Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A Sundress Motivation

I ordered a few (4 actually) dresses online yesterday.  Two styles, two sizes each.  All can be returned to the actual store without a problem.  I thought I'd like something new to wear for the party and maybe help me find some motivation.  I'm not sure any of them will fit.  I have 10 days.  Let's see what can be done.  If not, I'll head to the stores next week to look for something.  I'm not a fan of shopping at a store (usually).

The new cleaning crew starts today.  Yippee!!  My back already says "thanks."  They come around 3:30 p.  I can go run errands, etc and all the stores are open (when we had the 8am clean it was a challenge).  But I don't want to leave the dog for the first clean since he loves to steal (and eat) cleaning rags.  Given his health issues ... well, I'm concerned.  But it's too hot to leave him in the car, or go hiking, or do anything.  I'll see what the afternoon brings.  Maybe we'll stay home and sit outside.  Or even better, maybe I'll let him stay with my son.  After his room is cleaned he can study and babysit the dog.  Yes!!!  Good idea!

I made chia seed pudding last night with light coconut milk and cinnamon -- no sweetener.  It's good-ish.  I'm not sure it's good enough to justify those calories and fat grams.  I guess when a dessert is needed, it's a healthy option.  But at that point, just eat dessert.  It satisfies the "creamy" craving though.

Our spare room mattress is being delivered today too.  I have the undergarments (pad, sheets) but I need the fun stuff.  I'll pick up a cheap headboard (maybe and put a skirt on the bed.  Simple and perfect for a spare room.  I bought new bedding just before my son moved out thinking he and his girlfriend would choose something for themselves.  They both liked the bedding, so now I get to shop again.  I might get the same one if I can find it - Target :)

Meditation update.  Well, I like much more than anything else I've found.  I'm doing the 10 day free stuff.  I realized yesterday part of my problem with meditating is I'm often paranoid about being interrupted (I could barely focus).  I don't know why is feels so personal and private to me.  Like I'm being caught - it's embarrassing.  I need to get over it and/or find a solution.

Foster mama update.  A plea was sent yesterday begging for fosters. A group finished training (all abused and very fearful) and need foster homes.  I said YES but haven't heard anything.  They are difficult fosters and this being my first time, it might not be a match.  I'm trusting and exercising patience, but I'm so darn excited to get going!!

These 2 weeks are a challenge on the "space" front.  Lots of early days home for the family both weeks and a long weekend in between.  I'm trying to deal well with it - trying - not necessarily succeeding.  The week following the party, hubby travels.  I'm hanging onto that thought for dear life. It's NOTHING about him.  It's all me.  The house has been a revolving door of people always home.  My cup is very low and I don't have the reserves I need going into these two weeks.  Breathe ...

My INTENTION today is to be GRATEFUL.  Lots of good stuff happening and I need to focus on the GOOD.  Later gators.

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