Monday, May 1, 2017

Chores Today -- Italy Tomorrow

Not a bad situation!

I have some remnants of packing to finish - nothing major.  Bill paying, quick clean-up of the dust bunnies around the house, a few errands and that's all.

The good news is today is busier than yesterday.  That was a rough, LONG witching hour.  I made it through with healthy choices, but too much food.  Today's meals are the must-goes from the refrigerator.  A hodgepodge of veggies and some leftover meat.  I think a veggie omelet is on the horizon.

I'm doing an interval run this morning.  Lifting tomorrow so I can let my running shoes dry out tonight.  My back is still tight.  It's going to be a tough flight tomorrow.  I started using my foam roller (finally) and it feels good (after it feels bad lol).  I'll use it today and tomorrow.  I tried to get in for a massage, but my usual suspects were booked.  I didn't want to use someone new before the flight.  I've had some yucky experiences with over-zealous therapists.  I would have called earlier, but I didn't know when my back would feel well enough.  Oh well.  I should book it for when I get back -- now there's an idea!

I used to fall asleep as soon as the plane engines started.  White noise and I'm out.  The last couple of years, I don't.  I'm hesitant to take anything (Benadryl) and I don't drink alcohol before a flight either. Red-eye flights mean I lose a night's sleep.  Although flying in this direction is loads better for me.  The vacation forces me awake in the morning and coming home it's all about waking up early.  I adjust so much better.

As usual before a big flight, I have a mixture of excitement and nerves.  This time is no different.  I was nervous for Hawaii and then nervous flutters the entire trip since we were doing so many water sports (the last day was SCUBA).  At least my nerves will be fine once we land in Italy.  I get less nervous for the flight home.  Weird, strange -- I know it.

*TMI Alert*
I'm bummed to have my period AGAIN this trip.  For Hawaii, I had it for the flight out (what a joy) but it tapered enough that I could do all the water adventures.  This time it will hit mid-trip (unless the travel messes it up).  I'll get a few days in and, hopefully, not have it strong for the flight home.  What a pain.  These are the moments I hate being a girl lol!
*TMI Alert Over*

Okay, time to get moving.  I might check-in later today, but probably not tomorrow.  I'm going to let myself sleep in since I'll be losing sleep and then hubby is working the morning from home.  Airport in the early afternoon and ITALY BOUND!!!

My INTENTION for today is ZEN.  I need to be chill and not let my nerves get the best of me.  Maybe I'll meditate.  Wow - 2 ideas in one post - I'm on a roll.  Later gators.

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