and stuck waiting for repair man and my back).

P.S.  I have a snoring chihuahua on my lap 💕

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Things

Today is a trip to the lake to let the dogs swim.  My pup LOVES it!  The little chihuahua will probably be too "princess-y" to go in the water - hah.  P.S. They did a great job at the Farmer's Market - little & big gets lots of attention - too cute!

Belle has a good application and a meet + greet set up for Wednesday.  I think this might be the ONE!  Retired couple with chihuahua experience, older little dog (their other 17 year old dog died).  Their dogs are their babies - that's what Belle needs.

Hitting the grocery stores hard today.  I'm not a fan of shopping on the weekend, but I'll be in contractor hell this week so I best get stocked up.  Our big landscaping project begins this week, microwave repair (fingers crossed) and new front porch roof ... all this week.  UGH.  But it will be good when it's done.  Carpets next.  I still don't know what food I want to make.  Nothing is inspiring me.  I need to decide super soon ... wandering the market never works for me.  List, list, list!

I got new eyeglass frames yesterday.  2 weeks to come back as the lenses are made in Texas.  Black with a modern shape.  Fashion savvy.  I'm excited!

Bummer news - Saturday circuit class is cancelled indefinitely.  I'm not surprised.  Every week it gets canceled last minute.  I rested yesterday, so I need to workout today.  Given the workout schedule this week, I need to stick with lifting today.  I think HEAVY suitcase dead lifts win -- and I get to use my new wrist hooks.

Matcha is quickly becoming my morning drink (despite the extra dishes).  I love the flavor and the mouth-feel.  Since I drink everything black, this is a welcomed change with a creamy feel.  Ritual drinking - it's my thing.  I still drink my cold brew too - it makes the best iced coffee.

Game of Thrones tonight (if I stay up).  Winter is HERE.  Oh so exciting!

My INTENTION today is a continuation ... KEEP MOVING.  Forward motion helps!  Later gators.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Matcha Smoothy

DoMatcha is DELICIOUS!
16 ounces boiling water, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 scoop collagen peptides, 1 tsp matcha.

Frothy, "creamy" and tastes like strong green tea with coconut.
It's probably not an everyday drink as it was more effort than a cup of tea (not by much, but I dislike extra dishes!!) and it's got fat + calories.  But I LOVE it.  Great pre-workout drink and will be a delicious winter feel-good, belly-warming drink - but winter is far, far away down here - if only.

Are you in the mood for CUTENESS OVERLOAD??  Here you go and you're welcome!

Little bed hog!

Awwww ... keep that belly rub going!

Today is a visit to the farmer's market.  Tomatoes!  Bringing both dogs - fun for everyone.

Belle pooped!  I also left her uncrated twice and she did marvelously.  What a trooper and a pooper (I just thought of that rhyme hah).  Still picky, picky eater though.

Okay, off to enjoy the day.  Wishing a HAPPY day all around.

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Weekend and Some Random Updates

Here's the scoop:

I finished Nod yesterday.  It sucked.  Don't even bother - it had such promise and went nowhere quickly and stayed in nowhere-land through the end.

I started another book and it has good promise.  The Woman in Cabin 10 -- Ruth Ware.  I read the sample and bought the book.  Suspense genre and it reads easily.  Stay tuned ...

I was able to lift yesterday without incident 😛  Butt and posterior chain.  My legs are solidly tired today.  It feels good.  I plan to do a quick interval treadmill run just to stretch things out today and have a good sweat.  I'll go as hard as my legs let me.  I'm bagging lift class today because my arm is sore.  It's bugged me before and it's an overuse-like problem.  I didn't want to push it and I want to go to circuit class tomorrow.

The weekend is here.  It should be a good one even with the HOT, HUMID yucky weather.  We plan to hit the farmer's market and take the dogs to the lake to swim.  Laid back, lazy kind of weekend.  I'm looking forward to some hubby one-on-one time.

Hubby wants to keep Belle.  She's a gem, but not ours.  Funny, he was worried I'd adopt every dog ... and he's the softy!!  She's such a flirt with him and he's just enamored.  Men!!

