Friday, May 26, 2017

Chicken or the Egg

I had a coming-to-God talk with myself yesterday.  Enough of this already.  It made me wonder ... which came first ... eating crappy so mood ... or mood so eating crappy.  Chicken or the egg.

The Whole30 program talks a lot about how certain foods (particularly grains) can play a big role in mood.  My trip to Italy was one big grain fest which is unusual for me.  I haven't eaten a lot of grain products for 2 years (relatively speaking), but since Italy I've been eating them regularly.  Maybe this is the cause of my very PMS like mood every day.

So grains are gone.  Let's see if that helps.  Of course the party is in a week and that will include alcohol and CAKE!!  But my normal days, meals, etc need to be cleaned back up.  I pulled grains because I don't miss them and they make me feel sluggish.  I get plenty of carbs from potatoes, squash, vegetables, fruit, etc.  For me, grains push vegetables off my plate.  Not good.

BTW - I'm not a grain hater.  We are all individuals and food choices are individual too.  No to low grains works for me.  Most of my grains come in the form of dessert - I love me those sweets.

I listened to Jim Rohn videos yesterday.  Powerful stuff - always.  The first time I listened to him, I thought he sounded boring.  After years of listening to Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn's mellow, quiet ways seemed lack-luster.  But as he is TR's mentor, I kept listening and was hooked.  I LOVE his message (and I love his voice!). Just what my crappy mood needed - a good dose of Jim Rohn.

"The same wall you put up to keep out disappointment, also keeps out happiness."  -- Jim Rohn

See??  Good stuff.  Simple.  Powerful.  Mood altering!!

I listened to my mediation too.  Yea ME.

I hope that yesterday morning was my low point ... my rock bottom (it felt that way).  Time to climb up, out and back to ME.  I get so bummed I take the fall and the climb over and over.  Is that what everyone does??  The fall happens too easily and the climb is tough.  Wouldn't it be easier, smarter, logical to just stay up??  That folks is the mystery to life ... at least to my life.

Effort and work yields results.  Always.

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