Saturday, May 20, 2017


I'm up early for my Saturday circuit class.  I was in the middle of a good dream when the alarm went off - and it was a good dream - I was laughing, happy.  Now I'm a zombie trying to wake up.  Getting up early is usually easy for me since I naturally wake up early.  Today I'm grateful for the caffeine (as soon as it cools enough to drink it!).

Speaking of caffeine, I wonder if having a caffeinated cup-of-joe in the morning is helping me sleep.  My sleep has been off the charts good.  Of course, I have the time zone going for me and hubby has taken a break from snoring (thank God - that was a long run this time).  Yet, it still seems better than normal.  I think I remember reading that early caffeine can actually help sleep if it's timed well and just one cup.  I'll have to experiment with it.

Anyway ...

FoodSaver success.  I also learned it's one word lol.  My meatballs have been "saved."  Now I look at food through the eyes of "can it be saved?"  I have some hard cheese that's next in line.  It was way simpler than I expected and way more fun.  There is something satisfying watching it vacuum!

My eating was as expected yesterday.  Compliant, but not enough vegetables and too many nuts.  Those are going away today.  The nut and apple combination left my stomach not-so-happy.  Still dealing with those issues this morning.

Okay - autocorrect needs to do better today.  One letter off and it doesn't help a gal out??

I have the song "I Think I Love You" stuck in my brain.  Why??  Apparently, my second sentence is strangely similar to the lyrics ..."I was right in the the middle of a good dream when all at once ..."  You get the idea.  Sorry for the steal, but karma will have me singing this song all day.

My post title is CHEERFUL in part because I couldn't think of a title and in part because I heard this word yesterday and I LOVED it.  I haven't heard or used this word in forever.  Be warned, it's my new word.  I use HAPPY, JOYFUL, BLESSED, GRATEFUL ... but never CHEERFUL.

Consider it added (and probably promptly overused).  I like repeats.  If I use "..." you'll see it over and over.  Capitol letters - yep.  Dashes - also yep - as evidenced by this sentence.  I write like I think.  But I actually speak well (I get told this a lot - it's an odd compliment but I hear it often) -- not a humble brag, just a regular brag lol!

I don't have much of my day planned out.  My to-do list went until Friday (and is nicely finished thank you very much).  The next list starts for Monday (party stuff galore).  I know I have to cook something -- I froze all my meatballs.  I couldn't stop myself - it was that fun!  It seems like a waste to open it up the very next day.  I need to watch the snacking on a day like today - red zone for sure.

Speaking of lists, I might work on a post with a list of my healthy routines.  I've stepped away from a lot of the daily stuff and stepped out of my routine for too long, too many times (hello vacations).  Time to remember and "see" what I know works.

So CHEERFUL is harder than it looks to fit into my conversation, but I'm determined.  Can you guess my INTENTION today?  Yep ... to be more CHEERFUL (and no snacking!!).  Okay, that works.

Cheers!  (Does that count?)

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