Belle was giving me grief about eating, so I made rice, lean beef and pumpkin mix.  She gobbles it up.  Little stinker!  Now, if she'll only do a "better" poo, I'd stop worrying about her.  Her energy and HAPPY level are back up.  She's feeling better.  I want to try to leave her uncrated soon.  She's so well mannered.  I worry about my big, goofy dog knocking her over or stepping on her though.

I need to figure out some stuff to batch cook.  Nothing is inspiring me.  Maybe I'll check out some Instant Pot recipes.  I've only done the basics so far and it works like a charm.  I'm tempted to try the matcha blender drink this morning too.  It would be a good drink before the treadmill.  I hope I like it - the matcha is expensive.

Today is my eye exam.  I need stronger progressives.  Thank you middle-age.  The fun part is I'll get new frames too (from another store).  I see a shopping day in my future next week!  I want a darker, chunky frame.

Nothing else on the agenda.  I'm in better spirits so far this morning (i.e. I can think about the microwave without going to pieces - good lord).

I'm progressing on the going-back-to-work front.  Slowly, but steadily.  More on that later.

My INTENTION today is to keep the GOOD FEELING going -- however that happens.  It feels nice to feel less funky this morning.  I hope this is the start of the climb.  Later gators.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Let's Talk TYPOS

I give a quick reread before I post - honest engines.  Catch a few typos here and there - looks good. POST away.  I usually revisit the day-before's post the next morning and CRAP ... typos EVERYWHERE!  Sometimes I get so crazed, I edit the post.

I guess my mind reads what I think I'm saying (and autocorrect loves to be sneaky).  I type as I think.  Fast, lots of -- and ... and run-on sentences and little phrases posing as sentences.  Someone once told me I write just like I speak.  Don't know if that was a compliment or not - hah!

Anyway, having read some typos this morning, I had to typo vent.  I try.  I really do. :-)

Yesterday was a better day.  I had a great time out-and-about with the girls for foot massages and lunch.  The massage studio redid their interior and protocol (what I found problematic last time) and it was much nicer (+$5 more -- but totally worth it).  Lots of fun, HAPPY conversation at lunch -- just what my funk-fighting effort needed.

Then the afternoon spent with the dogs while the house got cleaned -- no complaints there.

I'm flying through my freezer stash of healthy eats.  The Food Saver continues to impress as I'm eating all the frozen goodies.  I need to start replenishing soon.  It's been a nice break from kitchen duty though.  Next week I'll tackle some bulk cooking.

Strangest thing - our microwave turns on when you open it.  It's built-in and replacing will be a nightmare.  Hope it can be fixed.  I'll call today for repair appointment - ugh.  Is this the start of the dreaded THREE repairs jinx?

Belle started on her antibiotic so should be mending soon.  She's a love and it's a good thing since a sick dog stays with the foster.  We have her for at least 2 weeks.  Broken hearts when she leaves 💔

Today is lift legs day.  (BTW, the studio is called Lift Yoga Studio ... the class is a lift class ... confusing redundancy.)  Since I have to crate Belle, I'll do a quick run to Trader Joe's before I come home.  I'm running low on my usual goodies.

Not to harp on my funk AGAIN, but this morning feels blue.  I had a slice of pizza at lunch yesterday -- could gluten exasperate the situation for me??   My mind is harping on stupid stuff in a way that's ridiculous.  The microwave - I could almost cry.  OMG?  Seriously?   It's like a fog of really bad PMS that won't lift.  And my bloat is back this morning (gluten is that you too?).  It's so bad, I might need to cancel lift today if it doesn't resolve (which is adding to my blues).  *TMI ALERT* Can't squat "safely" with a belly full of gas if you get my drift. Can you even imagine?  That would be so uncool!! 😮 *TMI OVER*

I need a plan.  I'm writing a to-do list to give me some stuff to focus on today.  It sounds funny, but I have most of my regular chores finished (thanks to me and the cleaning crew) so my to-do list is practically empty.  Normally great news -- not so much today though.

