Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Shopping! (The fun kind)

The LIST is made.  Breathe.  I can remember everything now!

Half the returns are done. What a relief!  And how ridiculous that was a stressor for me?!?  I'm going to another location today to do the rest (one dress still hasn't arrived - bummer).  I'm heading in that direction today, but I'm really just chicken to go back to that same store!!

The best news from yesterday???  A friend asked me to ride along to the outlets to check out a kitchen table with her.  We stopped into Ann Taylor and I found 2 dresses that fit the bill PERFECTLY.  They are simple, not overly girly, comfortable, pass the sweat-mark test and inexpensive.  What luck!!  And I can wear them all summer.  Joy of joys.  All the online dresses are going back.  Time wasted, but money saved.  I count that as a win.  I won't do that mega online ordering again - I think I went a bit crazy in the head!

On my errands today, I'm going to stop into the party store.  We have 4 young kids coming and I thought I'd get a couple of party favors for them.  I haven't been to a party store in years!

Then I need to finish out my to-dos from yesterday.  Bill paying got bumped in lieu of outlet shopping -- well worth it though.

Today is a rest day for working out.  I'd love to workout because the day is completely schedule free (no specific time to do anything).  I like that relaxed feeling for a workout.  But, alas, my muscles are tired.  Listening to my body.  Tomorrow morning is time crunched, but I'll do another split workout and get it all to fit in.

Other than that pesky bill paying, today is all about fun.  Shoe shopping (with coupon - yea me), pedicure, finish returns (with confidence!), party store and maybe even lunch on the run.  Tomorrow begins the rapid fire party prep staring with grocery stores galore!

Shoe shopping is interesting for me.  I have one main criteria and everything else is a distant second - COMFORT!  Let's just say I'm not known for cute shoes - oh well.  But my feet thank me.  My usual comfortable summer shoes are pretty worn and haggard -- I can do better.  Cute, maybe not.  Clean, probably appropriate. DSW here I come.  (My friends call my black flip-flops Fred Flintstone shoes.  I have two pair.  They are a dream to wear.  Their feet are probably jealous!)  Maybe my good shopping karma will continue today.

My INTENTION today is to stay calm and enjoy the process.  Not exactly a higher calling, but that's all I've got - later gators.

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