Sunday, May 28, 2017

Grilling Queen

Another delicious bbq last night.  Full house and a rather intense game of UNO to end the night (I lost by triple to the #4 loser - not my night).  Fun time though.  I did a trial cook of crostini with steak and horseradish cream.  It worked well.  Added to the cocktail hour for the big night.

I took the crab cakes out of the freezer this morning.  The recipe is good, now to see if they hold up for freezing (I'm testing thaw time and hold-the-crunch factor).  If it works well, I can make these early in the week and it's off my plate.  I'm an okay cook, but it doesn't come naturally.  I have to practice and test everything.  (I am a good baker though!)

We're also doing a flank steak recipe (W30) tonight.  Something different.  It had to marinate overnight and it smells great.

The older kids are coming over this afternoon to finalize the pina colada recipe.  I'm doing it from scratch and it's almost where we want it.  Final touches today.  I'll make the "lava flow" just for the party.  A trial run on everything makes it feel like I'm hosting this party for weeks!!  The strawberry "flow" looks simple and isn't critical (it's hubby's favorite so it gets added).  I'm living on the edge and taking the risk lol.

I'm back on caffeine again.  Why?  A girlfriend brought me back kona coffee from Hawaii.  The real deal and it's delicious.  I can't pass on it!  I made cold brew and it's so smooth.  Heaven help me - good stuff.

Golf was good yesterday (even after my crazy intense bitching about it).  Hot, but not horrible.  I played well (for me).  Credit is going to lifting.  I don't get swing fatigue as I play and it's a huge help. Makes golf a lot more fun when you can hit the ball with (some - lol) success.

Total body lift workout at home today.  Lots of kitchen time and a few errands.  This party is a lot of work!!!  Kids are very excited and so am I -- we want the old man to feel special.

My head seems to be on better these last 2 days.  Hope to keep it going.  I hate feeling angry all the time.  Sticking with the INTENTION that's working for me.  WORK HARD.  Okay, peeps are getting up - got to run.  Later gators.

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