My INTENTION today is SELF CARE - maybe a repaint on nails, eyebrows, meditation, a inspirational podcast.  Stuff that lifts my spirit and cleans me up lol.  And stay away from gluten :-)  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Forward Motion

I did well with BUSY yesterday.  No hibernation, stayed busy, put a smile on my face and forced myself to do things.

Lift was good.  I had a great partner, lots of fun, lots of laughs ... oh and a workout :-)

Poor little Belle broke with kennel cough.  I knew she was getting sick.  My concern fell on deaf ears though.  Everyone said it was nerves and some pain (including the vet).  I knew it wasn't.  Pause for the cause.  She's not a nervous dog.  She stopped being playful, had shaking episodes, less appetite, etc.  Mama and a nurse - I know how to assess.

So no Releash event tomorrow.  Can't say I'm disappointed.  I had decided to go after I messaged the event leader for more details (really!!!).  It was the rush hour drive that still had me bummed. But I got my NO by default.  I guess it kind of counts as a YES?!?!  Not happy it's at the expense of Belle.  She'll be on the mend soon though.

Even with motion forward and keeping busy, I still found myself feeling funking all evening.  I guess this one is going to take some work to get through.

Today is a full day and I'm upset about crating Belle for so long today (about 4 hours).  She's sick and wants to cuddle.  I'm extra sensitive right now and this is breaking my heart.  We'll both get through it (*dual drama queens*) hah!

UPDATE on pictures from yesterday.  The butter shaver got crappy reviews.  It's out as a gift idea.  I should've known if she didn't have one there was a reason!  Back to the drawing board.  I have until the end of September - plenty of time.

UPDATE on my book - Nod.  It's creepy, but I like creepy IF it has a good ending.  All about the ending - always for me.  Given my funk though, it's not the best book to be reading - kind of leaves you feeling yucky.  I'll finish it this week and move on to something lighter.  I have lots of kindle samples waiting in the wings.

UPDATE on matcha.  I haven't tried it yet - not exactly an exciting update.  It's extra steps in the morning (blender) and I'm being lazy.  Stay tuned ... probably this weekend ... I haven't forgotten about it.

Back to today - let's talk foot massage.  It's this little place that does an HOUR long "foot" massage (that includes arms, shoulders, head, legs).  You sit in a recliner, fully dressed in a room with everyone.  It's $30.  Can't beat the price.  No frills (and their phone rings constantly), but I LOVE my feet rubbed.  I'm treating my son's girlfriend for something fun today.  And it's always nice to see my aunt - she's good for lots of laughs and fun family gossip.

No workout today.  I feel pretty good though, but the rest of the week is hard workouts. Rest wins.

I feel focused on getting my pants to fit for my Canada trip.  I better be as I only have a couple of weeks.  I can't wait to be COLD!!  The weather report yesterday for ATL made me laugh.  Thursday's temp 91 with a COLD FRONT moving in.  Friday's temp 90.  No words. Only in the south!

My INTENTION today is to RELAX my mind.  Quit worrying about crap (i.e. crating dog, etc).  It's my funk talking and I need to ignore it.  HAPPY thoughts.  No mountains out of mole hills.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Random Stuff with Pictures :-)

These lifting hooks are the BOMB!
They support the bar and allow "heavy" lifting with less stress on hands and wrists.
You still use some of your own hand/wrist strength, but it helps tremendously. 

I told you how I'm crushing on Jen Hatmaker.  This is from her product line.
The t-shirt is soft and easy.  The necklace is perfect for my upcoming Garth Brooks concert.
It's handmade by woman transitioning from difficult situations.  The bar says MOXY. 
Saw this on the Today Show and took a picture to remember.  It's a  butter shaver.  I'm going to check it out for a gift for a friend who LOVES every kitchen gadget.  It's hard to scoop her on anything.  I haven't looked at actual reviews yet.
Belle loves to "nest."  We started calling her "Bell-arina" - get it?  So her full formal name is Tacobellarina.
LOVE saying it.  And I love that I can now spell chihuahua so I use it all the time!  No "w" - who knew?!

A second later I caught her bitchy resting face (or she was giving me the stink for taking her picture - lol).

Saying YES

I'm working hard on saying YES and sticking to my YES.  The funk is lingering and I'm fighting hard against it.  I don't know if I'm actually winning.  Hibernation mode is going strong - not good - and it's my biggest "tell" when I'm in a funk.

I know it's bad when I almost canceled my gyn appointment.  GPS took me to a location in the woods - ugh.  I called their office for 15 minutes straight with no option to speak to someone ... just voicemails.  My final voicemail said I'd try to find the place and if I didn't show up, they'd know why.  Shockingly - success (which is a small miracle given my lack of direction sense).  I got there with 5 minutes to spare (I'm an "early" person - thankfully - or I'd never would have made it).  Their response ... oh, we know - everyone has that problem.  UGH!  How about a heads up?!?!  During my search for the office, I gave hard thought to giving up, returning home, pjs and shut the shutters.  HIBERNATION.

I have plans to go out with my aunt and my son's girlfriend tomorrow.  Foot massages and lunch (after I pick up his girlfriend from the car repair shop - her day off and no car - that sucks).  There was a hiccup in those plans and I my knee jerk response was to cancel.  I fixed the hiccup and am continuing on (and will have a good time).  FIGHTING THE FUNK.

I had to move my eye appointment because of Wednesday's plans and I thought to cancel altogether.  I moved it to Friday.

I had the week of my GNI group wrong - it's not tomorrow, but next week.  I thought about canceling that too since I'd be gone all day and crating a little chihuahua feels wrong.  Now it's a mute point as it's not this week (an indirect win on this one!).

I saw a neighbor while walking the dogs yesterday and had an opportunity to turn the other way.  I almost did.  Instead, I waved and ended up having a nice conversation.

I had to "force" myself to return text messages and answer my phone - from friends and family.  Fun stuff and I wasn't "feeling" it.

Thursday is a Releash Atlanta event.  Pints and Pups.  A brewery is sponsoring Releash and it's a chance for the fosters to get some social time and exposure for adoption.  I didn't realize it was just a brewery (i.e. no food).  The YES responses are all going with friends, spouses, etc.  I'm going solo.  Rush hour into the city, no food, no friends, no drinking (as I'm driving).  A number of people are going late (it's from 6-10pm).  I planned to go early.  I picture having no one there and being all alone and feeling stupid for going. The urge to cancel is strong.  This one might win.

HIBERNATION sucks.  I'm always happy to be out-and-about.  So why the hibernation?!?  It's probably a degree of depression, but I'm hesitant to call it that because I've seen "big" depression.  Me saying I'm depressed feels like an insult to those actually battling depression.  I know it's a scale, a range - but funk fits better to me.

So my YES today is Lift at noon (hopefully arms as I'm running first).  YES to finishing my to-do list (I got tons done yesterday and what was left was planned for today).  I'm also going to push out of hibernation and reach out to a friend - just to say hello.

My INTENTION today is a repeat - STAY BUSY.  Movement, activity, forward progress always helps a funk.  Fake it till you make it.  I'm trying.

Monday, August 14, 2017

There's a Chihuahua in my bed

Hubby let Belle into our bed.  Guess where she's sleeping from now on?!?  Oh boy.  This little princess won us over.  We are going to miss her like crazy when she gets her forever home.  She seems to feel okay this morning - thank god.

I'm up super early today (and still with fog brain).  I have my gyn check-up this morning.  I had the wonderful idea to make the appointment first thing in the morning.  Nice job ME from weeks ago.  Note to self - don't.  I need to workout, tend to dogs, do the extra primping we all do before this fun event and head to a new office during morning bus rush ... and "please arrive 30 minutes before" appointment.  And then I get to spread eagle ...

Today is catch-up day.  I'm sorely behind in everything.  I have a long to-do list.  Fortunately, most are quick.

Hubby leaves for a business trip tonight.  Me, my pup and Belle all week long.  I have a lot of plans this week and she'll have to be crated a lot more than this weekend.  It's for her own safety - but I hate to do it.  She's so good and doesn't need to be crated.  I think just leaving her alone is what upsets her so I don't know if leaving her out of her crate would help with the crying.

My brain is still in bed this morning.  I was up late with hubby returning last night and the night before was broken sleep with a crying chihuahua wanting to come into bed.  I'm up and dreaming of going back to bed already.  The treadmill will cure me, but I look forward to sleep tonight.

Okay, I'm too tired to think of more to say and I need to get going.  Fun morning :-)

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday Morning at the Emergency Vet

Poor little Belle woke up shaking, refusing food, lethargic - long trip to the emergency vet.  With two big emergencies ahead of us, 6 hours later we are home.  The diagnosis - pain - from an unknown source.  Not infection, no obvious abnormalities.  I'm typing this on a pillow as she's on my lap sound asleep with a good dose of pain medication.  Be still my heart.  She was such a trouper at the vet too.

With all my morning and some of the afternoon gone (I'm just drinking my drinks now), no workout today.  Chilling and monitoring this baby girl.  Quick trip to the market for some necessities and that's about it.  Household chores - maybe.

I'm a bit jumbled right now.  She really wants to be on my lap and I want to give her a rest.  It reminds me of baby-days when my babies were sick.  Mommy lap and sleep helps lots of woes.  She won't rest unless I'm sitting with her ... so sit I will ... at least for a little while as those pain meds take better hold.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Dead Lifts

Dead lifts are the BOMB!  My entire body is sore - it worked on everything!  Arms, back, legs, core.  I'm hooked!  This was the first time we dead lifted "heavy."  Now I see what the fuss is about.  I'm hooked on heavy.

I canceled the early workout class today since I was up late last night with the youngest, foster pup was up twice during the night (little dog = little bladder) and my body is STILL toast.  I'll do a home workout that fits my sore body a little later this morning (let the kinks loosen a bit).

I have chores on the list today (hello bills - it's been too long) and some light cleaning (also been too long).  Funny how that happens!

My eldest might be making an appearance today too.  He's not a planner so who knows.  His girlfriend is out of town and he has no plans.  My guess is he'll show up looking for food - some things never change!

I started the book, Nod, yesterday.  So far, so good.  A world where people can't sleep - sci fi - something different.  As usual, the ending is where it's at for me.  Stay tuned.

I need to take off my blue nail polish this weekend.  The little bit of chipping hasn't gotten worse though, so it's not horrible.  Drying time is tough with a little lap dog wanting "lifts" to lap!

Youngest goes back to school this afternoon and with him, my pantry of junk.  That will make things easier on the healthy eating front.  Hubby is on Jenny Craig, no temptation from him ... good deal.  I have some jeans I need to fit into by September when I head to COLD Canada.  Spoiler alert - they don't fit at all right now- ugh.  The story of my life I'm trying to re-write.

On that note - time to think workout.  My INTENTION today is to keep busy.  I can get too idle when I'm home alone and when I'm working on fixing a funk.  Doesn't have to be "work" though - just active - "fun" active works just as well!  Later gators.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Is there a Chihuahua in the house?

Can you see her??  Above the picture ... OMG.  So little, so cute and the EASIEST foster yet!  She's basically housebroken, sleeps like a champ in her crate, loves laps, no interest in my pup's toys or bones (he's relieved), rarely barks, never chews, likes all people, can't reach any of the furniture (we have to lift her up) ... PERFECT!  Hubby wants to keep her.  Oh Lordy!!  But she's not ours.  Her forever family is waiting and boy are they lucky and they don't even know it yet!  

No one knows her story but she was obviously a pet -- seems well cared for (she has a little pot belly and was already neutered -- very unusual).  Her name fits her like a glove!  We have her tags dangling so we can hear her (like a "belle") - she's quick and underfoot and dark.  We are paranoid of stepping on her little dainty self.  She's so dainty I have to go get a thinner collar.  A regular one is too heavy.

Here's some cuteness overload: (you're welcome!!)

In other news - like there can be anything else - no workout today.  Yesterday was deadlifts 11x10 and 80 lbs (heavy for me).  My legs are toast (in a good way).  Rest wins.

Some errands, some house chores, a new book and dog overload.  Sounds like a good day to me.

P.S.  We had a really nice family dinner yesterday.  Back to the Vietnamese restaurant (because of a traffic situation) but they changed their menu overnight - no more coconut bowl! Can you believe it?? My salmon dish was delicious but that coconut rice was amazing - now left only in my dreams!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday Update :-)

Here we go:

Taco-Belle won the name game.  It's just too cute.  Clever sister!  We'll call her Belle for short ... Belle of the ball.  I will get her today, maybe.  She's being moved from south of the city to the city sometime, hopefully, today.  I'll pick her up from the doggie daycare Releash uses.  If she arrives too late today (i.e. around rush-hour), I'll pick her up in the morning.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!

Youngest is now staying home until Saturday before going back to school.  Don't get me wrong - love the boy - love having him home .... BUT, I planned ME time and will probably have a nervous, barking dog in the house (he hates barking).  Oh well.  Rolling with the punches.  At least, trying to and he can always go back to his apartment if the dog drives him nuts.

Dunkirk was a good movie.  Well done.  Not too long.  Interesting story about a war moment in the moment - no background, often no names, little dialogue, yet you feel every moment with them.  Worth seeing.  Heartbreaking as a mother of young men to "see" war up close and raw.  Scary as there is so much turmoil in our world right now (with a President who is ... well, you know how I feel ... let's leave it at that.)

Ate dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant.  So delicious.  I didn't even know it was tucked into a back corner of a building.  I had rice cooked in spinach and celery juice with seafood and some veggies.  Served in a fresh coconut with coconut water mixed in ... you could taste just a hint of coconut - best rice I've ever had - a little sweet, tons of flavor.  It looks small, but it was packed with food.

My nail polish promised to be a 7 day formula.  I woke up today and it's chipping at the cuticles.  It delivered it's promise and not a moment more lol!  I'll take it off today or tomorrow.

I finished the book (All is Not Forgotten).  It got GOOD, then less good.  It was a fun read though.  The twist seems a little forced.  It read a lot like Defending Jacob - the BEST suspense (not scary) book EVER.  I think all books in this genre will pale in comparison.  Defending Jacob will leave you speechless (I promise) and surprise you at how different people interrupt the ending.  If you like to read - read this book!  I might have just talked myself into rereading it!

I opened Nod by Adrian Barnes for the next read.  It was recommended so I sent a sample to my Kindle.  Then noticed it was "specially" priced at $1.99.  Sold.  Less then a cup of coffee.  I have a long list of samples to weed through.  One about gluten - recommended from a friend with Celiacs (Wheat Belly).

I made sweet potatoes in the Instant Pot yesterday.  I might need to cook them a bit longer next time, but lord was it easy and fast.  I haven't tried them yet, but they seems al dente.  I like my sweet potatoes al mushe.  Chill, mash with a fork, then sprinkle some cinnamon and kosher salt and it's like eating pie.

Today's workout is at Lift and it's butt and hamstrings.  I almost canceled it last night. Why?  It's not perfectly convenient today.  I MIGHT be picking up Belle.  I MIGHT have trouble timing my shower today (going out later tonight - don't want 2 showers).  Seriously?!? Yep, my default NO is STRONG.  But I'm saying YES, not hibernating, not worrying about "perfect" planning.  One shower, one wash in the sink (just the nibbly bits), Belle can wait an extra hour if need be.  It's not hard.  UGH.  I'm a piece of work sometimes (most of the time).

Tonight is the "good luck" dinner for my youngest's send off to school. (Except now he's not leaving until the weekend.)  BBQ place.  Not my favorite, but it was his choice.  And I'm happy to not be cooking a big meal tonight.

That's my update cyber friends and future ME reading this post.  My INTENTION today is YES.  Later gators.